How can we improve attendance at Lodge  on 02/02/2025
meeting notes 1/16/25  on 01/22/2025

jan 16, 2025.txt

open installation tonight  on 01/02/2025
Charity committee  on 12/12/2024

I talked to Gwen at the elementary school and aked if there were any families who could use a food basket. She said there is a list of families that could use something.  She also said go to Larry's and get a gift card, bring it to her and she will put it in an envelope to give to kids.  We could sign the card from the Masons and get a picture in the Press.     As the charity committee you can approve up to $250 in gifts without a vote in Lodge.

Let me know.ASAP


Dec 6,2024  on 12/08/2024


Masons deliver Christmas cards

The local Masonic Lodge,Otter Tail # 284 visited all three Pelican Valley Senior LIving faitities on Friday,Saturday December 6 They spent over one and a half hours visiting with the residents as they deliverd Chistmas cards to each resident.Both groups had an enjoyable time.

As part of this event Jane Trosvik, the wife of Earl Trosvike who passed away last year was presented with a "Widow's Pin" .  She was encouraged to wear it  so Masons would be abletorecognize her as widow and offer her assistance if needed.

In the picture are also a mother  and a father of the local Masons.

 Front row L to R

Audrey Westby,  Jane Trosvike and Jim Marty

Back row

Chris Westby, Bill Osborne, Harold Holt and Tom Marty

In the spirt of giving the Masons gave monetary gifts to:

Christmas Storefront Decorating Contest

National Child Safety Council sponsored by thr PRPD

Amberley Snyder's presentation at PRHS

They also helped at the Boo Bash and Haunted Forest this past Halloween.

If any question call me  Harold

Meeting and Elections  on 12/03/2024
Arlund H  on 11/25/2024

Blake and I went to Sanford in Fargo on Saturday.  We were unable to see him as he already had two visitors.  His daughter did come out and talked to us.  He is doing better but still has a long way to go.  His daughter and him were going to walk the halls.  I asked how many laps? one or two? She responded that he would try and walk more, than that as he wants to get home.

Being he is in the ICU he could not have flowers, so I got him two packs of lefsa from OA KS. His daughter LOVED it!  She said it would be a great holiday treat.


agenda 11/21/24  on 11/20/2024
Membership committee questions  on 11/11/2024

Membership Committee,

Sorry I thought I had sent these out before.  I found them in the draft folder.  Also, any idea on a goal?  Or are you okay with the one I listed?

I found these questions online. Should I send them out?   Are there other questions you would like to add?


A)  What can the officers do to improve attendance?

B)  What activities would you like the Lodge to do?

C)  Do you like the minutes being sent out after the meeting?

D) Do you like the agenda being sent out before the meeting?

Nov. 7, 2024 minutes  on 11/11/2024
11/7 minutes  on 11/11/2024

agenda 11/7  on 11/07/2024

Otter Tail No. 284
Grand Lodge Of Minnesota, A.F. & A.M.

Just got my computer back yesterday.  Here is agenda for tonight


Grand view agenda  11-7-24 

NEW BUSSINESS  “plans for the future”!  Committee reports 

1    Activities  and programs     Master, - chair    Goal                  NONE 
a    Boo Bash  . 
b    Haunted Forest –    


2.    Building     Chairman.    Senior Warden.            Goal                  NONE 

a.    Bill & Harold applies for grant from city.  50/50 split Job expenses up to $10,000.  In five years if still own no repay.  I need to find out how much each year. 

b    Roof report 

c    Basement- water heaters light bulbs 

d    Smoke & CO alarms –has it been install 
c.    Chair raisers on hold to roof done. Do we have an estimate? 
e    will get small cities money in spring 
    North side fascia board        West window     deck for Pool Hall  
f    Flooring & Paint  $8698.43 spring 

g.    Remodel kitchen area    Plan & cost 
g.    Small cities grant – will get money in spring 2025. Do we need to resubmit? 

h    Need to have records of what we spend loan money on.  If not included on loan applications should not include. 

i    if add something we need to vote on it before have it done 


3.    Charity  generosity and helpfulness  Chair. Junior Warden    Goal                NONE 

a.    Jeff Peterson reminded that we should support Booster Page – nothing done 
b.    Scholarship     Sect. will send applications to members to see if they approve what has been done in the past.        If so Sect will send to High School 

c.    Harold – Christmas cards,     widows  

d.    Harold – Bikes  check with Elementary how want to do it 

e    Bill Masonic charities- PRPD   and Speaker 


4    Communication.    Chairman.     Secretary. 

Goal          Increase membership contacts by having 70% of Brothers enrolled in Grandview by June 1,2025 


a.    should have a press release for events  

b.    different committees need to send info to Sect 

c.    Email can be ignored - phone calls are more personal – develops friendship  

d.    email events to area lodges 


5    Finance     Chair.      Treasurer             Goal                  NONE 

Roof fund      $6,475.00  Has this been moved to another account? No action taken. 


6    Fundraising.    Chair         Senior Warden.    Goal                  NONE 

a    need to start thinking about what going to do so can pay back the $6000 to Grand Lodge by  August 1, 2025 


7    Funeral (JW, Sect, Chap) 

Funeral    Chairman.     Chaplain Members.     Secretary  & Master 

.Goal                  NONE 


8    Lunch.    Chair,     Junior Waden.      Goal                  NONE 


Lunch  11/7                        Lunch  11/21     


9.        Membership Chair.         Secretary. 

Goal          Increase membership contacts by having 70% of Brothers enrolled in Grandview by June 1,2025 

a.    How do we get better attendance? 
    b.    Master needs to tell committee to call members  Not email  It is to easy to ignore email 
    c.    Officers can find names, phone numbers & emails, on Grand view 
    d.    Need cell number so could send out text messages  
    e.    Sent out  list of names to committee members 
    f.    Easy thing to do if Brothers entered their own stuff and update it 

10    Promotion         SD-chair,    Goal                  NONE 
a.    Business cards on desk for people 
    Chris Westby hopes to get our “Master’s Tournament “ in June 

FYI  El Zagal will be having a Best Ball tournament in Hawley 5/17/24. Master Eric said we should have a team attend so we can see how they do it. 

c.    Harold on Boo Bash 

11    Ritual     Chairman.     Senior Warden  goal                  NONE                 MM degree  date? Where?  EA degree      date? Where?            

city approval of $5,000 loan for roff  on 10/29/2024
building news, and SMART goals  on 10/26/2024
wish list from 2023 or 2022  on 10/26/2024
Oct. 17 meeting  on 10/23/2024
Master of Corner Stone in Underwood  on 10/19/2024

Allan Hustad the Master of Corner Stone in Underwood was air lifted to Fargo and had an emergency procedure.  It was not a farm related accident   Dave D will let me know when he finds out.  Keep him and is family in your prayers.

