Welcome to Semper Fidelis No. 680!

Semper Fidelis Masonic Lodge was born of the Camp Lejeune Masonic Club which exsisted at the Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina during the years 1945 - 1946 and possibly earlier, no written record can be found but Brothers from that time remember meeting before then.  The Club meetings were held at the residence of Founding Brother George C. Faville who lived in government quarters, viz., 400 Butler Drive, Midway Park.  They occasionally met at the residence of other member but subsequently at other locations such as the "old cafeteria" on base, the Midway Park Community Bulding, and off-base in a two-story building rented from Mrs. Williamson (Ma Williamson).  In this building, meetings were held upstairs while a bar was operated downstairs - managed by a club member.  It was in this building that the Lodge was "born". 

Upcoming Events
  • SEP
    Ladies Night Out
    5:00 PM
    727 Henderson Drive, Jacksonville, NC
  • SEP
    DeMolay Yard Sale
    9:00 AM
    727 Henderson Drive, Jacksonville, NC
  • SEP
    8:00 AM
    727 Henderson Drive, Jacksonville, NC
  • SEP
    DeMolay Meeting
    3:00 PM
    727 Henderson Drive, Jacksonville, NC
  • SEP
    Order of the Eastern Star
    6:30 PM
    727 Henderson Drive, Jacksonville, NC
  • SEP
    Eastern Seals
    9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    727 Henderson Drive, Jacksonville, NC
  • SEP
    Stated Meeting
    6:00 PM
    727 Henderson Drive, Jacksonville, NC