Orient No. 395 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Brethren, Please ignore the dues notices that you have received via email. The dues for 2025 are $131.00 a year, not the crazy amounts that are showing up right now. Hopefully this will be resolved soon. I apologize for the inconvenience. Sincerely & Fraternally, Freddy Szakasits (910-617-3641) |
Orient No. 395 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Brethren, Please mark your calendars for the installation of the Grand Lodge Officers on: Saturday, November 9, at 4:00 p.m. A reception and/or dinner will follow. We will provide additional details once plans are confirmed with the Temple. Sincerely and fraternally, |
Orient No. 395 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Brethren of North Carolina, As you know, Hurricane Helene has devastated much of Western North Carolina. Your Grand Lodge, along with its officers and staff, is working tirelessly to coordinate relief efforts as quickly and efficiently as possible, and we need your help. 1) First and foremost, check on your brothers. Even as the waters recede many of our brethren will face months of upheaval. Please maintain communication, visit when safe and feasible, and offer devotions to the Deity for their safety, well-being, and future recovery. 2) We encourage you to donate to the relief efforts. You can contribute to the North Carolina Masonic Foundation’s Relief Fund here: https://host.nxt.blackbaud.com/donor-form/?svcid=tcs&formId=4c44c9d5-f241-4de1-9cf2-f486b70070af&envid=p-xxZoiBNq0UibeqA0LpqlZQ&zone=usa Or to the State of North Carolina’s Relief Fund here: https://www.ncdps.gov/our-organization/emergency-management/hurricane-helene Both of these funds directly benefit your brethren and our state. While we all feel a natural urge to take action, given the scale of devastation, **please do not self-deploy**. Instead, coordinate with local emergency management and recognized charitable entities like the North Carolina Masonic Foundation and the State of North Carolina’s Relief Fund. 3) One of the most pressing needs at this time is water. The hurricane has severely damaged much of Western North Carolina’s water utility infrastructure. If you are donating goods, **bottled water** is a lifesaving necessity. Non-perishable food is also needed, but water is of paramount importance right now. 4) Our lodges can serve as collection points, and we encourage you to use the facilities we have to assist in the movement of supplies. However, please ensure that all efforts are coordinated with local emergency services personnel. Additionally, any surplus water and non-perishable supplies should be directed to public collection sites. Masonic Collection Points and Distribution Centers include: Winston-Salem Masonic Center (water only) 4537 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27104 Contact: Joey Transou (336) 971-7804 Salisbury Masonic Center 401 N. Fulton Street, Salisbury, NC 28144 Contact: Christian Shuping (704) 202-1476 or John Vasquez (805) 402-8884 Lincoln Lodge 137 100 W. Sycamore Street, Lincolnton, NC 28092 Contact: Tommy Smith (704) 472-6201 or Alex Houk (980) 428-1901 Ashe Shrine Club 117 Morphew Lane, Jefferson, NC 28640 Alex Edmisten (336) 467-4478 Dunn’s Rock Lodge 267 174 E. Main Street, Brevard, NC 28712 Chris Hews (828) 435-1304 From these locations, supplies should be sent to Local, State, and Federally identified collection and distribution centers: https://nc211.org/hurricane-helene-donation-needs-drop-off-locations/ 5) Brethren, locally, please coordinate your efforts on the ground in your communities and work to move supplies and etc. to these locations. We’ll coordinate more distribution points as they become known to us. But, please consider local sanctioned locations as well. But, some points to remember:
Hurricane Helene Donation Needs and Drop Off Locations: https://nc211.org/hurricane-helene-donation-needs-drop-off-locations/ Brethren, as I said at our Annual Communication, each of you—from Murphy to Manteo—is a leader and a healer. Both of these roles are needed now more than ever. Together, we can and will overcome any obstacle that stands in the way of God’s love, happiness, and care for His people. Do good unto ALL. God bless you all, and God bless our great fraternity. Together, we rise! Sincerely and fraternally, Bobby Rideout Grand Master |
Orient No. 395 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Brethren, It has come to our attention that some lodge officers and members believe that a lodge must meet regardless of circumstances or that permission from the Grand Master is required to cancel a meeting. On behalf of Grand Master Rideout, I want to clarify that lodges, especially those in the western part of our state, are not required to open and conduct business during these unprecedented times. Every lodge Master and officer has the full assurance from Grand Master Rideout to manage their lodge’s affairs to the best of their ability under the current circumstances. No lodge's Charter will be arrested or revoked during this period. The Grand Master advises that you attend only to the necessary requirements of your lodges, and only if it is practicable to do so. Your health and safety are paramount. Do not risk life or limb to attend or conduct a meeting. Your first duty is to God, your family, your neighbor, and yourself. When the time is right, you may apply to meet under Regulation 45-2, if necessary. In the meantime, please care for one another, stay in touch with the Grand Lodge for support and relief, and continue to do good unto all. Together, we RISE! Fraternally, and on behalf of Grand Master Bobby Rideout
