Orphans No. 761 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
On December 14, 2024 at the final stated meeting of the year for Orphans Lodge No. 761, a new slate of officers were elected and appointed for 2025. With an open installation following the stated led by MWB R. David Wicker, installing officer and MWB D. Mack Sigmon, installing marshal, Orphans Lodge installed its 19th Master, Brother Alan T. Mabry, to serve in the East for the year 2025. 2025 will be Orphans Lodge's 20th year as a chartered lodge of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina. Pictured are the elected and appointed officers of Orphans Lodge No. 761 for 2025. ORPHANS LODGE OFFICERS - 2025 (l to r - bottom row) WB Tommy Mills, Jr., Treasurer, Br. Michael Orlando, Sr. Deacon, Br. Alan Mabry, Master, WB Craig Horton, Jr. Deacon, WB Clifford Shrewsbury, Sr. Steward. (l to r - top row) WB Gene Cline, Jr. Steward, WB Kenneth Small, Jr. Deacon, WB Will Chriscoe, Chaplain, WB Rodney Hinson, Tyler, WB Chris Richardson, Secretary. |
Orphans No. 761 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. | |
To the fifty-two brethren, who joined us on a chilly, October morning for an early stated of Orphans - thank you! We were honored to have the Grand Master of Masons in North Carolina, MWB Robert Rideout join us for the meeting, say a few words, and extend his fellowship and thanks, this being one of his first, if not the first, visit to a stated lodge meeting during his term as Grand Master. A wonderful weekend for all, some beautiful fall weather and a memorable time again, at our children's home in Oxford. Our next stated is December 14, 2024 at 10:00am. Make plans to join us for this special meeting, which includes our election and installation of officers for 2025 and the annual holiday celebration of lunch with the children of The Masonic Home for Children at Oxford, following the meeting. Look for updates closer to the date! | |
A very special thanks to WB Tommy Mills, Jr., who led this year's Orphans Lodge No. 761 BBQ Team. From early Friday afternoon until late Saturday afternoon, WB Mills prepped, worked, cooked, and oversaw (without much sleep!) the details of our BBQ, to the delight of those visiting on Saturday who enjoyed our chicken and pork. With the assistance of WB Craig Horton, Brother Michael Orlando, WB Kenneth Smalls, and WB Chris Richardson assisting in a variety of ways, Orphans Lodge proudly fed the masses. | |
Orphans No. 761 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
The annual Outdoor Door degree of Orphans Lodge No. 761 was part of our stated meeting of June 8, 2024. Thanks to a number of Orphans Lodge members, as well as guests from other Lodges and a special group of brothers from West Gate No. 738, a new Master Mason was welcomed to the fraternity courtesy of Orphans Lodge. It was a day full of fellowship and fraternity that took place on the grounds of The Masonic Home for Children at Oxford. Special thanks to MHCO for hosting our guests and our degree and to the Oxford Orphanage - MHCO Alumni Association who invited us to lunch with the children. We are grateful for the time, travel, and support of all those who made this degree possible and special, including our members, those brethren who helped from our district, the members of West Gate Lodge No. 738, and the brethren and family of the newly made Master Mason, Brother Damien C. Elkovich of West Gate Lodge No. 738. |
During our stated meeting, a very special presentation was made to MHCO, by way of MWB Mack Sigmon, PGM, who is also a member of Orphans Lodge No. 761. MWB Sigmon shared kind words about the life and Masonic history of Brother Frank Patton, Jr., the oldest member of Catawba Lodge No. 248. Following a visit presenting Brother Patton with his 70-year service award, MWB Sigmon learned of Brother Patton’s charitable intentions via a letter of thanks for that visit and with it, a check for a donation courtesy of Brother Patton and his wife, totaling $10,000.00, given to help the lives of the children at MHCO. Pictured here is MWB Sigmon presenting that check to WB Kevin Otis and WB Alvin Billings of MHCO at our Lodge meeting, on behalf of Brother Frank and his wife, Mrs. Donna Patton. |
Brethren of Orphan's Lodge No. 761,
To you and yours our blessings that your Christmas holiday was filled with happiness and good memories and that the New Year ahead brings peace, hope, and good health to you and your family. 2023 was a wonderful year at Orphans Lodge, filled with many activities and opportunites to share our Masonry and giving through our Lodge and our charity. We did this all while celebrating our historic children's home and its 150th Anniversary - an incredible milestone that speaks to the belief and giving of every Mason now and those before us. For 2024, we look to build on the successes and support of last year and share our Lodge and its purpose in new, fun, and wonderful ways. Thank you for being a part of it all.
