Brothers All,
Happy New Year! As we look forward to this year my goals and objectives remain unchanged. I wish to continue performing Masonic education, bringing new members into the lodge and ensuring that we are spreading the cement of brotherly love and affection between our members.
To improve brotherly love and affection we are moving our start time to 6:30 PM. By moving our start time to 6:30 PM we are providing an opportunity to spend a little more time with each other after the meeting. At present when a meeting is over many of the brothers simply leave and return home, which is completely expected on a Monday evening after a long day of work. By shifting the time up an hour I'm hoping we can then engage in more fellowship and activities that bring brothers closer together.
On February 4th, we will be having our first meeting at 6:30 PM. We will open the Lodge and conduct business, then we will walk over to Plum Tomato to enjoy some fellowship and pizza. We will discuss future activities and I will send out a broader treastleboard after our next meeting.
What does Solar Lodge #131 need at present? We need Brothers to attend and participate. This is your Lodge, and we need you to be a part of it. Having 4-6 Brothers at a meeting is not good enough. A Lodge is the Brothers! Without active Brothers we cannot have a Lodge. Let’s not have this happen to Solar. Hopefully, the change in time will make it easier for Brothers to stay and enjoy each other’s fellowship.Looking forward to seeing you!
W.B. Andrew Warren
Worshipful Master
Brothers All,
Attached is Solar Lodge #131's treastleboard for the first three months of 2023. Thanks to Worshipful Brother Chip for allowing me to send in advance of the installation. Please take the time to review the treastleboard. See the calendar of events section for planned activites for the evening, many of which will be open to our families. Dinner will be served prior to every meeting.
Please attend out installation on January 2nd to meet and greet all of the officers of the lodge for 2023. This is an open event, so please bring your families to the lodge so they can witness the ceremony.
Andrew S. Warren