Welcome to Pikes Peak No. 5!

 Pikes Peak Lodge #5 F&AM PHA is a Masonic Lodge located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We are officially chartered under the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado and its jurisdiction and is recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England.  

Our History

Pikes Peak Lodge #5 is the oldest Prince Hall Affiliated Masonic Lodge in Colorado Springs. For over 140 years, our Lodge has maintained our commitment to our city and its members. As Colorado Springs has grown and improved, so have we. The history of Colorado Springs is the history of Pikes Peak #5, and the history of Pikes Peak #5 is the history of Colorado Springs.  

Our Mission

In keeping with time-honored Masonic tradition, our first and foremost goal is to make good men better. Through our programs of instruction, guided study, and support from the members of our Lodge, our mission is to improve ourselves, promote and assist the improvement of those around us, and improve the community in which we live. Through individual improvement and collective effort, we strive to support and uplift our community, assist those in need, and serve as positive examples in our conduct, words, actions, and presence.

Upcoming Events
  • DEC
    Pikes Peak 5 Stated Meeting
    10:00 AM