There was a lot of great stuff talked about in Brainerd today.  I will send my notes later.


Building committee  on 10/15/2024

For your Information,

I drove by the house that Alan said he was going to be shingling this week.  Nothing has happened!  It looks like it need last week. I am going to talk to our neighbor on Wednesday and tell them that Alan is going to start with our roof 10/21/24.   This is what was discussed on 10/3/24.  I said I wanted to be a good neighbor and inform them of our upcoming construction.    If he does not get started that week the Lodge will look bad. 

Has anyone heard from him as to when he expects to start?  When I talked to Franklin Fence, they said that they dd not have room to store it, they would like it out ASAP.   If we do have it delivered to the barber shop, and he does not start to 10/28/24 I am sure Kim is not going to like having his parking lot tied up that long.  We need to be aware of all the bad PR the Lodge will get if this does happen.

We will need to discuss this Thursday.


10/17 agenda  on 10/15/2024
membership committee  on 10/13/2024

Membership Committee

I found these questions online. Should I send them out?   Are there other questions you would like to add?


A)  What can the officers do to improve attendance?

B)  What activities would you like the Lodge to do?

C)  Do you like the minutes being sent out after the meeting?

D) Do you like the agenda being sent out before the meeting?

Boo Bash  on 10/10/2024
Haunted forest  on 10/10/2024

If you want to help with this year's haunted forest yet me know ASAP. I will end in your name, phone number and email address.  Also let me know what dates,

10-18, 10-19, 10-25 or 10-26.  The times are from 6 PM to about 11 PM.  If you have questions call me.


please read, share and attend  on 10/02/2024
agenda 10/2/24  on 10/02/2024

NEW BUSSINESS “plans for the future”! 

1.    Promotion (JW, Sec, SD-chair, A Sec 

a.    Business cards on desk for people 

b.    October Fest October 11 & 12 Abby Scott chairperson 701-429-3314 

Flyer sent to committee  

Food – beer sales 

Ask city for permit seller need license     

Need fundraiser OK from Grand Lodge 

    IDEAS    Pancake feed FB field lot- Bus Garage, Below VFW 



Turkey Shoot 

Spaghetti feed 

Next Spring a Master’s Golf Tournament. Could be good money maker. Should set a date  SOON 


3.     Activities (Master, - chair SW, JW) 

a.    Lodge Recognition –  Have officers looked at this? 

good sheet to get members active, Officers should look at this 

b.    Boo Bash - REA 

c.    Haunted Forest  Sect has sign in sheets 


4.    Charity (Master, SD, SW-chair, Treasure) ????? 

a.    PR police letter 

b.    So Much More 


5.    Ritual (Master, SD, Treasure, SS, SW-chair) 

a.    Fourth School of Instruction, Alexandria 10/14/24 

b.    degree takes two hours for one person two and a half hours     for two or three. Do we want to do it on a Saturday? Where? 

c.    3 rd. degree for Tanner Master to check with Dl & Underwood 

d.    st degree for Zack We want to do it here?  

e.    Practice for for EA  

f.    Date to when harvest done? 

g.    If not on regular meeting night would be special communication called by Master 


6.    Funeral (JW, Sect, Chap) 


7.    Finnace ((Treasure-chair, SW, JW) 

a.     Don have you  put the roof fund $ 5,125 into this saving account or CD. ( 10 month if cash out in July) Would mean we would almost have first year’s payment 


8.    Membership   Sect 

a.    Sect will add to Grand view wife’s name & information so will have this     for widows We need to include them! 

Need their phone numbers 

b.    Have copy of names, phone numbers & emails, Officers can find this on Gtand view 

c    Need cell number so can send out text messages  

Easy thing to do is if Brothers entered their own stuff 

d.    committee members are on Grand View 


9.    Building (Master, SD, Trea, SS, SW-Chair) 

a.    Small cities grant Bill? 

b.    Smoke  CO detectors 

    Keys for pool hall        alarms that send notice by phone  

c    Sink & stool 

D    Report on roof repair 

i.    Franklin Fence  

Ii.    date yet 

Iii.    Need to know when so we can order supplies 

iv    Will need to check if Alan will pick up and use his trailer so do not leave supplies at job site 

v.    Need to tell neighbors when work is being done. We need to be good neighbors.  Who? 

vi    Who is getting a building permit? 

vii    Need to talk to the city about parking? Who 

viii    Has anybody talked to Alan about 

North side fascia board 

West window need to order 

e.    Floring & Paint         $8698.43 on  hold   anyone call Rusty 

f.      Chair raisers on hold to roof done. 



10     List of committees on Grand View. Can Brothers open? 


11    For the good of the Lodge 

Owen  using cane now   


12    closed in form at    Lunch served by  



Master ____________________________________________ 






Charity committee for 10/3 please read  on 10/02/2024
meeting 9/19/24  on 09/26/2024
Boo Bash  on 09/22/2024
agenda 9/19/24  on 09/17/2024
Membership calling list  on 09/17/2024



701 - 403-6083701 - 403-6083Eric6
Roderick NeilJohnsonjohnson.neil@comcast.net651-260-0306
Larry JoeMaskejoebecky@loretel.net218-863-3386701-261-3176Joe
BlakeMeland  PMblakemelandconcrete@hotmail.com218-863-6482218-770-8926JJ
Promotion for Thursday  on 09/17/2024
Octoberfest Info for Thursday  on 09/15/2024
Charity committee bring up Thursday  on 09/15/2024

PR Police Dept.pdf

Charity committee  on 09/15/2024
Something to bring up Thursday.


TEXT TEST  on 09/06/2024

First meeting of the year!  on 09/02/2024


The first meeting after being dark all summer is this Thursday 9/5/24.  Tanner Nelson our Fellowcraft plans on being there so we will open on the second degree.  Items to be covered will be the roof, Haunted Forest, October Fest Fund raising, Past Master's Night and other plans as the Master wishes.

Harold Holt

Past Masters Night  on 08/22/2024
Raffle Tickets sales  on 07/17/2024


    I hope you are enjoying the summer weather.  If you have been following my emails you know that the Lodge is going to put steel on our roof.  This will happen early fall.

    We are also doing a raffle.  We needed to raise the $900 for the Fire Suppression Tools we gave to the Otter Tail County Sheriff and Pelican Police office, the $1,300 in prized and the printing cost of the ticket.  WE HAVE DONE THIS.

    Now the money we raise will go towards the roof replacement.  As many of you are out of the Pelican Rapids area, I have set up a Venmo account so you can help Otter Tail Lodge.  If you have a Venmo account, my phone number is 218-841-4120.  If you do not have an Venmo account, it is easy to set up thru the app store.