Orient No. 395 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Synopsis of the 237th Annual Communication of the Grand lodge of AF & AM of North Carolina September 27-28, 2024 Winston-Salem, North Carolina Presiding and Present were:
Introductions and Greetings Prior to opening the Grand Lodge, Acting Grand Master Robert W. Rideout addressed those assembled to explain the circumstances of Grand Master Kehler’s disability from office. He stated, given the circumstances of the Masonic charges preferred against Grand Master Kehler, the Board of General Purposes unanimously declared him legally disabled from serving any function of the Office of Grand Master, per Regulation 11-12 of The Code, until the disability was withdrawn by the Board of General Purposes or upon the election and installation of a new Grand Master. Greetings were brought by Right Worshipful Thomas Watson, Deputy Grand Master of South Carolina; Most Worshipful Gerald Carver, Grand Secretary of South Carolina; Worshipful Dieter Kissling, Grand Representative of New York; Most Worshipful Edward Page, Grand Master of Connecticut; Right Worshipful James Anderson, Grand Secretary of Connecticut; Right Worshipful Gilbert Fontes, Senior Grand Warden of Rhode Island; and Right Worshipful Billy Wayne Bunch, Senior Grand Warden of Mississippi. Greetings were brought by Most Eminent Hugh McLaurin, Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of North Carolina; Most Illustrious Patrick Terry, Grand Illustrious Master of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of North Carolina; Right Eminent Scottie Cox, Right Eminent Grand Commander of the Knights Templar of North Carolina; Worshipful Christopher Hall, Chief Rabban of Oasis Shrine, Charlotte, North Carolina; Worshipful Stephen Owen, High Priest and Prophet of Amran Shrine, Raleigh, North Carolina; and Most Worshipful A. Gene Cobb, Jr., Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Orient of North Carolina, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Greetings were brought by Most Worshipful Daniel L. Thompson, Grand Master of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of F & AM of North Carolina; Right Worshipful James Waddell, Junior Grand Warden of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of F & AM of North Carolina; Worshipful Rickey Best, Grand Trustee of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of F & AM of North Carolina; and Worshipful Kenneth Eaton, Past Master of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of F & AM of North Carolina The Oration Worshipful Albert J. Terrell, Grand Orator, gave the oration. Final and Interim Reports of Grand Masters Frazier and Kehler Due to sickness within his family, as well as the approach of Hurricane Helene, Most Worshipful Kevan D. Frazier was unable to attend the Annual Communication. However, Right Worshipful Jonathan A. Underwood, Grand Secretary, read a message from Most Worshipful Frazier thanking the brethren for an excellent year. Most Worshipful Frazier’s final report (page 81) was ACCEPTED. Most Worshipful Donald E. Kehler’s final report (page 97) was then RECEIVED and REFERRED to the appropriate Boards, Committees, or Commissions for review. Necrology Service and Eulogies Most Worshipful A. Gene Cobb, Jr. presided over the necrology service, eulogizing the deaths of the 626 brethren who have died this year. Thomas Warren Gregory Masonic Leadership Awards Worshipful Brothers Frederick “Freddy” A. Szakasits of Orient Lodge No. 395, Thomas A. van Etten of Cannon Memorial Lodge No. 626, and Jonathan M. Moore of Orr Lodge No. 104 were awarded the Thomas Warren Gregory Masonic Leadership Award for their dedicated service to the brethren of North Carolina. Report of the Credentials Committee Worshipful Brother M. Timothy Parker, Chairman of the Credentials Committee reported 785 lodge officers or proxies from 268 lodges were present. Additionally, 31 Grand Lodge Officers and Past Grand Officers were present; 28 Board, Committee, and Commission members were present, 32 District Deputy Grand Masters were present, and 24 District Deputy Grand Lecturers were present, totaling 785 DELEGATES PRESENT—a Quorum of 75.9% of all possible delegates. The Budget was APPROVED The Proposed 2025 Budget of the Grand Lodge was APPROVED with more than the 2/3rds required for its approval (at least 785 ballots cast). Grand Lodge Officers Elected and Appointed The following grand lodge officers were elected or appointed for the year 2024, to wit:
Following election, a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously consented to by the delegates assembled to consider the installation of the Grand Master-elect and Deputy Grand Master-elect immediately following the completion of all business of the Annual Communication. Upon further motion, second, and by 2/3rds majority the delegates assembled APPROVED the motion to immediately install the Grand Master-elect and Deputy Grand Master-elect, which was done in ancient and solemn form. The installation of the remaining aforementioned elected and appointed Grand Lodge Officers will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2024, at the Greensboro Masonic Temple, Greensboro, North Carolina. Fraternal Correspondence and Foreign Recognitions Two foreign grand lodges requested recognition (Reports Book pages 27-28), including:
Report of the Appeals Committee, Actions of the Judge Advocate, Actions of the Trial Commission The Committee on Appeals submitted its report, to wit: two Applications for Restoration were made this year:
The Committee on Appeals recommended the following actions with regard to the actions of the Judge Advocate and/or Trial Commission (Reports Book page 28).
