Vivat Vivat Vivat!!! Spring Table Lodge (Feast of the Craft)  on 03/09/2025
!! Lodge Happenings and Meeting Reminder!!  on 03/09/2025
Social Meeting tonight! Gathering for food and fellowship at Mahtowa Tavern on   on 02/24/2025
Meeting Reminder! Tonight, February stated communication.   on 02/10/2025
Tonight's Social Meeting.  on 01/27/2025

Hello Lodge,

We will be having our social meeting tonight at Route61 (old Gampers).

Social and cards at 6PM.  We will order dinner around 6:30pm.

I hope to see you there!

Ed Montgomery, Secretary.  

** IMPORTANT **. Meeting time change for 1/13/25  on 01/13/2025
1st Stated Communication of the Year! Please join us.  on 01/11/2025
2025 Dues Reminder!  on 01/09/2025
Christmas Lodge Social Tonight!  on 12/23/2024
Lodge Monday  on 12/20/2024
Information for our Meeting Tonight; Monday, December 9th  on 12/09/2024
An Army ranger a cheering crowd and an old projector.  on 11/25/2024
Lodge meeting 11/25/24! Please join us.   on 11/23/2024
1st Stated Communication Of November. Lodge Night!!!  on 11/11/2024
Cribbage and dinner tonight!  on 10/28/2024
Solomon's By Laws Meeting  on 10/15/2024
Lodge Night!!!  on 10/14/2024
9/23/24 Social Gathering at Moose Lake Brewing  on 09/23/2024
Cards Night at the Lodge  on 04/21/2024

Hello all,

With our Worshipful Master out of town, he has given us his blessing to have a social night at the lodge instead of full meeting.

We will gather for Dinner at 6:30 with Cribbage games starting at 7PM.

Please feel free to bring a non-masonic friend.  The more the merrier.  

Hope to see you all tomorrow for lodge.

Ed Montgomery, Secretary

Spring Fundraiser Clarification  on 04/19/2024


I wanted to clarify one small point.  As the WM said, we will be selling the Pizzas for $15 each.  However, it says '$18' on the forms that were sent with the previous email.

We are indeed selling them for $15.  Please ignore the typographical error on the form.


Ed Montgomery, Secretary

Spring Fundraiser  on 04/19/2024

It has been a bit since we have had a fundraiser, and we are in need. 

We have many outlays that help our communities. Just recently, we have raised more than $1,000 for two area food shelves, and we have a scholarship to fund as well.

To this end, our new Junior Warden, Br. Nate Nielsen has been working like mad to figure out a fundraising opportunity for our lodge that is both efficient, and low impact: Selling beloved Kettle River pizzas!

I would like to recognize Br. Nielsen for all the hard work he has put into the ground work on this fundraiser. He is a true brother, to labor for the craft in this manner. Thank you, Nate!

Let's answer his hard work with some hard work of our own!

For the next two weeks, let us speak with our friends and neighbors. Every pizza sold at 15$ should get us about 7$ for the lodge. So pitter patter, let's get at 'er!


Nolan Peterson, Worshipful Master

Pizza Menu:  krp VARIETIES UPDATED 8.15.2023 without taco (1).pdf

Pizza Order Form:  Solomon's Lodge #286 5.24.pdf

4/8/24 Stated Communication  on 04/09/2024

Entered Apprentice Degree

Wow.  What an amazing night at the lodge last night.

Our new Jr Warden, Nate Nielson conducted an EA degree to raise Travis Waldrep to Entered Apprentice.

In addition to Travis, 3 candidates from Dalles were also raised.  The degree team included:

WM: Nate Nielson, SW Gerry Thompson, Jr Warden Doug Juntunen, SD Nolan Peterson, SS Ed Montgomery, Tyler Bon Hanson.

Justin Grill and Dave Sarazin conducted awesome lectures.

Thanks Nate!  Congratulations Travis!

URGENT! Need 1 more Solomon's Lodge Master Mason for Monday Night.   on 04/07/2024

Hello Lodge,

We have had a perfect storm of travel delays, eclipse watching, and sickness, that leaves is short on members tomorrow night for our EA Degree.

We need 1 more Solomon's Lodge Master Mason to commit to attending lodge tomorrow evening in order to open and conduct the degree.  

So far we have:

Nate (acting WM)

WB Justin Grill(1st/2nd Lecture)

WB Dave Sarazin(2nd Lecture)

WB Nolan Peterson(SD)

WB Gerry Thompson(SW)

WB Ed Montgomery(JW)

If you are not on the confirmed list (above) and are able to attend lodge tomorrow night please contact any odge officer ASAP.  You can also call or text me at 218-260-5344.

