SP484 PM and Ladies Night 2024 Invitation  on 10/06/2024

PM Ladies Night 2024 Invitation.pdf

Western NC Assistance  on 09/30/2024
District 21 Colonial Degree Team Meeting  on 08/21/2024
SP484 Golf Classic Request  on 07/24/2024
Classic Golf Tounament  on 07/11/2024
xxcx  on 07/11/2024
Golf Classic  on 06/26/2024

2024 Masonic Scholarship Golf Classic Registration (1).pdf

SP484 Emergent Communication 01 May 24  on 04/29/2024



Southern Pines Lodge No 484 will call to order an Emergent Communication this Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 for the purpose of raising five worthy brothers to the sublime degree of Master Mason.  The degree will begin at 6pm with refreshments to follow.  Attire for the event is suit and tie for the officers and red lodge shirts for those members that have them.


We hope to see you there if your cable tow and health permit.  Thank you and God bless. 


Guy Woodard, PM


Blackmer Lodge No. 127 Annual Fun Shoot Info  on 03/05/2024

Hello Brothers!

Here's an opportunity for some good fellowship and fun in May. It's the Blackmer Lodge No. 127 Annual Charity Fun shoot on Saturday, May 11th, 2024.  See attached flyer for details and see you there.

R&R,  Guy

EC Minutes and lodge Coin Information  on 03/04/2024


SP484 recently held an Emergent Commincation at the George Washington National Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, VA.  The Minutes of the EC are posted in Grandview for you to check out.

On another note, SP484 Lodge Coins are in and ready to sell! A very nicely designed challenge coin that will allow for great fellowship on most any occassion.  All net proceeds in sales will directly support all of our charities. Cost is $20 per coin.  BTW - these make great gift ideas.

Thank you.

R&F,  Guy

New Master Elect Message to SP484 Membership  on 12/23/2023


A message from our new Master Elect. See below.

R&F, Guy


My Brothers,

I hope this finds you and your families healthy and happy.  My name is Tony Myers and I am your newly elected Master of the Lodge for the ensuing year – 2024. 

First, I would like to say thank you for entrusting me to lead our Lodge this coming year.  I will do my utmost to fulfill the obligations of this important office.  I would like to invite you to our Officer Installation to be held on the evening of Monday, January 8th, 2024.  We’ll have a meal with this event so be sure to bring your family or significant others.

We have started planning some activities for 2024.  We intend to do Lion and Pillar this year.  We plan to visit the Masonic Home for Children, Whitestone, and Alexandria, VA where we will visit several national sites, monuments, and potentially a tour of the White House.  Additionally, we’ll have a number of visiting brethren from the Grand Lodge Speakers Bureau providing excellent Masonic Education on various topics at a number of our Stated Communications.  Be sure to mark your calendars for the following: 

o  January 8th, 2024 – Officer Installation for 2024

o  February 5th, 2024 – Brother Chris Richardson of the Masonic Foundation will speak

o  February 21-24th, 2024 – Alexandria trip

o  April 27th, 2024 – Springfest 2024 – fundraiser with proceeds going to MHCO

Brothers, we currently have ten (10) candidates in the pipeline that are working towards being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason.  This group of young men bring some new energy and perspectives to the lodge and we are appreciative of their motivation.  If all are successful, that will bring our membership to 102 members. 

As a further attempt to help the officers of the Lodge, I've prepared a survey. To help Southern Pines #484 grow, retain members' interest, spark an interest in getting involved, and help set the stage for our many newly petitioned candidates, I would greatly appreciate you taking the time to fill it out, please feel free to add comments/notes as needed. I'm always here if you would like to discuss any concerns or have an idea of how to help the Lodge in any way! A successful 2024 starts and ends with our members and their participation. 
Brothers, we hope to see you in Lodge when your cable tow and health permit.  God bless you and your family and I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. 