    The tickets are $10. First prize is $1000.00, second is $200 and third is $100. Drawing will be July 31, 2024.  Only 600 will be sold. Once I get notification of your purchase, I will put your name on the stub and send you a picture. Be sure to include name and phone number in the purpose when sending by Venmo

If you want to participate and do not want use Venmo you can send me a check made out to Otter Tail Lodge #284 and I will put your name on the raffle tickets you buy.  The drawing will be July 31 at 7:30, so plan accordingly when mailing.

My address is:

Harold Holt

505 2nd Ave SE

Pelican Rapids, MN 56572-4308


If you are lucky enough to win a prize and will not be in Pelican, the Lodge could send you a check or make arrangements for you to receive your prize.

I have attached a PDF about the Fire Suppression Tool

Yours truly,

Harold Holt PM


Fire suppression Tool.pdf

touch a machine  on 07/12/2024
Meeting 5/2/2024  on 04/26/2024


At the May 2, 2024 meeting we will be voting on the Grand Lodge Building Trust Loan.  We will be discussing the roof and flooring.

Also, bring in any money you have for the raffle tickets.

Harold Holt

Meeting 4/18/24  on 04/14/2024


Eric, Tom and I had a great time at Grand Lodge.    All the resolutions were past.  We will give a report Thursday.


Masonic camp  on 04/14/2024

masonic camp 2024.pdf

DL Circus  on 04/07/2024


The DL Shriners have their Circus this Tuesday.  The shows are at 10:00AM, 12:30 PM and 6:30 PM.  I as President of the DL Shriners would like if some of  the Otter Tail Lodge members could help if possible.  Remember that this club gave us $1000 to help with the roof.

Arrive one hour before whatever show you can attend.  After the 12:30 PM show, about 2:00 PM there will be a lunch at the Shrine club house.  Most of the jobs are not hard. selling candy, toys, food, or coloring books. These are busy before the show and at intermission.    The hardest job might be walking the bike winners to the picture stand, maybe one hundred feet.

This year there is a new Circus promoter.  I watched the Circus in Fargo, and it was the best I have seen in years.


4/4/24 minutes  on 04/06/2024

April 4, 2023, 
Opened  7:38 PM 
Master       Eric Hatle                 SW                Tom Marty 
Acting JW    Joe Maske                SD           Chris Westby   
Acting JD    Owen Thompson                    Acting Tyler  Don Perrin 
Sect            Harold Holt                       Treasure       Don Perrin 
SS                              JS             
Chap                          Marshall   

Sideliners      none 

Visitors    none 
Open on      MM  
Read and Approved 

Bell Bank    working Benevolent           $2,719.06         
MN National general                    $18,674.70                            Rent & Building                                      $ 1,761.45           

PETITION     second Zack Zoeck 
INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE   Master  assign 3 members 

After second reading voted on 
When a Petition is turned in tell me if first line signer, both signers or candidate is to pay fees. I do not want to embarrass anyone. 

 Remember we have Tax Exempt number     


Job Daughters Donation no action 

         First responders' dinner $50 those who attended 

Bill for three members who attended “Chamber meeting First responders' night.   Harold, Eric, Tom M 

Receipt of Chamber dues 

The Bee Hive 

$600 from Earl Trosvik family for scholarship 

 following committees to give report! 
1    Promotion committee (JW, Sec, SD-chair, A Sec)      
    a) Open house late summer, would like to have floor done before. 
    b) roll up banner $85 and name tags for all members $8.  Motion by Owen Thompson, Second by Chris Westby.  Approved.  See Owen Thompson if you want to donate to this.  $285 

C) golf tournament “Pelican Masters Tournament.  Around June 16, hire caddies – Masons, possible Job’s Daughters, contact other Lodges to play in, hole sponsors, other awards, Chris Westby could do a meal     

2    Fundraising committee (Master, SW-chair, SD, JD) 
    a) sell raffle tickets at show case 4/6/24, no one assigned     

b) craft show 4/ 27/24    hole 

c)see Sec to sign out tickets and turn in money.  $500 

3     Activities Master-chair, SW, JW  
    a) Bikes for reading.           

motion to buy bikes   a) four 20-inch DL Shrine Harold Holt will find out cost. _______  and two larger bike up to $100     Harold Holt will give Master contact person at Walmart and      number. 

Need names so know if need to get boy’s or girl’s bike for large winners. 

 4    Charity (Eric, Tom, Don, Jeff P -Chair)  
    one scholarship  

Application form sent by Harold Holt to PRHS Counselor     

Who present (Master)  

letter to winner (Harold)   

Masonic Charity form (Bill) 

5    Ritual 

EA    Adam ?   Zack     

April 16  FC at Cornerstone 

Blake to tell Zace 
May 18   MM at Mt Tabor 





4/18  5/2 and 5/16 

5    Building( Eric, Bill, Don, Chris, Tom)   

    What is the committee’s number one goal? 
    What do we as a Lodge need verse want? 

Don will report on how much in roof fund 

Grand Lodge Trust loan due 15th of month  

Harold Holt will work on form, send to Don & Bill to fill in numbers. 
    Have you as a group talked to a bank for short term loan 

No are wanting to find out what get from Grand Lodge and City 

any word on city loan – Bill sent this in 

Rusty Wolf Jr & John Anderson are interested in doing flooring 


6.    Resolutions     
    any one sign in last night the secretary missed it. Where done in 40 min 


A)    Succession of Grand Master        Y     

B)    15 members NOT 25 to form lodge    Y             

C)   members of Lodge that surrenders charter 

If not, dual members will become members  

of The Grand Master’s Lodge            Y         

D)    Petitioners need background checks    Y        N 

E)    Life membership to end             Y         

7    Grand Lodge, M, SW, JW voting members 

Eric Hatle, Tom Marty & Harold Holt have signed up     

8    new aprons, collars, gloves, need lodge approval tabled 

Look at Grand Lodge?? 
    candidate aprons      do we need to order more?  Order from JP     $46 

Approve Sectary to order 

If at Grand Lodge, can we buy what we need? 

9.    Mast Master’s Night? Tabled 

We have 2 members who will have earned 50-year award by May 

When?         Where?   

Order your own meal or Lodge order? 

