Br. Tony Ramey   on 09/27/2024
District 7 Grand Master Meeting  on 07/24/2024
NC GrandLodge Registration   on 07/22/2024
Emergent Communication Monday, May 6, 2024  on 05/05/2024


Please be reminded of the Emergent Communication scheduled for May 6th 2024 at 7:00 pm. Fellowship at 6:00 pm  The purpose of this emergent communication is to confer the first degree.  Please make plans to attend and witness the conferring of this degree.

Fraternally yours,

Wray A Thomas, PM

Asst. Secretary

May 6, 2024 Emergent Communication for 1st degree  on 04/29/2024

Newport Lodge will conduct a First Degree on Monday, May 6th.  Your Lodge needs your participation in order to complete this task.

6:00 PM Dinner

7:00 PM Degree

  The candidate is Joshua Kanuck.  This is a legacy degree as he is the son of Brother James Kanuck, and grandson of Worshipful Brother Richard Kanuck PM. Both of which are members of Newport Lodge #706.

We need your help on May 6th and we all can share in some fellowship over dinner with our new candidate. Let us give him the future of our Lodge, and our presence at this degree. 

The Worshipful Master, Wardens and Officers hope to see the Lodge filled on Monday.


Bill Sanford

Secretary, Newport Lodge 706

April 6, 2024 Emergent Communication for FC Examination  on 04/04/2024


Newport Lodge will conduct and examination of the Fellow Crafts Degree this weekend, Saturday, April 6th.  Your Lodge needs your participation in order to complete this task.

8:00 AM Breakfast

9:00 AM Lodge

Lodge will be completed approximately 10:15 or sooner.

The candidate is traveling from college to appear before you for his examination on Saturday morning.  This is in preparation for a MM Degree scheduled for April 20th.  This degree will be a Past Master's Degree, with 4 candidates from our Lodge and Cherry Point Lodge.  The degree will be conducted by Past Masters from four different Lodges in the area.

All of this is dependent upon completing the examination on Saturday, April 6th.  The Worshipful Master is having difficulty obtaining commitments for the various chairs.  We will have a few officers that are on travel.  

Your Lodge routinely has difficulty in having enough present at a meeting to fill the chairs.  Most times with no one sitting on the sides and when they are present often get put to work in a chair.  

We need your help this weekend and we call can share in some fellowship over breakfast.

We have four candidates in the pipeline with a new petition just received.  We owe them, the future of our Lodge, our presence at Lodge. If this is your one time to go to Lodge this year, Saturday at 8:00 is the day and time to do it.

The Worshipful Master, Wardens and Officers hope to see the Lodge filled on Saturday.


Bill Sanford

Secretary, Newport Lodge 706

Emergent Communication - April 6, 2024 FC Examination  on 03/31/2024

Worshipful Master Don McKee has called for an emergent communication for:

April 6, 2024

0800 Breakfast, 0900 Lodge

The purpose for this emergent communication is for our Fellow Craft Brother to present his FC Examination.  Our Brother is in College is why this examination is being conducted on Saturday, April 6, 2024. 

Due to our Brother being in college, April 6th is an important date to complete this work  


We will conduct his 3rd Degree on Saturday, 20 April 2024. Which will be a joint Past Masters Degree conducted with Cherry Point Lodge #688, with his Grandfather and Father in attendance. Details for this 3rd Degree will be posted in a separate correspondence.  


Bill Sanford

Newport Lodge #706 Secretary

Lodge Practice Tonight  on 03/04/2024


Please be reminded of the Lodge practice tonight at 5:30 pm.  Please make plans to attend and support your Lodge officers.

Fraternally yours,

Wray Thomas, PM


New Lodge Contact Information for the Secretary - Effective Immediately  on 02/18/2024


With the change over of Secretary's, updated Contact Information is required and is provided.  All official correspondance should use the following contact information.

Mailing Address
c/o M .W. Sanford, Jr.
105 Balboa Ct
New Bern, NC 28560-8418

Email Address

Phone Number


M. W. Sanford, Jr. (Bill)

Stated Meeting Jan 8/2024  on 01/08/2024


Please be reminded of the stated meeting tonight at 7:00 pm. Fellowship and a meal at 6:00 pm. Please make plans to attend and support the new officers for 2024!