If we do not find a 7th person by 7PM CST tonight (Sunday April 7th) we will be forced to postpone the degree.  

Thank you for your consideration. 

Ed Montgomery, Secretary 

Late Notice Degree Practice!  on 04/07/2024

Hello Lodge!

We will be having a walkthrough of the EA degree today at 2PM at the lodge.  Please do not feel obligated to attend if you have other plans as I know that this is very short notice.

We just wanted to make sure to let everyone know that they are welcome, if they would like to join us.


Ed Montgomery, Secretary

Urgent!! Degree postponed.  on 03/24/2024
Brethren, With the stormy weather and poor traveling conditions, we will be postponing our First Degree for our candidates until April 8,2024. All of the details, including dinner, cast, and candidates will remain the same, only the date will change. If possible, I would like the officers to meet virtually at 7 p.m. I will start a conference call. Thank you so much for understanding and be safe, Nolan Peterson WM Solomon's Lodge No. 286 P.S. if anyone is in need of assistance during this weather event, please contact me at 219-348-1282 and we will offer what help we can!
From the desk of our Worshipful Master  on 03/22/2024

  
Nolan Peterson,
Worshipful Master
Solomon’s Lodge No. 286

My dear brothers

We have a number of exciting things coming up.

First, we had a pretty good practice for the degree next week on March 25. We are planning to
have dinner for the candidates before we get underway. Please plan on attending. Dinner will be
served at 6 p.m. sharp. We will then open the lodge and prepare to conduct our candidates.
We are also looking to get some fairly firm numbers on who will be able to travel for the Pasty
Bake on Friday May 17 and Saturday May 18. We need to have folks who can show up before
we can commit to doing a sale, because if there’s no one to make them, there’s no point in
selling them! Please reach out to WB Justin Grill by phone or text at 715-292-3048; or by email

Additionally, I am attaching a calendar as a reminder of upcoming dates.


Nolan Peterson,
Worshipful Master



From the desk of our Worshipful Master  on 03/22/2024

  
Nolan Peterson,
Worshipful Master
Solomon’s Lodge No. 286

My dear brothers

We have a number of exciting things coming up.

First, we had a pretty good practice for the degree next week on March 25. We are planning to
have dinner for the candidates before we get underway. Please plan on attending. Dinner will be
served at 6 p.m. sharp. We will then open the lodge and prepare to conduct our candidates.
We are also looking to get some fairly firm numbers on who will be able to travel for the Pasty
Bake on Friday May 17 and Saturday May 18. We need to have folks who can show up before
we can commit to doing a sale, because if there’s no one to make them, there’s no point in
selling them! Please reach out to WB Justin Grill by phone or text at 715-292-3048; or by email

Additionally, I am attaching a calendar as a reminder of upcoming dates.


Nolan Peterson,
Worshipful Master



1st Stated Communication of March. March 11th!  on 03/09/2024
Greetings Brethren, I hope this note finds you healthy and happy. This coming Monday we will have our first stated communication of March. I hope that you will join us.. We will be holding a practice/ walkthrough of the 1st degree at 5:30 pm sharp. We will share a meal at 615 and open lodge at 7pm. Among the topics to be discussed. * Status of scholarship applications received. * Fundraising opportunities for spring/summer. * Upcoming fishing trip update/planning. * And whatever else the Worshipful Master has on his mind. If you need any assistance getting to lodge, please reach out to any lodge officer and we will attempt to arrange transportation. Fraternally yous. Edwin C Montgomery Secretary, Solomons Lodge
Worshipful Master ‘s trestle board  on 02/28/2024

Nolan Peterson
Worshipful Master ‘s trestle board
Solomons Lodge No. 286

Greetings Brothers!

Feb. 26 was a busy day for Solomon’s Lodge and for Freemasonry in our area.

At 4 p.m., I attended the Carlton County board meeting, along with our Senior Warden Justin
Grill, and members of Dalles Lodge, for the presentation of the Fire Suppression Tools we helped
to procure. If you look closely at the footage from WDIO, you can see WB Justin Grill in his blue
shirt at the back of the meeting! Many thanks go out to WM Heath Wiersma for taking the lead
in addressing the meeting and speaking with the press.

We also had a productive meeting that evening.