As of this writing, I was informed by Grand Lodge that our dues cards are not yet ready and will be delivered sometime in early to mid-January, 2024. I regret the delay and will be mailing these as soon as they are received from Grand Lodge. Thanks as well to all who have paid dues of $86.00 for 2024 to Orphans Lodge No. 761. If you have not paid dues, please feel free to go online at Grandview, to your user account and pay dues there or by mailing a check made out to "Orphans Lodge No. 761" to me at Chris Richardson 406 Salem Road Oxford, NC 27565. Should you need assistance or have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the email address below.
MEETING SCHEDULE FOR 2024 (all meetings at Shipman Cottage/Masonic Center on the campus of MHCO, unless noted)
March 9 - 10:00am; June 8 - 10:00am; October 12 - 8:00am (MHCO Masonic Homecoming Meeting); December 14 - 10:00am (Election and Installation of Officers)
Congratulations to our new slate of Officers at Orphans No. 761 for 2024, lead by WB John Powell. We appreciate their time, care, and work for our Lodge and we appreciate your support of our officers throughout the year ahead. Of note - if anyone has photos from the December 9, 2023 installation of officers, if you could please forward them to me, I would appreciate it.
In the coming weeks I will be sharing updates via Grandview for the Lodge, including information on our proposed 2024 budget and in preparation for our March 9, 2024 stated, our first of the new year. Please look for these communications and please do not hesitate to contact me for any questions or for anything regarding the Lodge. Thank you again brethren for your support, care, and kindness for this Lodge and those it helps - now for a new year! Be well and again, Happy New Year!
Happy New Year brethren and see you in 2024!
Fraternally and with thanks,
Chris Richardson, Secretary
Orphans Lodge No. 761 - 2023
Brethren of Orphans Lodge No. 761,
We hope you can join us for the final meeting of 2023 on Saturday, December 9, 2023 at 10:00am on the campus of MHCO at Shipman Cottage. We will conduct the business of the Lodge and have our election and installation of officers. Following the meeting and installation, you are invited to share Christmas lunch with the children of our home at approximately 12:30pm. All are welcome to attend the installation of officers which will be an open installation. If you plan on attending lunch, please RSVP, via Grandview or contact MHCO directly at cvaughn@mhc-oxford.org as soon as possible, giving them a count for lunch.
This final meeting of 2023 is our "1873 Meeting", as a final act of recognizing and celebrating our beloved children's home and its 150th Anniversary of caring for children. We ask those who wish, to dress in 1873 period clothing and as we will meet by candlelight (electric! : ) ) commemorating those Masons and their meetings from 150 years ago.
We will also conclude our auction of coins No. 1 and No. 150, from our commemorative and numbered coin sale fundraiser celebrating MHCO's 150th Anniversary from Orphans Lodge No. 761. The current bid is at $500 for each coin and will end at 10am on December 9, 2023. If you wish to submit a bid and cannot be present on December 9, please email me at crichardson@mfnc.org on or before December 8, 2023 at 5pm. All remaining, numbered coins are on sale for $20 each and 100% of our sales go to MHCO as part of our 150th Anniversary donation this year. Our Lodge has had a number of members donate to purchase coins that will be given to each resident of MHCO. If you wish to contribute to coins for the children of MHCO, please contact me at crichardson@mfnc.org or by phone before December 9, 2023.
Again, we look forward to seeing you next Saturday, December 9, 2023 at 10am on the campus of MHCO. And thank you again for your continued support of Orphans No. 761 and those we support all year long.
Chris Richardson - Secretary, Orphans No. 761, 2023
Brethren of Orphans Lodge No. 761,
To you and yours the joys of the holiday season ahead and into the New Year! We give thanks to you, our members, our supporters, our brothers, during this season of Thanksgiving.
Our final meeting of 2023 is Saturday, December 9, 2023 at 10:00am on the campus of MHCO at Shipman Cottage. We will conduct the business of the Lodge and prepare for 2024, with the election and installation of officers. Following this is an annual and cherished tradition to share Christmas lunch with the children of our home at approximately 12:30pm. All are welcome to attend, including the installation of officers which will be an open installation. If you plan on attending lunch, please RSVP, via Grandview, as we provide a head count to MHCO. We look forward to seeing you all there.