Fraternally yours,

Wray Thomas, PM


Newport Lodge Stated Meeting  on 01/06/2024


Newport Lodge No. 706 has a Stated Meeting this coming Monday, January 8, 2024 at 7:00 pm. with fellowship and a meal at 6:00 pm.  Please make plans to attend and support our newly installed Officers. 

Fraternally yours

Wray Thomas, PM

Asst. Secretary

Fellow Craft Degree Thursday, January 4, 2024  on 01/03/2024


The WM has called an Emergent Communication on January 4, 2024 for the Fellow Craft Degree. A meal and fellowshp will start at 5:00 pm and the degree will start at 6:00 pm. All members and eligible Masons are invited. To help with the providsions please RSVP as soon as possible.  

Fraternally yours,

Wray A. Thomas, PM

Asst. Secretary

National Sojourners Blue Lodge Invitation  on 12/07/2023

Info for your lodges. 

National Sojourners Blue Lodge Event
Date: 5 February 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: York Rite Temple - New Bern

The National Sojourners invites the Masters & Wardens to attend this event. Special Guest will be our Grand Master.  Please RSVP to WB Warren Taylor at, phone 252-637-3632. 


Bill Sanford - PM

Masonic Service for WB Charlie Wilton  on 11/24/2023


The funeral service for WB Charlie Wilton will be held on Sunday, November 26th at Crab Point FWB Church in Morehead City at 2:00 pm. Interment, military honors and Masonic Rites, will follow at Amariah Garner Cemetery on Nine Foot Road in Newport.  A link to his obituary is provided below.  FYI...WB Charlie's father was the first Master of Newport Lodge and WB Charlie has served as Master twice..

Brothers, as usual the Lodge needs your participation in the Masonic Last Rites requested by the family. If you cannot make the service please make every attempt to be at the cemetery no later than 3:00 pm and show our support for this elder Lodge Brother.

Charles "Charlie" Wilton Obituary - Munden Funeral Home & Crematory - Morehead City - 2023 (

Fraternally yours,

Wray A.Thomas PM


Passing of WB Charlie Wilton  on 11/21/2023
Brethren, I am saddened to report the loss of Worshipful Brother Charlie Wilton who has passed upward and inward through the pearly gates this day. Many of our fondest memories are with him and his loved ones. Keep them in your prayers. Arrangements are pending and will be provided as soon as they are completed. Last Masonic Rites are requested.
Respectfully and fraternally yours
Wray A. Thomas PM
Update for WB Pete Guerry  on 11/15/2023


Greetings, I am pleased to tell you that WB Pete Guerry is recovering at home. He is able to receive guests should you wish to stop by and pay him a visit.  His wife Linda requests that you please call prior to making a visit.  So please make plans to stop and visit him as I know he will enjoy your company!

Fraternally yours,

Wray A. Thomas, PM

Election of 2024 Officers  on 11/15/2023


The subject election was held and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:  Br. Donald McKee, Master; Br. Michael Struempf, Sr. Warden; Br. Chad Hansen, Jr.Warden; WB David Haskett, Treasurer; and WB Bill Sanford, Secretary. Please offer your congratulations to these good Brothers.

Fraternally yours,

Wray A. Thomas PM


Lodge Annual Communication  on 11/12/2023

To my Brothers of Newport Lodge #706,

Tomorrow, Monday - 13 November 2023, YOUR Lodge will be conducting elections for the 2024 calendar year. Your presence is most earnestly requested and needed for, what I fear, the future of Newport Lodge #706.  Over the past few years, we have been successful at rebuilding the “line” without requiring the assistance of Past Masters. But to be honest, we often open is the bare minimum of officers, leaving the side seats, empty. If one officer is not present, we can’t open.  Practice normally consists of 4 officers.

We do have a hand full of Brothers going through the degrees and have a solid base of instructors. We do keep them involved, but we know they see the emptiness of a beautiful lodge.

Financially, we don’t have a lot of bills mainly because we run on bare minimums and Brothers step up when needs arise.