  • Our Treasurer, WB Jason Montgomery has worked with the Lodge Officers to draft a budget for the lodge to operate under.
  • There was the idea of purchasing a Certificate of Deposit with Lodge funds through our bank, this will be brought up again for discussion at the next meeting, so please attend if you have thoughts on the matter
  • Practice for our 1 st Degree will be at 5:30 p.m. on March 11 prior to our meeting. If you play a part, please make every effort to attend.
  • Fundraising opportunities: Working at B&B food truck, at Grandmas Marathon Spaghetti feed, and Pasty sales. These will be in May and June.
  • Lodge fishing trip to Voyageurs National Park May 31-June 2
  • Washington’s day dinner hosted by Dalles Lodge at Streetcar in Carlton on March 5 at 6 p.m. Ordering off menu. All are invited as well as families.
  • Cribbage tournament between Masons and Knights of Colombus March 20 at 6 p.m. at Knights hall on C street in Cloquet.



WM Nolan Peterson

Greetings from Solomon's Lodge  on 02/26/2024

Hello Brethren!

I am sorry that it has been a bit since our last communication.  I will post a full spring update tomorrow after our lodge meeting (tonight) but wanted to get out a reminder today.

We will have lodge this evening.  Our new JW Nate Neilsen will be cooking dinner for us at 6:15.  Lodge to follow. 

In addition, there will be a media event at 4PM today at the Carlton Country Transportation building to present the Fire Suppression Device that the lodge is donating to the Sherriff's department.  We would love to see some of you there.  This is an exciting partnership program with Dalles lodge that will save property and lives because of the generousness of our lodge.  We are excited to share the great work that our lodges are doing in the community.  If you have any questions about the event, please reach out to Brother Secretary Ed Montgomery at 218-260-5344.

One more reminder.  Mark your calendars for Monday March 18th.  We will be conducting the 1st degree at our lodge for our new candidate, Travis.  We are excited to welcome Travis to our lodge and hope that you can all join us for the degree.  Dinner with the candidate will be at 6pm with the degree work starting at 7PM.


Christmas Donation Request  on 11/28/2023

Hello Lodge!

At our last meeting we had decided that we would 'pass the virtual hat' to support a local group that is buying Christmas gifts for local families.

Doug has coordinated with the Sonshine Board for their Christmas Drive.

Will you please consider donating for this worthy cause this Christmas.  We will be gathering donation this week and getting the money to the Sonshine board next week for Christmas shopping.

Please email me at, call, or text me at 218-260-5344 on an amount that you would pledge to donate.  I can collect the actual money later, but the Christmas team needs to know how much we are commited to give for their shopping.

For you young guys with the fancy phones... you can paypal me at or venmo me at @Edwin-Montgomery-4

Thank you all for your generosity.  

WM Ed Montgomery

Social Gathering Tonight.  on 09/25/2023

Hello Lodge!


We will be gathering for a meal, camaraderie, and an LEO presentation this evening at the lodge.  Dinner will be served at 6:15.  I hope that you can join us.

NOTE:  Originally, we were going to have longevity awards tonight.  We were not able to get the awards from Grand Lodge in time, so we have moved the longevity awards to 10/24/23.  More info to come as it gets closer. 


I hope to see you tonight!

WM Ed Montgomery

Welcome Back to Light!  on 09/09/2023


It has been a long summer but the Lodge is ready to return to light.  Please join us at 7PM on Monday 9/11 for our opening of lodge.

Some things on the Trestle Board....

  • 9/11 remembrance and moment of silence.
  • Update and discussion on the status of our building lease.
  • Ideas for fall fundraising.
  • Review the fall/winter lodge calendar.
  • Upcoming Master Mason ceremony at Trinity lodge (Saturnday 9/16) for our fellowcraft Dan Freeman.

There will not a dinner before lodge this week as we will be having an oficers meeting.  Lodge dinners will resume in October.

Hello Brethren! We have a Grand Marshal among us!  on 08/10/2023

Hello Lodge! It has been brought to my attention that our very own Sam Huhta will be presiding as the Grand Marshal of the parade at Ma and Pa Kettle days in Kettle River this coming weekend. I believe the parade is at 10am this Saturday. If you are available, head on out to the parade and wish our brother a hearty congratulations.

Congratulations Sam!  

NOTICE!!! Longevity awards postponed! ... Picnic still on.  on 07/20/2023

Hello Lodge!

We have only heard from 4-5 people (including only 2 of 8 award recipients) about the picnic on Sunday.  Many people are out of town for summer activities.  

As these awards or very important to our lodge, we are planning to postpone the longevity awards until lodge reconvences in September.  We will have an awards dinner at the lodge on Monday, September 25th.

Note:  We are still gaterhing for the picnic and golf.  This change in only in regards to the awards portion  of our event as we would like to have more of the lodge with us to celebrate.  


Call me with any questions or concerns!



