The news from our lodge…
![]() St. Alban's No. 38 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers I hope all had a wonderful summer. We are going to be starting back up after going dark this Tuesday. September 3. We have a lot business to do Tuesday. There is the Lady's at the table we need to plan for on September 17. We also have inspection on October 1. There will be hotdogs and Hamburgers served before the meeting. There is no cost for Dinner. Brother treasurer don't worry the food is left overs put in the freezer after the picnic. ๐ Door will open at 6:45. WM Bill Wieler |
St Albans 38. Monday 3/18 our new petitioner Steven Yurt will receive his EA degree at St John's #2 33 Pleasant street Middletown. Dinner at 6:30 degree at 7:30. This will likely be the last degree held in this beautiful lodge and the dinner is always delicious. I am out of town this week and willl not be attending. Com out and support our new candidate. RSVP to WB John Garcia liked below.
Annual GTA meeting at the Guilford police station at today 3:30. Please make anyone I may have forgotten aware of these events. Happy St Patrick's day Brothers!!
Ginny Boden celebration of life today 11:30 Masonic care Wallingford
WM Bill
Tomorrow night meeting I would like to have a Saint Paddy's day theme. Bother's are encouraged to wear their best St Patty's outfit. It would be nice to see some green. My hopes is most masonic man in the world will be in full kilt. The junior warden will have soft pretzels for snacks. I'm sure some Guinness will show up. I hope to see you all tomorrow.
Fraternally yours,
WM Bill
Dear Brothers,
Since No one reached out and ask not to make our Annual Meeting tomorrow, on December 20th, 2022, at 7:30 pm. We will have our Annual Communication and Election night to be held at the Masonic Temple Hall at 8 Eades St, Branford, Ct
Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm no charge of course for brothers of Saint Alban’s #38.
I look forward to seeing you all.
For the good of the Lodge, your presence is needed to elect this coming years officers for our Lodge as stated in our bylaws.
Officers and Elections
Section 2. The Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer and Secretary, shall be elected by ballot at the Annual Communication held on the third Tuesday in December.
I want to thank all of the brothers which have performed so well in their responsibilities:
OFFICERS OF 2022 Thank you for doing such an outstanding job for our Lodge.
S.W. Colin Souney
J.W. Ronald W. Ferris
S.D. Bill Wieler
Treas. Jonathan A. Trotta, PM
Sec. Richard DiNardo, PM
Brothers I look forward to seeing each of you in lodge.
By order of the Soon to be Past Master again,
Worshipful Master John H. Kelley Date December 19th, 2022
WB John Hardie Kelley
Summons to Appear and Vote in the Election of Officers for the 252nd year of Saint Alban’s Lodge #38
With allowed exceptions to all whom are out of State or are not physically capable of making the trip to the lodge,
Please call WM John Kelley (203) 606-9428 letting me know and you will excused from attending
Dear Brothers,
For the good of the Lodge,You are hereby summoned and required to appear at Saint Alban’s Lodge #38
Annual Communication and Election night held on the third Tuesday of December 2022,
Saint Alban’s Lodge No. 38 Ancient Free & Accepted Masons in the State of Connecticut.
Annual Communication and Election night to be held at the Masonic Temple Hall at 8 Eades St, Branford, Ct
on December 20th, 2022, at 7:30 pm.
Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm no charge of course for brothers of Saint Alban’s #38.
Your presence is needed to elect this coming years officers for our Lodge as stated in our bylaws.
Officers and Elections
Section 2. The Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer and Secretary, shall be elected by ballot at the Annual Communication held on the third Tuesday in December.
I want to thank all of the brothers which have performed so well in their responsibilities:
S.W. Colin Souney
J.W. Ronald W. Ferris
Treas. Jonathan A. Trotta, PM
Sec. Richard DiNardo, PM
J.D. John Smith
Mar. Bill Wieler
Chap. Michael Ganci, PM
Hist. Christopher Redman
Tiler Louis G. Fappiano, PM
Brothers I look forward to see each of you in lodge.
By order of the Worshipful Master John H. Kelley Date: November 18th, 2022
WB John Hardie Kelley
Good evening Brothers of Saint Alban’s Lodge #38, Stated Communications on Tuesday 10/18/2022 Dinner at 6:30 pm
Entered Apprentice Degree 7:30 PM sharp.
I am looking for volunteers from you all and presence in the lodge. We could use you support,
A few brothers announced that they cannot make the meeting due to previous obligations and family commitments.
The following chairs are needed to be filled due to missing brothers. Tyler, Chaplain, Steward, Treasure, if you can take over these set for the EA opening and close.
They are small parts of speech can be read aloud.
The following parts are needed to be filled due to missing brothers. Apron Presentation, EA Lecture questions, Worshipful Brothers if you can be here to help out.
Call me if there is any questions, thank you
And please remember, All should be here to support our new Brother, Please be present.
I will be in lodge on Tuesday night October 11th at 7pm hold a Lodge of instruction on EA degree practice.