 Other items 
         1.    Masonic Last rights   Sect will send out forms 
    Let your family members know if want a Masonic Funeral 
     closed on         MM     
Lunch served      Chris Westby 

next meeting                Bill Osborn         
Master ________________________________________________ 

Golf tournament  on 04/06/2024

Idea for date

Friday July 19


1.  same weekend as Masonic Camping weekend at Anderson Lake

2. July 20   Mt Tabor's 150th celebration

3 July 21 DL water carnival parade

WDAY TV   on 04/03/2024

Brothers, WDAY will air a spot on the FST tonight at 6:00PM


April , 2024  on 04/01/2024


FYI  WDAY is going to do a piece on the Fire Suppression Tools we gave to the police deptment at 11:30 at city hall. on April 3, 2024.  If any of the Brothers, esprcially the officers can join me That would be great.

Also, we need to prepare for TWO EA degrees and ONE FC degree (April 16 ar Underwood) and rhe MM degree in Underwood on May 18  It would be great if we could get Adam, Zack, Case and Tanner ALL Master Masons by then.  Otter Tail Lodge is on the move, Three member last year and four this year.  Eric talk to the Ritual team and the other area Lodges and see when we can pull this off.  We may have to do some work on  Saturday to get this all done.



See all of you Thursday.




Building committee  on 03/30/2024


Have we gotten a contractor yet?

Do we need to get new quotes?

Do you want me to fill out Grand Lodge Trust fund application?

Have we talked to a bank if we do not get Grand Lodge loan and or city loan? 

Or if we can get a contrator before we find out about the loans.



activities  on 03/30/2024


Have you talked to Mr Nelson about a date to give the bikes away?

You need to present a motion to buy ? bikes from DL Shriners for $65-$70?

Has any one check with Walmart in DL about larger bikes $100? I can find the name of the person DL Shrines worked with.

Remember to get tax Excempt number.



Charity committee for Thur  on 03/30/2024


Have you discussed number of scholarships and how much?



Fundraising for Thur  on 03/30/2024


Do we have a plan tao sell tickets at the Showcase this Saturday?

How are ticket sales going?

Turn in money to Harold

Do we need posters up around town?

P  on 03/30/2024


Do we have a plan for an open house this summer?

Explaine roll up banner $85

sign up for name tags @ $8 per brother

people to go to Show Case & sell FST tickets

3/21/  on 03/30/2024
minutes 3/21  on 03/30/2024
March 21, 2023,

Opened 7:30
Acting Master Dave Dumonceaux	Cornerstone 99   SW           Tom Marty
Acting JW     Eric Hatle			Acting SD  Rusty Wolf Jr. Cornerstone 99
JD 	        Justin Johnson			Acting Tyler Gary Anderson
Sect	        Harold Holt			Treasure     Don Perrin
Acting SS 	  Ryan Hendricks Mt.Tabor 106	Acting JS    Shane Savage Cornerstone 99
Chap 	        Gary Anderson			Marshall  
Sideliners	  Bill Osborne	Blake Meland	Bill Osborne
		  Tom Bowers	Jeff Peterson
Visitors	  Ray Hornung Mt, Tabor 106	Scott Morrssy  Moorhead 126	
		  Shane Granzow  Moorhead 126 
Open on FC  
WORK ON FC for Tanner Nelson  Otter Tail     
	     for Aaron Schober Coner Stone  

	Questions and Answers Shane Granzow and Rusty Wolfe Jr
	Stair Case  Shane Granzow
	Bell Bank			
	MN National general			
	Rent & Building			
No reports will no next meeting

After second reading voted on

When a Petition is turned in tell me if first line signer, both signers or candidate is to pay fees. I do not want to embarrass anyone.
 Remember we have Tax Exempt number			
	Grand Lodge  resolutions

	Virtual Town Hall #2 - Resolutions for Annual Communication April 3rd, 2024 7:00 PM	



reminder following committees to give report!

1	Promotion committee (JW, Sec, SD-chair,A Sec) 	
	Open house
	roll up banner $85
	Name tags $8
2	Fundraising committee (Master, SW-chair, SD, JD)
	sell raffle tickets at 		show case 4/6/24		craft show 4/ 27/24	
	see Sec to sign out tickets
3	 Activities Master-chair, SW, JW 
	Bikes for reading  	
4	Charity (Eric, Tom, Don, Jeff P -Chair) 
	scholarships 	How Many?
5	Building( Eric, Bill, Don, Chris, Tom)  
	What is the committee’s number one goal?
	What do we as a Lodge need verses want?
	floor,   	Grand Lodge Trust loan due 15th of month 
	Have you as a group talked to a bank for short term loan
	any word on city loan – Bill sent this in
Other items
1.	Masonic Last rights   Sect will send out forms
	Let your family members know if want a Masonic Funeral
2	Resolutions	
	next one 4/3/24
	will talk about life membership 
3.	Grand Lodge, M, SW, JW voting members
	4/12-4/13   registration 8:00-8:30,  4/12,  8:00 to 3:00 PM
	meals ??     hotel ????   need to register for these 
4.	new aprons, collars, gloves,
	candidate aprons
5.	Rusty Wolf Jr & John Anderson are interested in doing flooring
6.	April 16 FC at Cornerstone
7.	May 18   MM at Mt Tabor

closed on FC at 9:24 PM
Lunch served NA
next meeting 
Master ________________________________________________


Meeting 3/21/24  on 03/21/2024


We are doing the Fellow Craft degree tonight with the help of Underwood & Moorhesd Lodges.  If you want to have a meal before Lodge some Brothers are meeting at the VFW at 5:30.  Also,some  of the Brothers are going to wear suits, bur it is not requited.



3/21/meeting  on 03/20/2024


We will be putting on the FC degree nin Lodge this Thursday.  If you want to eat at the VFW we have the back room to 7:00 PM.  Hope to see you then,.



Golf tournament  on 03/20/2024

FYI  some brothers are talking about a golf .  This would be a great fundraiser, promotion, activity for members.



Raffle Tickets  on 03/20/2024

Have you guys thought up a plan on how to get the raffle tickets out into the public?

If you guys want to get them into bussines to sell you can sign them out with me and get them to bussiness.  When they need more you can pick them up or they can call me and I will pick them up and sign out new tickets to them in their name.  

FYI the promation committee is looking at a golf tournament.



Charity committee  on 03/13/2024


The charity committee is in charge of giving money to groups or people.  Two examples would be the fishing team and schoralships.  If we got $500 in memorials form Earl we could give one away.  At the last meeting I gave you a list of seniors and maked those with Masonic connnections, I forgot Spenser Paulson,(Great Grand father) the others with close ties would be Ethan Sjostrom (grandfather) and Ben Lyon. (Great grand father)  I do have a form to use for schoarlships.  You could ask these Seniors to appy and pick one.  Or see if the parents or grandparents would donate $250 and the Lodge $250 so we could give two away. You as  groups should meet and make a recommdation at the Aoril 4, 2024 meeting.  If you want the form filled out it would need to be done by April 17, 2024 so guys can read them and annouce the winner May 2,2024.  Now this is if we do not have any degee work.  Senior Awards night is May 15, 2024.