This final meeting of 2023 is our "1873 Meeting", as a final act of recognizing and celebrating our beloved children's home and its 150th Anniversary of caring for children. We ask those who wish, to dress in 1873 period clothing, as we will meet by candlelight (electric! : ) ) commemorating those Masons and their meetings from 150 years ago, whose actions, commitment, faith, and charity started what we now celebrate a century and a half later, thanks to each of our continued giving, which has helped to change the lives and futures of thousands of children during that time. Our Master, WB Matt Kohut, shared the following for those who wish to dress for the meeting, "I have determined that amazon is the best option for those looking for a period suit (costume) that can be had for $40.00. I certainly do not expect anyone to go nuts (like me) and spend alot on an outfit. Luckily I am the only one who needs to have a hat of the time. I have also investigated vintage clothing stores and an appropriate suite can be put together shopping there as well for not alot of money." Brethren, regardless of your attire, we look forward to marking this occassion together, as our Lodge's last official act in celebrating this historic year at our children's home in Oxford.
During this past year we have created many opportunities to support MHCO during its 150th Anniversary year. We conclude those activities with our auction of coins No. 1 and No. 150, from our commemorative and numbered coin sale fundraiser. The current bid is at $500 for each coin and will end at 10am on December 9, 2023. If you wish to submit a bid and cannot be present on December 9, please email me at crichardson@mfnc.org on or before December 8, 2023 at 5pm. All remaining, numbered coins are on sale for $20 each. 100% of our sales go to MHCO as part of our 150th Anniversary donation this year. They can be ordered online by contacting me at the email above or purchased at upcoming meetings. As well, the Lodge has had a number of members donate to purchase coins that will be given to each resident of MHCO. If you wish to contribute to coins for the children of MHCO, please contact me at crichardson@mfnc.org or by phone.
Regarding dues and dues cards - if you have submitted your dues already - Thank you! And if you haven't, please submit via your personal Grandview account or by mailing your check, made out to "Orphans Lodge No. 761" to Chris Richardson, 406 Salem Road Oxford, NC 27565, on or before December 31, 2023. A recent notice from the Grand Secretary regarding the dues cards for 2024 indicated " ... dues cards are running late and will probably not arrive .... until the week after Thanksgiving to the secretaries. " They have recommended that members use the digital dues card found in Grandview to validate their good standing, until receipt of dues cards. I hope to have cards at the December 9, 2023 stated meeting for those present. For others I will be mailing as soon as possible.
I will continue to update you via Grandview posts throughout December and in preparation for 2024. In the interim, should you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact me a crichardson@mfnc.org. My thanks again for your membership, your participation, your charity, your belief, and your passion for this Lodge, its work, and those we support through our actions and giving, every day. Again, Happy Thanksgiving and see you in December!
Chris Richardson - Secretary, Orphans No. 761, 2023
On behalf of Kernersville Lodge No. 669 I am sharing this reminder, as their Lodge will be traveling to MHCO and will be conferring a 3rd degree in Orphans Lodge this Saturday, November 11 at 12pm. Many of their members will be in attendance, however all Master Masons are welcome to attend and they would greatly appreciate any assistance they could have with the degree. The Lodge has chosen to meet at Orphans Lodge as they raise a brother who is also an alumnus of The Masonic Home for Children at Oxford. Light refreshments will be served by Kernersville No. 669 for all in attendance following the meeting.
If you plan on attending and can assist these brethren, please feel free to contact me at crichardson@mfnc.org or Worshipful Brother Tayler Fulton of Kernersville Lodge at tylrfulton@gmail.com in advance of November 9, 2023. Thank you brethren.
We look forward to seeing you then, as well as for our last stated communication of Orphans Lodge No. 761 for 2023, Saturday, December 9 at 10am, for our "1872 Meeting", election and installation of officers, which is an open installation. This will be followed by our annual Christmas Lunch with the children of MHCO at approximately 12:30pm in the MHCO Cafeteria. Emails will be forwarded to you regarding these upcoming Lodge activities and other business of the Lodge heading into 2024.
Be well brethren, keep in touch, and thanks for your continued support of Orphans Lodge No. 761 and our work for Masonry and our Masonic Charities.
