Stated Communication Tonight 7:30pm  on 10/15/2024
First Tuesday Meeting - Practice Receiving Grand Master  on 09/30/2024
Tonight’s Meeting Cancelled  on 09/03/2024
First Tuesday Meeting Tonight  on 09/03/2024
Eagle #19 2nd Degree - Tonight  on 08/29/2024

Reminder: September 3, 2024 Meeting  on 08/25/2024
August Stated Communication Cancelled  on 08/19/2024
August Stated Communication  on 08/19/2024
August Stated Communication  on 08/19/2024
Update on Brother Keith Morgan  on 08/17/2024
Update on Sickness and Distress: Brother Keith Morgan  on 08/09/2024


Worshipful Master James Rippe received word from Worshipful Brother Ben Morgan that the scheduled surgery for Brother Keith Morgan was accomplished on August 7th.  He is now recovering in the ICU at the VA located in Durham, NC.  Please remember to include our Brother, who served as Secretary for our lodge for so many years, in our prayers and thoughts from our hearts.

Lodge Trip to UNC Planetarium   on 08/02/2024


From our Brother Senior Warden:

At last Stated Communication we discussed a potential night out for lodge members, friends, families, and whoever else you want to bring. The idea is to visit Morehead Planetarium in Chapel Hill on Sunday August 18th at 4.30pm for their event "One Sky, Many Eyes". ( At the end of this email you can find a description of the show.

This would be a great opportunity to get together and to spend time with Brothers, friends, and families. The show lasts one hour and we can also plan to go to dinner around 6pm. Details will follow once we semi-finalize the participants' number.

I can take care of reserving the tickets for our group, but I need to have a headcount before the end of the month for Planetarium requirements for group visits. So, please, reply to this email (you can reply only to me without spamming the whole lodge) before tomorrow, August 3rd, confirming your presence and the eventual presence of guests. The cost is $15.95 per person and $13.95 per senior (+60), but I will inquire to see if there are group discounts. In the email, please specify if you want to purchase senior tickets and if you are planning to also join the party for dinner.

Word of Distress: Worshipful Brother Lentz Parent's House  on 07/22/2024
Scam alert  on 07/12/2024
Upcoming FC Degree at University Lodge  on 05/03/2024


University Lodge will be conferring an FC degree on Monday, May 6 at 7:30 pm at the University Lodge Building.

Worshipful Brother Evan Williams cordially invites all members of Mosaic Lodge to attend. All speaking parts are covered, and he hopes you'll come and enjoy the evening!

Please note that our Monthly First Tuesday rehearsal will be replaced by an EAD practice on Saturday, May 11. We will have an event posted for registrations shortly- please RSVP if you can attend.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Jason Lentz

Potential Feast of St. John, June 22  on 04/16/2024
To Keep or Not to Keep the Annual Feast?  That is the Question!
Steve Barrell <>
4/11/2024, 10:43 PM
Fraternal Greetings, Esteemed Brethren!

June 24th marks the Grandest Day of the Masonic Calendar,the Annual Feast of St John the Baptist.  Outside the US, the Annual Feast is avery big deal, serving as a lodge reunion, a celebration of Freemasonry, and a time to honor both outgoing and newly installed officers at the END the Lodge Year. (Yes, elections are typically held in May, installations in June, culminating in the Annual feast, then some go dark July & August so new officers can learn their ritual.)

The Brethren of State College Lodge #770 (Raleigh) and Mosaic Lodge #762 (Carrboro) have already expressed interest in this year's Feast.  Not knowing exactly who to reach out to in each Lodge, this message has been sent to an array of Brethren previously involved in Annual Feast planning.   

First, I would appreciate knowing if your Lodge (or other Lodges known to you) or Masons thereof are either planning or would be interested in participating in The Annual Feast with one or more other Lodges or Random Brethren somewhere in the Triangle.  More importantly, I would also appreciate input on the several topics (below) to facilitate planning.

Background: We have striven to honor the Annual Feast every year (excepting 2020) since 2015 as a formal event with 'proper' toasts, Masonic Odes, presentations & entertainment by various Brethren, and a meal of five / seven courses, including mineral water / beer / wine, and possibly BYOB, and note, with gratitude, that the idea has been catching on.  When we twice rented a hall with a fully equipped kitchen (see attached photo), EAs & FCs gleefully assembled and served food (And exactly where were the Stewards?!) which created a meaningful Masonic experience for all, particularly noticeable in a few (anonymous) teary-eyed Grand Lodge Officers.