Harold Holt

Showcase   on 03/13/2024


I just came home from the Pelican Fest meeting.  At it they said only three venders had signed up for the Show Case on April 6,2024.   The Chamber wanted $50 for the Pelican Fest to be there.  That is what we would have to pay also.   It sounded like it may not happen.  If it does happen I think we should send members up to sell and not spend $50.  

We will need to make a motion at the April 4th meeting about buying the pull up banner. Alao arrange for people to sell tickets at the event.




FST it works two TV stories  on 03/13/2024

Harold Holt

9:56 AM (2 minutes ago)
to Kevin
meeting 3/7/24  on 03/04/2024



Meeting on Thursday, reports from Promotion, Building, Fundraising, FST presentation & EA degree.   Jeff will contact who is selling lunch 

Work on FC opening and go over degree parts. 


Grand Lodge 


Discuss resolutions. There is a townhall meeting 3/6/24 at 7PM. You can sign in on Grand View. Call if you need help 218-841-4120 


The one that I see causing the most trouble is the background checks. The Grand Lodge can determine who will become a member. Is it really the person petitioning or someone else. 

EX. My medical records are “Happy” Harold Holt. There was a Harold V Holt in Barnesville, I had to repeat blood work and other tests. I had a classmate thinking he was helping in a surgery for Harold Holt. I cannot count the number of times I got a call about him selling farm equipment. My son and daughter get mail at my address, yet they have never lived at it.  

The voting officers need to know how the Lodge feels on this 


There will also be another town hall meeting in April before Grand Lodge. 

GOOD job promotion committee.  on 03/02/2024

Good job Promotion Committee, way to get our group noticed!


EA in DL  on 02/29/2024


I just got word on the plan for Saturday.  Doors will open at 2:00PM for coffee, doughnuts and fellowship.  At 3:00 the degree work will start.  There maybe a meal following this.  Anyone want to car pool?
Harold Holt
Secr OTL
EA in DL  on 02/27/2024


I just got a text from Jon, the Master in DL.  They are changing the EA schedualed for tonight to this Saturday, March 2 at 3:00 PM.



EA in DL  on 02/27/2024


I just got a text from Jon, the Master in DL.  They are changing the EA schedualed for tonight to this Saturday, March 2 at 3:00 PM.



Sat Service for Earl  on 02/23/2024


Got  text from Master Eric requesting me to send out an email reminding us to wear a suit on Saturday.

10-11AM visitation

11- service

Lets try and set as a group.


I will teach the officers how to send emails so we can get them in  a more timely matter.



PS  I was at the Section wrestling tournament in Wadena today.  There are two guys going to state.

Otter Tail Lodge in state masonic paper  on 02/22/2024


Did you get the email from Grand Lodge?  Is so open it and read why Otter Tail Lodge is mentioned.

If you did not get it (I may have signed up for electronic delivery go to Grand view and sign in,

go to My Portal

click on Resources

click on Master Masons

scroll down to publications

click on Ashlar to read the Feb. issue



Important post PLEASE READ  on 02/20/2024

I tested positive for Covid.  I want to let everybody that was at our 110th birthday picture and Lodge picture know.



Earl Trosvik #2  on 02/19/2024



Brother Earl's services will be on Saturday 2/24/24

visitation 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Service at 11:00 AM

The full obituary will be on Larson Funeral Home site latter.

No word on a Masonic service yet.  If I hear anyrging I will let you know.

I think I woud be great if could sit together.  


Harold Holt




Earl Trosvik  on 02/18/2024


It is with a sad heart that I inform you that Brother Earl passed away this morning.  The family does nor know when the service is yet.  Once I find out I will inform you.  Please keep his family in your prayers.


Harold Holt

First Responders Night  on 02/18/2024


I am going to sign up for tickets for the First Responders night.  I will be sending it in Tuesday at 6:00 PM.  It will be held at DunnVilla on 3/3/2024.  Social hour at 4:30 with meal and program at 5:30.  The cost of this fundraiser is $50.00 for dinner and program.  Please bring a check for this amount to the dinner.  It would be great to have a number of Masons there for this presentation.  This would be a good way to promote Masonary in the Pelkcan Rapids area.

For those who were not at the last Lodge meeting we voted to give two Fire Suppression Tools to the Pelican Rapids Police Department and one to the Otter Tail County Sheriff's Department.  This will cost the Lodge $900.  In order to fund this we are going to sell raffle tickets which will cost $10.00.  There will be case prizes.  

You can call me at 218-841-4120 or email me at

Harold Holt



I hope third time works  on 01/30/2024

try this for web site  on 01/30/2024


had to copy & paste  will find out if there another way


web site  on 01/30/2024

Otter Tail Lodge No. 284 | Grand Lodge of Minnesota A. F. & A. M. | Home (


Copy the above & you will get to our web site.  I have some work to do yet,  I will find out if they can take stuff from Grand View.



Numerology & Astrology Class  on 01/25/2024
Brothers, I got this from Rusty Wolf, a member of Corner Stone Lodge. You may have seen him do the Senior Decon during degree. I have heard him talk about this and it is very intersting.  
WB Harold,
Attached is the flyer for the next Numerology / Astrology class Feb 17, 1-4 pm at the Underwood Masonic Center. Please share this with your Lodge. The last class really enjoyed it and learned a great deal. 
For the Astrology I will need your time and place of birth so that l can send you your chart via email, in time for the class.
Numerology worksheet will also be provided day of class. Please bring a notebook and pencil to take notes. Please RSVP me via email or text, by Feb 10 so I know how many are attending.  Open to all Masons, OES and family members. Snacks will be provided. Free will offering. Come and find out about the influences that affect us, that guide our current life and if you are carrying any Karma that also needs to be resolved. You will learn a great deal about yourself. Contact me with any questions. Hope to see you there! Thank you.
Love and Light,
Russ Wolf Jr
meeting1/18/2024  on 01/16/2024



Just a reminder of our meeting this Thursday Jan. 18.  Chris Westby will service lunch. Master Eric would like you to bring your blue cipher book as he wants us to work on the EA opening.  There will be a EA degree in Detroil Lakes and we may have some parts in it.  Master Eric will let us know.  See you then.

Harold Holt

Brother Earl  on 01/13/2024


Sorry for the late notice, am still learning the duties of the Secretary.  Earl Trosvik's brother passed away and the funeral is today.  Also, his brother-in-law, William Poss's memorial service was January 5, 2024.   If you want to send a card his address is 507 2nd Ave SE, Pelican Rapids.  I know he would enjoy a phone call also. 959-330-4563.