The most significant reason we barely get by is due to the number of members who do not pay their dues on time. Dues are due on 01 January of each year. Our bills start off the new year at the same time. But, a significant number of members wait until the end of the year, after they receive a letter regarding non- payment of dues. This year this amounted to 15 members, which held back $1500+ from being available to your operating funds for the year. It is imperative that our membership pay their dues either before, on or shortly afterwards of the 01 January due date.

Lately, we have had men walk in off the street and ask how they can get more information about us and wishing to join our fraternity. Positive signs of hope.  I urge you to come to our meetings. Be part of your lodge again. Our young men need mentors.

Finally, again I invite you to election night, tomorrow night, Monday, 13 November 2023. Our fellowship meal is at 6:00 pm and Lodge is at 7:00 PM.  If you need a ride., call me (252-671-7446) and I’ll get you there.


Bill Sanford - Master
Newport Lodge #706

WB Charlie Wilton  on 11/11/2023


Received word that WB Charlie Wilton isn't doing well.  Please keep him in youir prayers. Call and leave him a message to let him know you're thinking about him.


Wray Thomas, PM


WB Peter Guerry   on 11/07/2023


WB Pete Guerry is in Carolina East Medical Center, Room 4620. If you are in New Bern stop and pay him a visit. I know he will appreciate it.  His wife reports that he is doing well and may be there a few more days.


Wray Thomas , PM


Newport Past Master, Widows, and Awards Night Rescheduled  on 11/02/2023


**Due to the Grand Lodge Installation being scheduled on December 2nd this event has been rescheduled for 5:00 pm on December 16, 2023. WB Bill Sanford will be installed as District Deputy Grand Master, 7ht Distict, at the Grand Masters' installation. ***  

Fraternally yoursm

Wray A. Thomas, PM

Emergent Communication Saturday October 28th @ 1:00 pm  on 10/26/2023


Please be reminded of the emergent communication scheduled for this Saturday, October 28th at 1:00 pm, fellowship and light meal will be served at 12:00 noon. The purpose for this communication is to examine a candidate on the EA Degree. This Entered Apprentice is attending colledge and, due to his course schedule, will only be available on the weekends. Your kind consideration to attend this meeting is greatly appreciated.

Fraternally yours,

Wray A. Thomas, PM


Schedule of Upcoming Events  on 10/23/2023


The 2023 Annual Communication Amendment Group 3 to REG. 20-1 increased the per capita fee to $35 due to the significant rise in inflation, reduction in total membership, and an increase in the number of 50-year members. 

Article 10 of the Newport Lodge By-Laws establishes that annual membership dues shall be One Hundred dollars ($100.00) plus Grand Lodge per capita fee (Regulation 20-1.1 of THE CODE). Each member shall pay their dues in advance on or before the first day of January each year. 

In accordance with Section 1 of Article 10 Newport Lodges’ annual dues for 2024 are $135.00. Grand View, the current lodge automated system, offers the capability to account for dues paid in increments. Dues card will be sent upon payment in full.


Newport Lodge Annual Communication shall be November 13, 2023, at 7:00 pm when the Lodge will elect the 2024 Officers.

The Lodge will host the Annual Past Masters, Widows, and Awards Dinner on December 2, 2023. Fellowship starts at 5:00 pm with dinner starting at 5:30 pm. Awards presentations and recognition will follow the meal.

Installation of the 2024 Officers will be held on Saturday, December 30, 2023 at 6:00 pm., 

Fraternally yours,

Wray A. Thomas, PM


Br. Steve Gould  on 10/22/2023


Please be advised that Br. Steve Gould was admitted to Carolina East last night and it is reported that he is doing well today.  Please keep him in your prayers.

Fraternally yours,

Wray A. Thomas, PM


Stated Meeting  on 10/15/2023


Newport Lodge will have a stated meeting on Monday, October 23, 2023 at 7:00 pm. Fellowship will start at 6:00 pm. Included in tonights business will be the examination of candidate(s). If the examination(s) is successful the Worshipful Master is planning to call an emergent communication at 1:00 pm on Saturday, October 28, 2023. Notification for the emergent communication will be sent out via seperate message.  All members are requested to plan on attending this emergent communication.