REMINDER!!! Summer Picnic and Longevity Awards is this coming Sunday!  on 07/18/2023

Please join us at the Rugged Spruce golf course in Mahtowa at 1PM for lunch off of the menu if you choose, awards ceremony, and golf following.


Call or text Ed Montgomery at 218-260-5344 with questions or to RSVP.  






50 Year Award to a sick and Distressed brother.  on 07/13/2023

Good morning Brethren,

I am sad to report that one of our brothers, Bob Hoppe, is in fairly serious condition at Essentia (St Mary's) hospital in Duluth.  Brother Hoppe was scheduled to receive his 50 year award at the summer picnic in a few weeks.  His wife has reached out to us to see if the lodge would be able and willing to present his award to him bedside at the hospital.  She feels it will raise his spirits greatly.

To that end, we would like to invite the lodge to join us for this event.  We will be meeting at Perkins West (I35 and 40th Ave West) at 3PM on Saturday July 15th.  From there we will caravan over to the hospital and bring Brother Bob his award and gift.  Please consider joining us if you can.

Fraternally yours,

Edwin C. Montgomery, Woshipful Master, Solomon's lodge.


Family and Friends Welcome at the Summer Picnic and Longevity Awards!!  on 07/03/2023

Hello Lodge!  I hope you are all having a great summer so far.

Our mid-summer picnic with our longevity awards is coming up fast.  We plan to meet out at the Rugged Spruce Golf Course at 1PM on 7/15/23.

All family and friends are cordially invited to celebrate with us.  Please spread the word!

Weather permitting, we will gather outside on the deck to celebrate our longevity anniversaries.  We will also have food available.  We are still negotiating with the restaurant whether we will have a buffet style meal or order from the menu.  After some fellowship and food, many of us will golf a round while others will have the option to join in on a Corn Hole tournament.  

Please RSVP by texting or calling WM Ed Montgomery at  218-260-5344.  

Fraternally yours,

The Officers of Solomon's Lodge.


Solomon's Lodge Facebook Page  on 06/02/2023


As the price of our website is going up substantially, we have decided to move the virtual conversations on to Facebook.

If you have a Facebook profile please join us at:

This link will expire in 2 days.  Then you will have to reach out to me at to get an invite.

Hope to see you all overy on Facebook!

WM Ed Montgomery

REMINDER: Memorial Walk for deceased brothers.  on 06/02/2023


We will be doing a memorial walk at Riverside, Barnum and Riverside Moose lake cemeteries tomorrow morning.

Last year we visited the graves at Sunnyside cemetary and Sturgeon Lake cemetary.

We will locate the graves of:

Strum, Louis V

Molander, George A

Solheim, Robert A

Newman, Clement C

Dodge, Stanford


We will clean up the grave site as needed and leave a sprig of acacia in remembrance.

We will meet at the Lazy Moose Cafe in Moose Lake at 9AM for breakfast before we head out.

I hope to see you Saturday!


WM Ed Montgomery

Summer Events  on 05/24/2023

Greeting Brethren,

First of all, I wanted to congratulate Dan Freeman on being raised to the degree of a Fellowcraft on Monday night.  It was a great ceremony, and we are thrilled to have Dan progressing at our Lodge.  Thanks to Jason Montgomery for conducting the degree and putting together the degree team.



Also, I wanted to write a quick note to share some important summer dates with you all.

Saturday, June 3rd:  We will be meeting for breakfast at the Lazy Moose in Moose Lake and 9AM.  After breakfast we will be going on a memorial walk at the local cemeteries.  We will look for the graves of our passed brothers and do a quick memorial and leave a sprig of acacia.  

Saturday, July 22:  We will have our mid summer picnic and longevity awards ceremony at the Rugged Spruce Golf Course in Mahtowa.  Lunch will be at 12:30PM with a short awards ceremony to follow.  Lunch will be ordered off of the menu at the club house.  Some brothers will be staying for a round of golf afterwards.

Saturday, August:  We will have a 'Backyard Brotherhood' picnic and fishing contest at Birch Bay Campground at 744 Campground Road, Wright Mn 55798.  We will have a few boats on hand and folks can fish from shore as well.  If you are able to bring a boat, let us know.  Fishing will start around 8AM and we will have lunch around 1PM.  Cheesy awards will be given for 1st fish, most fish, and 'best' fish.  Thanks to Ken Jackson for hosting our backyard brotherhood event this summer!  More details to come with the official invitation.

Monday, September 25th:  We will have our Back to Light Festive Board and Table lodge.  More details to follow as planning progresses. 


I think that is is for now.  Thanks as always for your participation in our lodge.  We appreciate each of you and your contributions to the lodge.


Fraternally yours,

WM Ed Montgomery

Upcoming Events