Harold Holt

meeting 1/4/2024  on 01/02/2024

Happy New Year Brothers,


We will have our first meeing of the year with out new officers on Thursday, January 4, 2024.  Junior Warden Jeff will be serving lunch.

Happys grandson  on 12/24/2023

My daughter had her son Bennett Carl Franks shortly after 8:00 AM on Friday.  9 pounds 8 ounces.  Carl is after my dad and Wanda's dad.   Because his breathing was shallow he went up to Sanford in Fargo.  As of this afternoon he is off of IV's & Vent. Only on oxygen at 24%, we breathe at 21%  GREAT color.  If I can will send picture.  Hannah came home today, Bennett maybe by weekend.  He was born three weeks before due date.

Thursday Meeting  on 12/19/2023

To add to Bill's email.

Eric asked me to include that we should wear suits or at least ties if possible on Thursday.  Please attend the installtion for our new officers.  Eric also suggested that we could stop at the VFW at 6:00 or 6:30 for  a meal before Lodge.  I am dog sitting this weekend, the dog will be here between 5-7, so I may not make it to the VFW.

I wounder what our Master to be will have for lunch?  






Dec 7, 2023 meeting  on 12/05/2023

To add to Bill's email of this mornig:

Get your dues to Harold Holt so he can enter them in Grand View

Reread the letter from Blake about the Brother who has sent us a challenge to raise $1000 and he will match it.   Three Brother have given me money so I think we can make it by 12/7/23.  If you can not make the meeting drop Harold an email and send him the check, 505 2nd Ave SE.

There will be election on 12/7/23.  

If you are interested in an appointed position let Harold or Eric know.  Ask Harold what the positions involved.  This will be a GOOD way to get involved.  It looks like we not have Past Masters in the chairs for years to come.  This is  GOOD thing.

  We have two newly elected canidates this fall and two from last spring we need to get through.   Remind them, Tanner Nelson, Adam Muston, Keith Gummeringer & Tyler Burnside, that we will work wirh them to get them to be Master Masons.  With Eric hoping to do some degree work here and with Detroit Lakes  and Underwood we could get them through in three to six months.  It took me a year.  Wotk-school-coaching plus family and life in general take time.  Once they are EA's they can join in in meetings and get involved.

If you are unable to attend the next two meetings I hope to wish you a  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Harold Holt

Acting Secretary

Dec 7, 2023 meeting  on 12/05/2023

To add to Bill's email of this mornig:

Get your dues to Harold Holt so he can enter them in Grand View

Reread the letter from Blake about the Brother who has sent us a challenge to raise $1000 and he will match it.   Three Brother have given me money so I think we can make it by 12/7/23.  If you can not make the meeting drop Harold an email and send him the check, 505 2nd Ave SE.

There will be election on 12/7/23.  

If you are interested in an appointed position let Harold or Eric know.  Ask Harold what the positions involved.  This will be a GOOD way to get involved.  It looks like we not have Past Masters in the chairs for years to come.  This is  GOOD thing.

  We have two newly elected canidates this fall and two from last spring we need to get through.   Remind them, Tanner Nelson, Adam Muston, Keith Gummeringer & Tyler Burnside, that we will work wirh them to get them to be Master Masons.  With Eric hoping to do some degree work here and with Detroit Lakes  and Underwood we could get them through in three to six months.  It took me a year.  Wotk-school-coaching plus family and life in general take time.  Once they are EA's they can join in in meetings and get involved.

If you are unable to attend the next two meetings I hope to wish you a  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Harold Holt

Acting Secretary

Roof match Master Blake's letter 11.25.23  on 11/25/2023

Please read attachedlettera from Blake

Roof match Master Blake's letter 11.25.23  on 11/25/2023

Please read attachedlettera from Blake

minutes notes 11- 16- 23  on 11/19/2023

Lodge meeting order - 11/16/23 

Opened 7:35pm 


Acting Master Gary Anderson SW  Eric Hatle  JW Tom Marty

Acting SD Don Perrin   JD Joe Maske Acting Tyler   Tom Bowers

Acting Sect Harold Holt Treasure  Don Perrin Chaplin Gary Anderson

side line Jeff Peterson Justin JJ Johnson  






Read & approved


Bell Bank-Benevolent $2777.05  

General MN National   $10615.50

CD Bell Bank 0

 Rent & Building   935.82

 total 14,328.37



Read   Tanner Nelson

Read committee report  


  Voted on and elected

If approved, Sect will enter stuff in Grand View & see if there is a letter to send out.  When do we want EA done? 


JJ & Blake can you be mentors for Adam & Tanner?

JJ yes

Show them how to get on to Grand View & do candidate information

Eric, any word on Keith G & Tyler B?

Will report next meeting

Should have been getting stuff from Grand Lodge.

Let me know for sure by next meeting so can take them off Grand Lodge list

New members need to sign roster -By Laws - would like you to do this after the meeting. 


Officers, do you want this agenda - should I print some for side liners? 


Email about $1000 match

Got $500 Harold will send out letter to all members




 Sent letter about Commercial Rehabilition Loan 11/8

Harold will check on this

11/ 28, DL awards night & installation.

Chamber letter

Support for Pelican Fest July 13, 2024


1. Election 12/7

2. Installation 12/21

3. if interested in one of appointed chairs let Master or Sect know

4 Fundraiser for FST

$300 each print 300 tickets with QR code

prizes when draw?

Raffle spinner from Chamber when present prize

Newspaper article Grand Lodge form

sign out sheet-Harold

where-Pelican Drug, South town, PROC, Arco, Pool Hall where else

Liked idea but agreed not enough time this year. Will look into it in Jan 2024

If give gift certificate to MN Warehouse we can not control what get



Roof match

Reapply for Round up by 3/15/24




Lunch served by Tom Bowers & Don Perrin

 who next meeting   Tom Marty



closed   8:30


sh  on 11/15/2023

I paid for the shirts with a check.  Please bring a check to Lodge or exact amount to get your shirt



Blue polo shirts       paid
1             Bill Osborn          2xl 34  2xl 34  
2             Chris Westby      3xl TALL 37  3xl t 37  
3             Tom Marty          xl 32  xl 32  
4             Joe Maske           xl 32  xl 32  
5             Blake Meland     xl 32  xl 32  
6             Justin Johnson    xxl 34   xxl 34  
7             Harold Holt         3xl      36  xxxl 36  
8            Owen Thompson  xl   32 xl 32  
  set up fee 20    20  
8             Pat Martin     xl 32  xl 32  
11.2.2023 notes  on 11/14/2023

Lodge meeting order - 11/2/2023

Opened 7:35 PM

Acting Master Don Perrin Acting SW Tom Bowers

JW Tom Marty Acting SD Justin Johnson

Acting JD Chris Westby Acting Tyler Jeff Peterson

Acting Sect Harold Holt Treasure Don Perrin








Bell Bank-Benevolent $2776.89

General MN National $10,369.50

CD Bell Bank $0.00

Rent & Building $640.82



Read Adam Muston Petition

Read committee report approved


Tanner Nelson first reading

If approved, Sect will enter stuff in Grand View & see if there is a letter to send out. When do we want EA done?