John H. Kelley Worshipful Master Saint Alban's Lodge #38
Masonic Temple 8 Eades St. Branford, CT
Meetings: 1st Tues. 7:30p, 3rd Tues. 7:30p
Cell: (203)-606-9428
Semper Fidelis,
First Annual Shore Line East Lodge of Instruction Wednesday June 15th,2022
All aboard! We’re Traveling East!
Destination, Old Saybrook Estuary Masonic Lodge #43 Pizza Party
52 Old Boston Post Rd, Old Saybrook, CT 06475
Leave Stratford Train Station East Bound Train MNR 1538 4:43 pm
Meet up at the New Haven Train Station 5:09 pm
Leave New Haven Train Station East Bound Train SLE 1638 at 5:25 pm
Travel to Lodge meeting. Pizza party and fellowship
West Bound Train home at 8:50 pm New Haven 9:35 pm
If you have any questions Contact WB John Kelley Saint Alban’s Lodge #38
Need a head count for PIZZA Party.
Brothers please attend this meeting so we can have a voice in the GTA.
Guilford Temple Association, Inc.
Founded 1958
Notice is Hereby Given that the 2022 Annual Meeting of Guilford Temple Association, Inc.
will be held Sunday, March 6th, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. at Branford Masonic Temple 8 Eades Street, Branford, Connecticut
All members of St. Alban’s Lodge No. 38 A.F. & A.M.,
Halleck Chapter No. 44 R.A.M.,
Menunketuck Council No. 36 R. & S.M.,
and former members of Guilford Star Association
are GTA voting members and welcome to attend Board of Directors Meeting to Follow
Worshipful Master
John Kelley
Brothers please attend this meeting so we can have a voice in the GTA.
Guilford Temple Association, Inc.
Founded 1958
Notice is Hereby Given that the 2022 Annual Meeting of Guilford Temple Association, Inc.
will be held Sunday, March 6th, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. at Branford Masonic Temple 8 Eades Street, Branford, Connecticut
All members of St. Alban’s Lodge No. 38 A.F. & A.M.,
Halleck Chapter No. 44 R.A.M.,
Menunketuck Council No. 36 R. & S.M.,
and former members of Guilford Star Association
are GTA voting members and welcome to attend Board of Directors Meeting to Follow
Worshipful Master
John Kelley
Brothers please attend this meeting so we can have a voice in the GTA.
Guilford Temple Association, Inc.
Founded 1958
Notice is Hereby Given that the 2022 Annual Meeting of Guilford Temple Association, Inc.
will be held Sunday, March 6th, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. at Branford Masonic Temple 8 Eades Street, Branford, Connecticut
All members of St. Alban’s Lodge No. 38 A.F. & A.M.,
Halleck Chapter No. 44 R.A.M.,
Menunketuck Council No. 36 R. & S.M.,
and former members of Guilford Star Association
are GTA voting members and welcome to attend Board of Directors Meeting to Follow
Worshipful Master
John Kelley
Stated Communications
R.S.V.P. for dinner starts at 6:30 donation $5.00
SW Close EA, Masonic Ed. by SW, Remember a dinner too! Thanks to our JW brother Ron.
Our meeting on Tuesday night, R.S.V.P. for dinner starts at 6:30 donation $5.00
Refreshments after the meeting, pool table and cards
Well, that's enough for me let me know your thoughts.
W Brother Kelley /G\
Stated Communications
Tuesday 2/1/2022 Stated Communications, R.S.V.P. for dinner starts at 6:30 donation $5.00
SW Close EA, Masonic Ed. by SW, Remember a dinner too! Thanks to our JW brother Ron.
Our meeting on Tuesday night,
The agenda is planned as followed
1. Installation of Senior Deacon Brother Jim Fennell and the Mashal Brother Bill Wieler (the two officers that were away on Saturday). By RWB Paul and Jim.
2. Clearing up the last of our problems with Grand Lodge,
3. Starting the Tyler test to enter the lodge grips and words.
4. Start to firm up on our in-Lodge ritual (sq your actions) ( stand and salute when necessary)
5. Assign FC parts and starting rehearsals with firm dates,
6. Planning on a GTA meeting date TBA
7. A vote on going to the Elks Club.
8. Finally, dues, fund raising, E.I.N. number and a change in the stock portfolio.
Refreshments after the meeting, pool table and cards
Well, that's enough for me let me know your thoughts.
W Brother Kelley /G\
Our hearts and prayers go out to our Past Master Richard DiNardo in his time of loss.
It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I report that Worshipful Brother Frank DiNardo peacefully laid down his working tools for the last time yesterday in New Milford, CT.
Worshipful Brother Frank DiNardo was a 50-year Mason, he was raised in 1964 in Pelham Lodge no. 712 in City Island, NY, serving as its Master for 1973, and a loved brother of Saint Alban’s #38
A memorial service is planned for the Spring. Worshipful Brother Richard DiNardo expresses thank you all for the warm welcome & fellowship extended to his Dad by St. Alban’s over the years.
Fraternally yours,
WM John Kelley