Chris Richardson, Secretary, Orphans Lodge No. 761
A tremendous thank you to so many that participated, donated to, and represented Orphans Lodge No. 761 during the recent Masonic Homecoming Festival weekend. We had seven brothers, who are alumni of our children's home, serve in the officers chair for a very special meeting on the 150th Anniversary of our historic charity. I have placed a picture on our website of these brethren and special members of our alumni family. The image can be found at https://lodgelocator.com/orphans-lodge-761/page/photo-gallery. Our thanks to them for the time, travel, and participation and to our current sitting officers who filled in when needed and in sharing their offices for this meeting! A large crowd was on hand to participate as well!
Our Lodge was also represented by WB Tommy Mills who lead and faciliated our Orphans Lodge No. 761 BBQ team. Cooking throughout day and night he not only made some incredible food and battled the elements, Orphans Lodge was awarded first place for chicken! Thank you WB Tommy and to those that assisted him with supplies and our grill. Congratulations!
A few more notes in advance of our December 9, 2023 stated:
- For our "1872 meeting" on December 9, 10:00am, WB Kohut shared the following information, for those who wish to dress for the occassion, celebrating the home's orginial founding date. He determined that amazon is the best option for those looking for a period suit (costume) that can be had for $40.00. He stated that he certainly did not expect anyone to go nuts (like him) and spend alot on an outfit. He also mentioned vintage clothing stores and an appropriate suite can be put together shopping there as well for not alot of money. He asked that we pass this along to the officers and brethren and that it would be greatly appreciated as we have only a few months to pull it together. Look for another update in November.
- Thanks to those who have paid their dues to Orphans Lodge for 2024. The dues are $86.00 and can be paid online, via check, or at a future stated communication. I will send reminders in the coming months and as soon as dues cards are received I will mail them and have them to be picked up at the December 9, 2023 stated.
- Speaking of our December 9 stated, we will have election and installation of officers and the installation will be an open one for guests and family members. And following the installation, at approximately 12:30pm, we are scheduled for lunch with the children of MHCO in the cafeteria. We will send updates on the installation and meal as we near the date of our meeting.
- A very special meeting will be taking place at our Lodge building at MHCO on Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 12pm. Kernersville Lodge No. 669 has asked to meet on the campus of MHCO, at our Lodge for the purpose of raising Brother Chris Grubbs to the sublime degree of a Master Mason - and because Brother Grubbs is an alumni of The Masonic Home for Children at Oxford. All of our members are invited to attend and assist these brethren with this special day for this brother and alumnus. If you plan on attending, please RSVP to me at crichardson@mfnc.org in advance of November 6, 2023.
- Coin sales - the commemorative, numbered, MHCO 150th/Orphans Lodge No. 761 coins remain on sale, with less than half of the 150 donated by WB Calvin Rogers and his wife Allison remaining. They are available for $20 each and coins No. 1 and No. 150 remain at auction, $500 being the current bid for each. The auction will end at our December 9 meeting. And we continue to ask those interested to our join our members in purchasing coins for the residents of MHCO. If you wish to help purchase coins, one for each child, 65 total, please let me know via email or at our December 9 meeting and forward your contribution.
Brethren, my thanks again for your membership, your support, and your participation in Orphans Lodge No. 761 and for all that is done through our Lodge, because of you and all of our members, in supporting those in need and Masonry. Take care and do not hesitate to contact me anytime, should you need anything.
Chris Richardson, Secretary
Orphans No. 761
From MHCO regarding parking for tomorrow's 8am stated meeting of Orphans Lodge No. 761:
MHCO asked that our members please park off the road immediately to the right after you enter the main gate. This road is before the circle and between Brown and Bemis cottages.
MHCO will have signage.
Please pull onto the grass perpendicular to the road on either side.
Please do not block that road by parking as we will need folks to exit by the Administrator’s Garage at the end of this drive.
Thank you brethren, safe travels to Oxford and we'll see you tomorrow at our home.
A reminder for our upcoming and third stated meeting of Orphans Lodge No. 761 in 2023, as well as some updates from the Lodge:
- October 14 - 8am - Masonic Center on the Campus of MHCO - a very special meeting highlighted by our Oxford Orphanage/Masonic Home for Children at Oxford alumni who are Master Masons. Officer chairs will be filled by our alumni of the children's home who are Master Masons. We currently have two open chairs to fill. They will be opening the Lodge as our officers and in celebration of their home and its 150th Anniversary. FOR THE MEETING AND PARKING: Please follow the MHCO parking attendants for instructions on where to park, as there will be no parking near the Lodge. Make plans to stay for a truly special day in the history of our children's home. and visit the MHF wesbite for more information at https://mhc-oxford.org/masonic-homecoming-festival/.