Report of the Committee of Jurisprudence and Amendments Considered The Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence (Reports Book pages 44) presented its report, to wit: the delegates assembled APPROVED the one remaining Order of Past Grand Master Kevan D. Frazier. Likewise, the delegates assembled also APPROVED both of Grand Master Donald E. Kehler’s Orders. Grand Master Kehler’s Opinion 1 was withdrawn (Reports Book pages 45-47). The Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence further recommended that all Amendments proposed this past year be laid over until the next Annual Communication, which recommendation was APPROVED by the delegates assembled. Thus, no Amendments to The Code were considered at this Annual Communication. The next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina will take place on Friday, September 19 and Saturday, September 20, 2025 at the Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Respectfully Submitted, Jonathan A. Underwood Grand Secretary |
Orient No. 395 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Brethren, As many of you are aware, Hurricane Helene has caused significant devastation across Western North Carolina, leaving many of our fellow citizens, including members of our Masonic family, in great need of support. The widespread flooding and destruction have displaced families, damaged homes, and severely impacted local communities. In times like these, we are called upon to live out the principles of brotherly love, relief, and charity that define our Craft. We are reaching out today to rally our collective strength in response to this disaster and extend our helping hand to those affected. We would like to update you on the status of our lodges. At this time, the Grand Lodge is unaware of any deaths among our members. However, dozens of our brethren have lost their homes, businesses, and livelihoods. Hundreds are without water and electricity. Please keep them in your prayers, asking for their continued health and well-being. The following lodges have been impacted:
In addition to these, many other lodges have sustained damage from water, wind, and falling debris. Please let us know if you have information on these or any other lodges and lodge members. We encourage you to contribute to relief efforts. Donations can be made to the North Carolina Masonic Foundation’s Relief Fund at the following link: NC Masonic Foundation Relief Fund You can mail checks made out to the NCMF’s Relief Fund at: North Carolina Masonic Foundation 2921 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27608 You can also donate to the State of North Carolina’s Relief Fund here: NC State Relief Fund Both of these funds directly benefit our brethren and the communities of our great state. Sincerely and fraternally, Jonathan A. Underwood Grand Secretary |
Orient No. 395 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tincidunt elit elit, ut porttitor massa malesuada et. Fusce egestas vestibulum arcu, non sagittis urna pulvinar vel. Praesent congue dictum diam, nec scelerisque tellus finibus et. In feugiat, libero quis ullamcorper ornare, lectus lacus efficitur ligula, eget euismod lacus nisi sit amet turpis. |
To all Brethren,
The William R. Davie Leadership Academy is offering its third workshop of the year, “The Appointed Officer”, on Saturday, April 6th from 9am - 12pm via ZOOM. In this session, we will examine how a Brother can best prepare to serve his lodge as an appointed officer.
While incoming appointed officers may find it especially helpful, this workshop is open to any Master Mason in good standing. Registration is on GrandView under the Seminars tab. Once a Brother is registered an email will be sent with the zoom link.
As the meeting is being held over ZOOM, there is no cost to attend. Please inform the brethren of your lodge who may be interested in attending this program. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at learn@glnc.us.
Sincerely and fraternally,
The Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Education
This is a follow up from the 5 Hour Lecture Service that was held yesterday (2/24/2024). I just wanted to share these handouts that I mentioned . Take a look at them if you want. Also the link that I mentioned is
https://www.grandlodge-nc.org, (click on Center For Members, scroll down to certified lecturers information, then forms and links for lecturers).
