Olive Branch Lodge Wall of Honor   on 01/10/2024

Please join us for the dedication of Past Master John T, Hughes, Wedensday 17 Jnuary 2024 at 6:00pm. Location is at the Lodge 3747 Whitewood Road. 

WB Hughes was a Master Mason for 46 years. He was great mentor to many many Master Masons not only in Olive Branch Lodge #47 but at the Grand Lodge level and many appendent bodies.

District 7 School of Instruction Postponed Because of Weather   on 01/10/2024

 Disterict 7 School of Instruction is Postponed until 17 February 2024, Spearfish Lodge will host the event 9am-4pm

District 7 School of Instruction  on 12/17/2023

District 7 School of Instruction January 13, 2024 at Spaerfish Lodge #18, Begins at 9am and concludeds at 4 pm. Open to all Master Masons. WB Jay Darrow will be the primary instructor.

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