- Orphans Lodge 150th Coin Sale - we recently sold a good number of coins, but still have plently left and I will have them at our meeting and during Homecoming weekend. They are $20 a piece and can be purchased in-person or online at our website (choose "Shirts/Coins" when ordering online). And the auction remains for coins No. 1 and No. 150, with the current bid at $500 for each and will end at our December stated meeting. REMEMBER 100% of the proceeds will be given by Orphans Lodge as part of our year-end contribution to MHCO.
- MHCO 150th Race Car Raffle - the NCMF is raffling off the last few car parts and firesuit of the Jeremy Clements No. 51 MHCO 150th race car, driven at Charlotte Motorspeedway in May. Tickets are $25 a piece and limited to 300, with the drawing on Homecoming Saturday. The trunk lid, back panel and firesuit worn by Jeremy Clements will be drawn. Have your chance at a piece of history from this special year at MHCO. Contact Chris at crichardson@mfnc.org for your tickets or more info. All proceeds from the raffle will be given directly to MHCO for their 150th celebration.
- Other Lodge News
- WB Tommy Mills is heading our Orphans Lodge No. 761 BBQ team this year at MHCO, October 13, -14, 2023. If you can volunteer some time those days and can assist with prep and service, especially October 14 from 8am - 2pm, please contact Chris as soon as possible at crichardson@mfnc.org. I know WB Mills would appreciate the help as we participate in this year's BBQ event for Homecoming.
- With the recent approval of the new per-capita and per our Lodge by-laws, the total amount of dues for Orphans Lodge No. 761 in 2024 will be $86.00. I will be sharing dues notices later this month and you are welcome to pay online at our website or at an upcoming stated meeting. When dues cards are received, I will forward them with your paid dues.
Hope to see you all next weekend, October 14, 2023 at 8:00am at our very special meeting or anytime throughout the year and in Oxford. Should you need anything or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime at my email address crichardson@mfnc.org. And again, thank you brethren.
Chris Richardson - Secretary - Orphans Lodge No. 761
I hope this finds you well after a pleasant summer. With fall almost here, the Masonic Homecoming Festival October 13-14, Annual Communication next week, and our final two meetings of 2023, I wanted to share some updates and information. And to take this opportunity to again thank you for your membership in and support of Orphans Lodge No. 761!
- Our last two meetings of 2023 are upcoming and we hope you can attend.
- October 14 - 8am - Masonic Center on the Campus of MHCO - meeting will be highlighted by our Oxford Orphanage/Masonic Home for Children at Oxford alumni who are Master Masons. We have all chairs filled but one with alumni of our children's home who are Master Masons! They will be opening the Lodge as our officers and in celebration of their home and its 150th Anniversary. It will be a special day with these special brethren and alumni of our children's home. Please follow the MHCO parking attendants for instructions on where to park, as there will be no parking near the Lodge. Make plans to stay for a truly special day in the history of our children's home. and visit the MHF wesbite for more information at https://mhc-oxford.org/masonic-homecoming-festival/.
- December 9 - 10am - Masonic Center on the Campus of MHCO - "1873 Meeting"/Election and Installation of Officers - led by WB Kohut, we will have a period costume meeting in celebration of the year of our children's home founding. More information will be shared in preparation for this meeting later this fall. This meeting also concludes 2023, but starts anew, with election and installation of officers for 2024. The day is highlighted with a special holiday lunch with our children at MHCO following installation at approximately 12:30pm. Look for more details on installation and the luncheon via email and plan on joining us for this great start to the holidays with our kids.
- Orphans Lodge Fundraisers
- Orphans Lodge 150th Coin Sale - we have plenty of coins left brethren, numbered and limited to 150. Chris will have them at Annual Communication, Homecoming and at our stated meetings in October and December. They are $20 a piece and can be purchased in-person or online at our website (choose "Shirts/Coins" when ordering online). And the auction remains for coins No. 1 and No. 150, with the current bid at $500 for each and will end at our December stated meeting. Get yours today - all proceeds will be given by Orphans Lodge as part of our year-end contribution to MHCO.