Fraternally and Sincerely,

Tony Myers 
Master Elect, Southern Pines #484
(910) 315-6461
SP484 Annual SC 04 Dec 23   on 12/03/2023

As a reminder, the Annual Stated Communication of Southern Pines Lodge No. 484 will begin at 7pm on 04 Dec 23. At this meeting, we'll elect the Lodge officers for the ensuing year - 2024, along with conducting other Lodge business.  We'll meet at Chapman's Restaurant at 5:30pm hrs for some fellowship prior to the meeting.  We have a reservation for 10 (under the name Woodard) and this is first come, first serve.  

If within the length of your cable-tow and health permitted, please take the opportunity to attend Lodge and join us for a meal. Thank you.

Respectfully and Fraternally,

Guy Woodard, PM, Secretary

SP484 Minutes and 1st Degree  on 11/28/2023


The minutes from the Stated Communication on 20 Nov 23 are posted on Grandview. 

We are conducting a 1st Degree tomorrow evening, Wednesday, 29 Nov 23 to Initiate two worthy men into our fraternity. Refreshments will follow the Degree in the Fellowship Hall. Please come out and join us.

R&F, Guy

SP484 Guest Speaker Monday, 20 Nov 23  on 11/18/2023


Southern Pines Lodge No. 484 will host Brother Kevin Otis and our Adoptee Elizabeth from the North Carolina Masonic Home for Children – Oxford (MHCO).  Brother Kevin will provide information about the MHCO Adoptee program for those Lodges that are interested. Also, the Lodge will present the MHCO with a check from the proceeds of this years Springfest 2023.

The Eastern Star will prepare a delicious meal of Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread, and a dessert for $10 and will be served at 6pm.  The gavel will drop at 7pm for the meeting.

Please come out and join us.  All are invited.

Respectfully and Fraternally,

Guy Woodard

Secretary, SP484

SP484 SC Minutes 16 Oct 23  on 10/19/2023

Hello Brothers,

The minutes from the Stated Communication this past Monday, 16 Oct are posted. For those interested, we'll hold Masonic Education this Saturday, 21 Oct 23 at the Lodge.  Breakfast will be served at 8am with the education kicking off at 9am. The education will be a complete 1st Degree walk-thru with the red work. This is in preparation for the upcoming 1st Degree this Monday, 23 Oct 23 at 6pm. We'll initiate two worthy men and refreshments will follow the degree. 

Please join us if you can. Take care and God Bless.

R&F,  Guy

SP484 Past Masters and Ladies Night Invite  on 10/10/2023


You are invited to the Southern Pines Lodge Annual Past Master and Ladies Appreciation Night.  See the attached flyer for details.

 Please RSVP NLT Saturday, October 14th, 2023 and include your choice of entrée to Brother Tony Myers, Phone: (910) 315-6461.  This year is going to be a wonderful venue at the Weymouth Center in Southern Pines.  

 Website for the venue:  https://weymouthcenter.org

 Thank you and respectfully,

 Guy Woodard, PM, Secretary, SP484

SP484 SC Minutes 18 Sep 23  on 09/19/2023


The Minutes for our Stated Communication last evening, Monday, 18 Sep 23 are posted. Have a great week.



SP484 SC Minutes 04 Sep 23  on 09/07/2023


The Stated Communication Minutes from Monday, 04 Sep 23 are posted.

Of note - we must cancel our Masonic Education again this month which was scheduled for Saturday, 16 Sep 23. We know that Brothers are busy in the Summer and we intend to continue our once-a-month Masonic Learning at a later date.  We have been conducting Masonic Education in Lodge during our SC's which has been great so come out and enjoy.

Hope you are well Brothers and stay hydrated in this heat.



SP484 SC Minutes 21 Aug 23  on 08/22/2023


The Minutes for ourStated Communication last evening, Monday, 21 Aug 23 are posted. Have a great week.



SP484 DDGM/GL Update 21 August 2023  on 08/21/2023


The District Deputy Grand Master and District Deputy Grand Lecturer official visit to Southern Pines Lodge No. 484 that was scheduled for today, Monday, August 21st, 2023 at our usual Stated Communication is postponed until a later date. 

Thank you and have a great week.