New members need to sign rooster -By Laws - would like you to do this after meeting.

Officers do you want this agenda - should I print some for side liners?

BILLS none


Pelican Camber meeting




1 Report on Haunted Forest – Chris Westby, JJ Johnson & Harold Holt

2. Committee sent out

3. wish list to building committee- Harold Holt, Tom Marty, Hatle & Blake Meland

4 Moorhead highlights of NW district meeting

5. Roof quote – will visit in January

6. Fundraiser for Fire Suppression Tool tabled to next meeting, lots of discussion on prizes


1. There will be a new degree cycle in the area.

2 do we want to do Bikes for Reading? Black Friday Prices yes

3 Sect will ask GL if can exempt members from dues if a 50 yr. member

4 “ “ “ if yes can we use Benevolence Fund” to pay these?

5 “ “ “ & Bill if sent in By Law change

6 When election 12/7

7 When installation 12/21


Lunch served by DonPerrin who next meeting Tom Bowers



roof match  on 11/14/2023


I just talked with a Brother who will give the Lodge $1000 if we can raise the same for the roof repair!   

At the last meeting I saw in Brother Don’s treasure report that there was $25 so we only have $975 to raise. 

In recent years we have passed the hat in Lodge to fund different organizations such as the fishing team.  When I looked through the records, I noticed that the Brothers have raised money for the stairlift, Lifeline for a brother, I am sure that there are others that I am unaware of or have forgotten. 

I am sure we can meet this challenge by December 7, 2023.    The donations will be kept anonymous. You can bring the check to the meeting on November 16, 2023, when we will be discussing a fundraiser for a Fire Suppression Tool for the Pelican Rapids Police department.  We will need everybody to sell these.   Or on December 7, 2023, when we will be holding elections.   If you are unable to attend either meeting you can send your check to:  

Harold Holt 

505 2nd Ave SE 

Pelican Rapids, MN 56572-4308 


I will share the poem The Bridge Builder with you, it is a beautifully written poem of what we need to do. 


Harold Holt 


The Bridge Builder 

An old man going a lone highway, 

Came, at the evening cold and gray, 

To a chasm vast and deep and wide. 

Through which was flowing a sullen tide 

The old man crossed in the twilight dim, 

The sullen stream had no fear for him; 

But he turned when safe on the other side 

And built a bridge to span the tide. 


“Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim near, 

“You are wasting your strength with building here; 

Your journey will end with the ending day, 

You never again will pass this way; 

You’ve crossed the chasm, deep and wide, 

Why build this bridge at evening tide?” 


The builder lifted his old gray head; 

“Good friend, in the path I have come,” he said, 

“There followed after me to-day 

A youth whose feet must pass this way. 

This chasm that has been as naught to me 

To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be; 

He, too, must cross in the twilight dim; 

Good friend, I am building this bridge for him!” 



Committees   on 10/25/2023

Attached is a list of committees.  There is a new one that I lost on my computer.  I will look for it and send it out when I do.   This is  way to get more people involved.


Lodge new polo shirts  on 10/25/2023

This is what the shirts will look like.  If you want one and have not ordered on let me know.  Cost should be around $30.00.  If I have not heard from you by Friday noon it might be to late.



grand view information and communication  on 10/25/2023


I would like to use Grand View to communicate with you. You do not have to be on Grand View to receive them but I thought it would be good for you to see how easy it is.
I have sent many messages on Grand View, in my email it states that I have gotten an email from Otter Tail Lodge.  I think - hope it says the same in your emails.  However I see that most of you have not opened them. (6 is the most).
My computer had a short in it's SSD card - where most of my stuff was stored.  I am going to send it this way - I may not have all the emails and I will send on by Grand View
minutes notes 10-19-23  on 10/19/2023


How does this look?  Did I foeget anything?

Minunties 10-19-202 7:31 

WM Blake Meland SW Eric Hatle        JW Tom Marty  

SD Richard Gabe Sec Harold Holt        Tre 

Tyler Bill Osborne Chap Gary Anderson    SS  



Jeff Peterson Justin Johnson  

Visitors none 

Minutes last meeting Read and approved 

Treasure report None 

Beneficence $_________ 

General                    $_________ 

Rent & Building       $_________ 

Total $_________ 

Petitions first reading Adam Muston 

investigting committee appointed by Master 

Examination report     hope to vote on 11/2/23 

Vote on Petition 


Grand Lodge approved dues increase with Grand Lodge assessment of total of $150 

Northwest Area Conference in Moorhead   

Letter from Paullette Nettestad regarding Chet Nettestad 

Bills None 

Old Business: 

Grand Lodge approved dues increase 

Nothing on REA Round up Fund 

Haunted Forest Jeff, Chris, JJ & Harold.   

Harold will call to let them know Tom can help next week 

Shirts have been ordered 

Gary & Jeff Report on Otter Tail City Demo derby 

Blake    Northwest Dist. meeting in Moorhead 

Bill & Harold going, Eric maybe 

Brought up would get better attendance if not in fall –farmers & Construction workers crunch time 

Building Committee –Blake, Eric, Tom & Harold 

Will meet late Jan or early Feb to contact people for bids 

Blake will contact Franklin Fence about roof quote 

Roof 70 ft long, EAST side 16’2’’  WEST side 16’6” 

Facial & sofit also 

Could get know and store it as price will go up 

Other old business: 

New Business: 

Are we going to give candy out on Halloween? 

Joe & Harold   outside pool hall starts at 3:00PM to 5:00PM 

Harold, will you send out the list of Committees? 

Idea is to get more people involved, more ownership 

Fundraisers –  

Can still do one more this year without license as long as prizes do not go over $900. 

Blake will talk to Ken S at MN Furniture for gun 

Tom? Will investigate Ace or Lakeland for cooler 

Gary Anerson will check on some gift certificates 

Check with Heart of Lakes Meat 

Also, Pelican Bucks 

Print 250      check with Press – books of 5 

Sell for $20   

Will vote on 11/2/23 for ending date  

Other new business: 

Lunch by Harold 

Bill will let Harold know who serves lunch in Nov. & Dec. 

Closed at 8:13 

Polo shirts  on 10/07/2023

This is what I have for Blue Polo shirts. If there is anyone else who wants one let me know. I will be sending this order in end next Wednesday. 10-11-2023.