- MHCO 150th Race Car Raffle - the NCMF is raffling off the last few car parts and firesuit of the Jeremy Clements No. 51 MHCO 150th race car, driven at Charlotte Motorspeedway in May. Tickets are $25 a piece and limited to 300, with the drawing on Homecoming Saturday. The trunk lid, back panel and firesuit worn by Jeremy Clements will be drawn. Have your chance at a piece of history from this special year at MHCO. Contact Chris at crichardson@mfnc.org for your tickets or more info. All proceeds from the raffle will be given directly to MHCO for their 150th celebration.
- Other Lodge News
- WB Tommy Mills is heading our Orphans Lodge No. 761 BBQ team this year at MHCO, October 13, -14, 2023. If you can volunteer some time those days and can assist with prep and service, especially October 14 from 8am - 2pm, please contact Chris as soon as possible at crichardson@mfnc.org. I know WB Mills would appreciate the help as we participate in this year's BBQ event for Homecoming.
- Brethren, I am unsure about the availability of dues cards and our dues for 2024 at this time, but hope to have information to our members via Grandview in advance of November 1, 2023. Dues can be paid at our December stated as well as online via Grandview.
- The members of Kernersville Lodge will be raising an alumnus of the children's home to the third degree in Masonry on Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 12pm on campus at MHCO and our Masonic Center. I will have specific details in a couple of weeks, but Orphans Lodge members are invited to attend and participate.
Brethren, again my thanks for all the ways you support Orphans Lodge, our children's home, and the charities and lives we support, together. This is a special Lodge at a special place only because of you and your continued participation, time, travel, and care. Should you need anything or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime at my email address crichardson@mfnc.org.
Chris Richardson - Secretary - Orphans Lodge No. 761
Celebrating MHCO's 150th at Orphans Lodge No. 761 - Coin Fundraiser
Our limited edition and numbered Orphans No. 761/MHCO 150th Coins are on sale! These individually numbered coins, No. 1 through No. 150, can be purchased for $20 a piece, with 100% of the proceeds going towards our annual gift to MHCO, courtesy of the Lodge, during this special anniversary year. These coins are courtesy of our friend and brother, WB Calvin Rogers and his wife Allison, to support MHCO during its historic 150th year of caring for children, made and given by them especially for our Lodge. Donations from all sales will be given to MHCO in memory of WB Calvin and in honor of Allison.
Several coins (and their numbers) have already been sold. You can purchase yours online (**Please type "Coin Fundraiser" in the additional comments box for online purchases). We will also have coins available at our upcoming meetings in October and December. Coins No. 1 and No. 150 will be auctioned, with the current bid for coin No. 1 at $500. To place your bid, email Chris Richardson at crichardson@mfnc.org. The auction will end at the conclusion of our October stated.
For more information or to purchase your coins, please contact the secretary, Chris Richardson, at crichardson@mfnc.org. Thank you and look for information from the Lodge on our upcoming meetings and other news in future emails.
Thank you,
Chris Richardson, Secretary
Orphans No. 761
Brethren of Orphans Lodge No. 761,
We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming stated meeting to be held on June 24, 2023, 10:00am on the campus of the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford. Again, note that we are meeting on this Saturday in June as part of MHCO's 150th Anniversary Ice Cream Social and home activities on that date. For more information, please visit the Home's website at www.mhc-oxford.org. And if you do plan on staying and can assist WB Otis with activities on campus following our meeting, please feel free to contact him via email at kotis@mhc-oxford.org.
Due to the activities throughout the day, MHCO has asked that all Orphan Lodge members and guests park alongside the first road to the right when you enter the campus main gate. It is immediately after the first cottage on the right. You can pull off the road and park alongside it providing space for anyone to get through or leave after lodge. Those cooking breakfast can park in the parking lot right by the Lodge. MHCO is using the part of the circle to keep it clear for the Shrine Parade that will be stepping off around 12:30pm. MHCO will have signage and someone at the front gate to assist when you arrive for the meeting.
Brethren, please be safe in your travels to the meeting and we look forward to seeing you there. Thank you for this and your continued support of Orphans Lodge No. 761 and those we help through our work and our Masonry, every day.