Masonic Education Cancellation for 19 Aug 23  on 08/14/2023


Unfortunately we must cancel our monthly Masonic Education scheduled for Saturday, August 19th, 2023. We'll resume our dynamic instruction and learning again in September.

Thank you and God Bless.



DDGM/DDGL Official Visit - August 21st, 2023  on 08/13/2023


The District Deputy Grand Master and District Deputy Grand Lecturer will conduct an official visit to Southern Pines Lodge No. 484 on Monday, August 21st, 2023 at our usual Stated Communication. Time will be 7pm. Uniform for the evening will be Lodge Red Polo Shirt and Slacks for the Officers and casual business attire for members.  

We'll conduct an official visit rehearsal tomorrow evening Monday, August 14th, 2023 at 6pm. Officers please be in attendance. 



SP484 Minutes Posted - 07 Aug 23  on 08/13/2023


I hope that each and every one of you are healthy and doing great. The minutes from our last Stated Communication have been posted in Grandview. 



One more for our Golf Classic  on 07/26/2023


We're asking for one more push to meet our goal for sleeves of Golf Balls. As of now, we are about ten short of our goal. If you can, please make a purchase and either send them or drop them off at the Lodge. Brothers, this would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the link:
For those sending golf ball sleeves, please send them to the Golf Classic Chairman, WB Matt Northen at:
Matt Northen
2345 Vass Carthage Rd
Carthage, NC
Or drop them off at the Lodge. Thank you  for your support Brother's.
SPS484 Request and Minutes  on 07/21/2023


From the Worshipful Master of SP484, WB Matt Northen:

We are in need of sleeves of golf balls for the tournament. Brother Gene Maples has led this effort by purchasing two boxes (8 sleeves) from Amazon.
Here is the link:
If you are able to send them to the Golf Classic Chairman, Matt Northen at:
Matt Northen
2345 Vass Carthage Rd
Carthage, NC
This can be a tax write off and is greatly appreciated. 
Thanks for your support Brother's.
Last Brothers, the Minutes for the last SC (17 Jul 23) have been posted on our Minutes site on Grandview.
Thank you Brothers!
SP484 4th of July Message  on 06/29/2023


The Worshipful Master of SP484 extends his best wishes and asks for you to be safe over this long holiday weekend. 

There will be a 1st Degree Rehearsal this Monday, 03 Jul for anyone interested and that may be in town. We will conduct a 1st Degree for two worthy men at an Emergent Communication on Monday, 24 Jul at 6pm. We would like to see a great turn-out to support these new soon-to-be brothers.

The minutes for the last Emergent Communication (17 Jun 23) have been posted to our portal.

Be safe and God Bless,

Guy Woodard, SP484 Secretary


SP484 Masonic Education and Stated Commuication  on 06/12/2023


Two items for you.

First - there will be Masonic Education conducted this Saturday, June 17th, 2023. Breakfast is served at 8am with the instruction starting at 9am. Part of the instruction includes a quick Emergent Communication for the purpose of observing a worthy Master Mason returning his catechism. If you plan on attending, please contact WB Franko Wanko by no later than Thursday evening, June 15th, 2023 so we can have enough food to serve everyone. His number is (910) 690-7534 or email him at frankwanko@gmail.com

The second item is a reminder that Monday, June 19th, 2023 there is a Stated Communication with business of the Lodge being conducted. The gavel will drop at 7pm.

Thank you all and hope all is well with you and families.


Guy Woodard, SP484 Secretary

SP484 Upcoming Events  on 05/19/2023


Two items:

First, we have to cancel Masonic Education for tomorrow, Saturday, May 20th, 2023.

Second, there is a 3rd Degree Rehearsal this Monday, May 22nd, 2023 at 6pm at the Lodge.

Hope this email finds everyone doing well.

Respectfully and Fraternally,

Guy Woodard, Secretary, SP484 

Hiram 40 Fundraiser  on 04/19/2023

Doubht that anyone willl be going to Raleigh for this event, but I though the poster was well designed.

I received, this information from my Templar contact in Raleigh.

Upcoming Events