If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know. Thanks and have a nice weekend.
Freddy Szakasits
Worshipful Richard Armistead (Master of Oak Island Lodge 758 located at 2408 Oak Island Drive, Oak Island NC 28465) would like to invite you all to please attend their 1st meeting in their building since the fire that occurred over a year ago. They will have a catered meal, and the meeting is next Thursday 2/15/2024. Meal at 6:30 pm and meeting to follow at 7:30 pm. Please RSVP him at scuba1raa@yahoo.com or 910-528-1145 if you plan to attend. They are very excited to get back in their building. Thanks and have a wonderful evening.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Freddy Szakasits
Just a reminder,
That. Orient Lodge's meetings will be held at the same time and date beginning tomorrow (1/4/2024, first Thursday of the month) but at Wilmington Lodge 319 (2910 South College Road Wilmington NC 28405). Meal at 6:30 pm and the meeting time at 7:30 pm. We would like to thank Wilmington Lodge 319 for letting us use their building while our lodge is going through its renovations due to fire. Sorry for the inconvenience and we'll keep you posted on the progress. Happy New Year! Hope to see you all.
Freddy Szakasits
I want to apologize for not getting the Dues Notices out earlier. I'm still trying to figure out this new system that we are using. Dues for 2024 are $131.00. You can send a check or money order to the lodges PO Box 985 Wilmington N.C. 28402. When I get back in town I can hopefully get this new system working. I do have dues cards for 2024 and can mail them to you once I receive your check or money order. If you have any questions please don't hesiatae to reach out and ask (910-617-3641 or FSzakasits@gmail.com). Again I apologize for the enconvenience.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Fredd Szakasits
Orient Lodge will hold its Installation of Officers for the year 2024 this Saturday (12/30/2023 at 10:00 am) at Wilmington Lodge 319 (2910 South College Road in Wilmington 28405). The lodge will open for a quick emergent communication and the Installation will start afterwards. This Installation is open to the public, We are honored to have RW Robert "Bobby" Rideout (Deputy Grand Master) serve as our Installing Officer. Please come out and show your support.
Freddy Szakasits
Due to a fire that occurred in the Dining Room at the lodge on December 23rd 2023. Orient Lodge's meetings will be held at the same time and date (first Thursday of the month) but at Wilmington Lodge 319. Meal at 6:30 pm and the meeting time at 7:30 pm. We would like to thank Wilmington Lodge 319 for letting us use there building while our lodge is going through it's renovations. Sorry for the inconvenience and we'll keep you posted on the progress. Happy New Year! Hope to see you all.
Freddy Szakasits
For those of have RSVP'd, thank you. Just a reminder please for those who haven't, please do. This will bw our last Stated for the year 2023,. We will be holding our election of Officers for the tear 2024, and our Brothres and Sisters of Golden Rod Chapter (O.E.S) will be preparing a wonderful meal for us. Please let me know if you will be attending. Thanks and Merry Christmas.
Freddy Szakasits
Just received word from WB Jimmy's wife that Jimmy has been released from the hospital and is currently in Rehabiliation and has started Physical Therapy today. So please continue to keep him in your prayers.
Freddy Szakasits
Please keep WB Jimmy Hyatt (PM) in your prayers. His wife called me tody to say that Jimmy suffered a mild stroke this past Thursday. He's currently at New Hanover Regional Medical Center. He's hoping to get discharged in the next day or so, but he will have to through Rehabilitation once discharged. Please pray for him to have a speedy recovery.
Freddy Szakasits
Just a reminder that this will be our last Stated Communication for the year 2023 (12/7/2023 at 6:30 pm and meeting starting at 7:30 pm). Golden Rod Chapter (O.E.S) will be cooking the dinner for us. Please RSVP me (FSzakasits@gmail.com or just simply respond to this communication) so we can get a head count to prepare. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you all.
Merry Christmas,
Freddy Szakasits
Attached you will find the Synopsis of the 236th Annual Communcation of the Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of North Carolina. Many thanks are due to all of our delegates who attended and all the volunteers who made the event accessible and possible.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Jonathan A. Underwood
Grand Secretary
St. Johns Lodge #1 will confer a 1st Degree this Wednesday (5/3/2023). Meal at 6:30 pm and the Degree will follow at 7:30 pm. Please come out and show your support as this young man begins his journey in Masonry.