Chris Richardson, Secretary, Orphans Lodge No. 761
Members of Orphans Lodge No. 761,
We are preparing for our June 24, 2023 stated at MHCO and with it - breakfast prior to the meeting. Special thanks to our officers who are assisting with the planning, preparation, and serving of the breakfast for all members and guests that morning, 8:30am to 9:45am.
Brethren, to help in our planning, I would please ask that you respond with your RSVP to the event notice for the breakfast in advance of June 17, 2023. We hope you will come and enjoy a freshly prepared breakfast and some wonderful fellowship prior to our stated.
Speaking of the stated - please note, with request from MHCO, our stated is being held on Saturday, June 24, 2023 at 10:00am, at our Lodge on the campus of MHCO. The home is holding a special OES Ice Cream social and several events in celebration of St. John's Day and the home's 150th Anniversary this year. Visit their website at www.mhc-oxford.org, for more information on their events.
Finally, our Orphans Lodge No. 761/MHCO 150th individually numbered coins are in and ready for sale, raising monies from our Lodge to present to MHCO during their anniversary year. We have already had several orders for the coins and their numbers and will have a "special amount" to be donated for coins No. 1 and No. 150 to be bid on. We share our sincerest appreciation and rememberance for our friend and brother, Calvin Rogers, who had these coins specially prepared for our Lodge, to sell and support our home in Oxford.
Thank you all brethren, for this, for your support, and your continued work with and membership in Orphans Lodge No. 761. We hope to see you in June - for breakfast and a wonderful meeting together!
Fraternally and with thanks,
Chris, Secretary, Orphans Lodge No. 761
From the Secretary of Orphans Lodge No. 761
My thanks on behalf of the Master, WB Matt Kohut, to all officers, members, and the many guests who joined us on Saturday, April 15, 2023 for our first Orphans Lodge No. 761 Outdoor Degree on the farm of our Masonic Home for Children. It was a wonderul day, with beautiful weather, and a great group of brethren together, sharing Masonry. Much time and planning went into the day and we are grateful for all who made it possible. Special thanks to those who traveled far and wide, to the brethren of Creedmoor Lodge No. 499 for allowing us to raise their brother, and to WB Kevin Otis and the staff and volunteers of MHCO for preparing such a wonderful venue and for their hospitality throughout the day.
Please note that our meeting in June is on the 4th Saturday, June 24, 2023, at 10am, in conjunction with the activities taking place at MHCO on this special day at our home. There will be updates regarding this meeting in the coming weeks.
Finally, we continue to work in our new database, Grandview, and appreciate your patience and understanding in our learning of the new system and its features and communication methods. As a result, I am mailing dues notices to those outstanding again and after April 30, 2023, you will only be able to pay dues and make donations online through our Grandview site and not OLP. You can continue to pay via check mailing to our Lodge address or present it when you attend an upcoming meeting. If you haven't done so already, I would encourage all members to establish their Grandview accounts as soon as possible.
Any questions or need for more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Be well brethren and thank you for your continued membership and support of Orphans Lodge No. 761.
Chris Richardson, Secretary
Orphans Lodge No. 761
Please see the obituary and funeral service arrangements below for WB Harry E. Greene, a founding member of Orphans Lodge No. 761.
Chris Richardson, Secretary - Orphans Lodge No. 761
Harry Eugene Greene, age 97, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his wife of 54 years, Marguerite and family.
He joined the US Navy during WWII. He was a ship cook on the USS Hyman. He also was a plank owner on the USS Hyman.
He was the son of Felix Greene and Grace Greene. In addition to his mother and father, he is also preceded in death by his sons, Harry Greene Jr and Chris Greene.
Mr. Greene is survived his wife, Marguerite Pilkington Greene; daughter, Johnna Holloman and husband Ricky; grandson, Todd Holloman, who was the “Shrimp” of his eye.
Harry enjoyed stories, poems, and eating shrimp and lobster together. Harry was a long-time member of the Selma Lodge #320 and a charter member of Orphans Lodge # 761 and was also a member the American Legion. Harry was a faithful member of Selma Lodge and served as secretary for many years and as Master of the Lodge twice. He also served on the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home for Children.
A graveside service will be held in Selma Memorial Gardens on Friday April 7, 2023, at 10 am, with Masonic Rites. We are asking that Masons assemble at the cemetery at 9:30 AM for instruction.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be sent to Masonic Home for Children, 600 College St., Oxford, NC 27565.