Blue polo shirts

1             Bill Osborn          2xl

2             Chris Westby      3xl TALL

3             Tom Marty          xl

4             Joe Maske           xl

5             Blake Meland     xl

6             Justin Johnson    xxl

7             Harold Holt         3xl         


This is what we have on our cups and will have it put on the shirts.

Otter Tail Lodge No. 284

A.F. & A.M.


2023 Haunted Forest form  on 10/04/2023

Please fill in this form and bring to Lodge or email it to me

Fundraiser help - read & prepare to sign up  on 10/03/2023


The surgery went well last Monday.   Tuesday lots of pain, better now, still some swelling & stiffness.

Got a call from Ryan the guy at the Moccasin Valley for the Haunted Forest he says he needs the following:

  1. one driver for the 20th & 21st .   They will be pulling an Underwood Lions wagon like they use at Phelp’s Mills.  He would like someone used to towing wagons like a farmer or someone used to pulling a trailer.
  2. two concession workers for the 20th & 21st - Will also be in charge of the fire.
  3. two concession workers for the 27th and 28th- Will also be in charge of the fire.
  4. 3 parkers for the 27th and 28th.

All shifts go from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM

There will be a dinner before each show.

If we can fill all of these, we could make between $400-$500. If there is a large turnout of paying customers we will get a larger commission.

I will fill one of the spots, but not the driver.

Let me know what you can do on Thursday at Lodge.


Harold Holt

Dedication Screening clinic  on 09/23/2023

1. Letter about Cornerstone dedication

2 flyer about Shriners Children screening clinic in Fargo. PLEASE SHARE


Raffle info  on 09/22/2023

Good morning Brothers,


I did some checking this morning on raffles.

  1. Attached is the Grand Lodge fundraiser application.
    1. Note the part about gun raffles.
  2. The limit is $1500 per year.
  3. Can apply for what is called Exempt Permit for $100 for gaming up to $50,000
  4. Or use a license of another organization.
    1. The VFW is the only one in Pelican that has one.
  5. Gambling funds can be used for “Capital Assets” (building repair).
  6. Attached is something called a “Duck Pond” Raffle.
    1. Could do this during a parade – Lighted Christmas Parade
    2. Brothers walk the street selling numbers.
    3. Draw when done.
    4. Use Pelican Bucks or cash prizes.


Harold Holt

info for 9/21/23 meeting  on 09/21/2023

Please read the following attachmwnt before tonight's meeting.

Harold Holt

Fire supprssion townhall  on 09/19/2023

Brothers all,


Please see message below.  This may be the perfect oppertunity to dispurse information on the Fire Supresstion Tool  (FST)


W. Brother Greg Vokovan will be hosting a town hall forum on the FST program on Wednesday, September 27th at 7PM.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 5684 4774
Passcode: 161588

Corner Stone dedication  on 09/19/2023
General Info

Event Info

 Formal (Dark Suit and Tie) 09/30/2023
1:30 PM CST 200 South Main St
Underwood, MN 58586 Grand Lodge of Minnesota Make reservation by 09/30/2023

Join Grand Master Dayton L. Berg and the officers of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota for the dedication of the new lodge hall of Corner Stone Lodge No. 99 in Underwood. 

Masonic shirts  on 09/15/2023


I stopped at Long Weekend Sports and talked to him aboiut shirts.  He neds six shirts to place an order.  I suggest we add $2.00 to each shirt to cover the set up charge.  We can place our order at our meeting on 9/22/23.  If you are unble to attend you can send an email to me at haroldholt9292@gmail.


Harold Holt

Assistant Secretary


Building trust flyer  on 09/08/2023

Last nght we votes to go forward with the roof repair.  Attached is the Grand Lodge Building trust flyer we will be applying for.


Harold Holt

Meeting 9/7/2023  on 09/06/2023


I noticed that many of you were not on the email sent out, so I am sending another email.  Thursday 9/7/23 we will have a busy night and need good attendance.

  1. By Law changes
    1.  Dues
    2. General regulation numbers - later
  2. Discuss what to do about those who have not paid their dues.
  3. Roof repair – carpet replacement-alter flooring.
  4. Fundraising
    1. Haunted Forest
    2. Raffle

       5            Dues & dues cards changes                 


Just to keep you informed I am letting you know I am taking over from Bill as Lodge Secretary in November. 

There will be some changes:

  1. I am going to use Grandview to send out emails.  There are only three brothers that do not have emails so I will call them.
  2. I would encourage all of you to log in to Grandview.
  3. There is the ability to enter Lodge minutes on Grandview so those of you who are not able to attend can be informed of what is happening at Otter Tail Lodge.
  4. The more I get to it I am sure I will find other things that will benefit us.


Harold Holt

Associate Secretary

Meeting 9/7/2023  on 09/06/2023


I noticed that many of you were not on the email sent out, so I am sending another email.  Thursday 9/7/23 we will have a busy night and need good attendance.

  1. By Law changes
    1.  Dues
    2. General regulation numbers - later
  2. Discuss what to do about those who have not paid their dues.
  3. Roof repair – carpet replacement-alter flooring.
  4. Fundraising
    1. Haunted Forest
    2. Raffle

       5            Dues & dues cards changes                 


Just to keep you informed I am letting you know I am taking over from Bill as Lodge Secretary in November. 

There will be some changes:

  1. I am going to use Grandview to send out emails.  There are only three brothers that do not have emails so I will call them.
  2. I would encourage all of you to log in to Grandview.
  3. There is the ability to enter Lodge minutes on Grandview so those of you who are not able to attend can be informed of what is happening at Otter Tail Lodge.
  4. The more I get to it I am sure I will find other things that will benefit us.


Harold Holt

Associate Secretary

Meeting 9/7/2023  on 09/06/2023


I noticed that many of you were not on the email sent out, so I am sending another email.  Thursday 9/7/23 we will have a busy night and need good attendance.

  1. By Law changes
    1.  Dues
    2. General regulation numbers - later
  2. Discuss what to do about those who have not paid their dues.
  3. Roof repair – carpet replacement-alter flooring.
  4. Fundraising
    1. Haunted Forest
    2. Raffle

       5            Dues & dues cards changes                 


Just to keep you informed I am letting you know I am taking over from Bill as Lodge Secretary in November. 

There will be some changes:

  1. I am going to use Grandview to send out emails.  There are only three brothers that do not have emails so I will call them.
  2. I would encourage all of you to log in to Grandview.
  3. There is the ability to enter Lodge minutes on Grandview so those of you who are not able to attend can be informed of what is happening at Otter Tail Lodge.
  4. The more I get to it I am sure I will find other things that will benefit us.


Harold Holt

Associate Secretary

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