Fraternally yours,

Wray A.Thomas, PM


Passing of Annette Pippin James  on 09/10/2023


Brother George James' wife Annette Pippin James, 75, of Newport, passed away peacefully on September 6, 2023, at Carteret Health Care. A graveside service to honor Annette's life will be held at 10 a.m., Thursday, September 14th at Gethsemane Memorial Park, officiated by Rev. Tom Supplee. All available members please pay their respects to our Brother and plan to attend this service.


Wray A Thomas, PM



Secretary's Contact Information  on 09/10/2023


Please be informed that due to screen damage the Secretary's phone is being repaired/replaced. You may contact the Secretary via email at as needed. I will notify you when the phone has been restored.

Fraternally yours,

Wray A. Thomas, PM  

Newport Lodge Stated Meeting  on 07/10/2023

Newport Lodge will have a stated meeting on Monday, July 10th at 7:00 pm. Fellowship with a meal will commence at 6:00 pm. The Worshipful Master invites all members to attend.

Entered Apprentice Degree Scheduled  on 06/16/2023


Newport Lodge will be conferring the Entered Apprentice degree on two candidates this cominig Monday, June 19th at 7:00 pm with fellowship and meal that will start at 6:00 pm. Please plan to attend and witness these two soon to be member start their Masonic journery.

Fraternally yours

Wray A. Thomas, PM


Lodge By-Laws (Current)  on 06/05/2023


The Lodge By-Laws have been uploaded to GrandView for your reference.  To review the By-Laws open GrandView and select the Lodge portal located at the top right of the page (blue banner).

Nexrt, select "Documents" located on the menu items located on the left side of the page. You may review the document on line or download the document by selecting the "blue" down arrow to the right of the document name. 

Fraternally yours,

Wray A. Thomas, PM


DDGM Requested Meeting May 20th   on 05/19/2023


Please be reminded of the DDGM's meeting scheduled for 9:30 am on Saturday, May 20th, 2023 at Ocean Lodge #405. The meeting will discuss the use and recent significant changes to the Grand Lodge's new administration system GrandView. All Lodge members are invited.  The DDGM has requested that all elected Lodge officers attend at a minimum. With that in mind please RSVP and make plans to attend.

Fraternally yours,

Wray A. Thomas PM


Newport Lodge Stated Meeting  on 05/08/2023

Newport Lodge will have a stated meeting on Monday, May 8th at 7:00 pm. Fellowship with a meal will commence at 6:00 pm. The Worshipful Master invites all members to attend.

Officers Distribution List  on 04/28/2023


I have created the subject list to assist with the communication among the Lodge Officers. This is a test.

Newport Lodge Stated Meeting  on 04/14/2023

Newport Lodge will have a stated meeting on Monday, April 24th at 7:00 pm. Fellowship with a meal will commense at 6:00 pm. The Worshipful Master invites all members to attend.

Ocean Lodge Practice  on 04/14/2023


Ocean Lodge will confer a Entered Apprentice degree on Tuesday, April 18th at 7:00 pm. The Worshipful Master of Ocean Lodge has called for a practice on Saturday April 15th at 9:00 am. In the event that some stations and places may need to be filled it is requested that Newport members plan to make this practice and possibly assist in conferring the degree,  Your planned attendence is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for planning to attend and assist Ocean Lodge.

Fraternally yours,

Wray A. Thomas PM


Newport Lodge Stated Meeting  on 04/05/2023

Newport Lodge will have a stated meeting on Monday, April 10th at 7:00 pm. Fellowship and a meal will be served at 6:00 pm. The Worshipful Master invites all members to attend.

Upcoming Events
  • DEC
    Newport 706 Stated Meeting
    7:00 PM
  • JAN
    Scrapbooking Ladies
    8:00 AM
    235 Howard Blvd., Newport, NC
  • JAN
    Newport 706 Stated Meeting
    7:00 PM
  • JAN
    Newport 706 Stated Meeting
    7:00 PM
  • FEB
    Newport 706 Stated Meeting
    7:00 PM