The likeliest date & time for this event is mid-afternoon on Saturday, 22 June, with the evening of Friday the 21stas an alternative, since The Grand Lodge is hosting a formal dinner at MHCO on the 22nd. 

Options - open to revision - are:  (Please circle,color, or'embolden' your preferences, from 1 to N, (which will be kept confidential) with your Email reply. 

Location 1:  The venue
Private room in a Triangle area restaurant (most expensive, allows greater food variety, but poses limitations on duration and music.)   1   2   3
A Masonic Lodge dining hall (requires dispensation to serve beer and wine.)   1   2   3    If so, which Lodge? ________________ 
Rent a suitable space with kitchen.  (rental fee but few other restrictions)    1   2   3

Other ideas:  (Be Creative!  During Covid-19, State College Lodge #770 met in an airplane hangar at Johnston Co. airport!  Now top that! )

Location 2: Location of the Venue
How far is "too far" for "Brother Joe" to travel for such an event, even with a carpool?  
____   Miles   OR    ______  Minutes driving time. 

Alcohol Beverage preferences:
No Alcohol should be served:   1   2   3   4
Beer & wine OK:  1   2   3   4
Whatever:    1   2   3   4

Date and Time:
Saturday, 22 June circa 2-5 pm     1   2   3  4
Friday, 21 June circa 7-10 pm   1   2   3   4
Monday, 24 June ca 7-9 pm    1     2    3  4
Other (polite) suggestions:   _________________________________      1   2   3   4

How much would "Brother Joe" (who probably doesn't know how badly he NEEDS to experience some Ol' Fashion'd Brotherly Love & Friendship) be willing to pay for ...
A nice 5-course meal w/mineral water    $_____________    
A nice 7-course meal w/mineral water    $_____________    
Additional (to the above) for beer & wine $_____________    

How many of your Lodge's EAs & FCs (as of June 22 - forget the Stewards) might be available to help out in the kitchen? __________  (In the past, they were not charged for the dinner.)

Brethren, your ideas and suggestions, especially regarding possible entertaining / enlightening presentations between courses, are earnestly solicited!  also, please feel free to forward this to any Brother or Lodge whom you believe may be interested.

Let's make this happen for the Honor and Glory of Freemasonry!
(If possible, please respond by Tuesday, 14 April 2024.  Thank you.)  

Fraternally yours,
WB Steve Barrell

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Habitat for Humanity service opportunity  on 04/16/2024
Brethren, the following email came to me today from Worshipful Brother Larry Holder, DDGM of District 19.

Brother Joe Crain, Senior Warden of Eagle Lodge 19 is looking for volunteers in assistance for a Habitat For Humanity work day. Their goal is to provide 24 volunteers to assist with a project in Weavers Grove at 7516 Sunrise Road, June 22 from 9:00 AM until 12:00 noon. So far Eagle has commitments from 5 brothers and are looking for 19 more. We encourage you to join these brothers if you are available to assist.   

In order for Habitat to know who will be working on June 22nd, please click on the link below to create an ID and Password.  After that is complete, you will be able to see the event on the calendar.  Click on the event to sign up for June 22nd. Once the event registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation email and a way to cancel if something comes up and you cannot attend.   If you have any questions, please notify Eagle Lodge Senior Warden Joe Crane, 919-593-1177 or .  If you call Joe, please leave a voicemail if he's unable to answer.

Go to the link below to get started:

Larry B Holder
District 19
Mosaic Lodge needs your help  on 04/06/2024


I hope these greetings find you all well at this busy time of year!

Over the past few weeks we have had multiple brothers reporting life-changing events that will impact their ability to participate at Mosaic Lodge. We were already down to a minimum number of active brothers well before any of these things came up.

Mosaic Lodge is in imminent danger of a failure to make quorum for the forseeable future, beginning as early as our next Stated Communication.

If you have the capacity to help Mosaic Lodge stay open, we are asking you to show us your support by attending the April Stated Communication on 4/16/24 at 7:30pm. 

Please RSVP on Grandview so we will know that you are coming.

Life happens, brethren. We hope that all is well in your lives, and that you may be able to come help us out. Every brother counts, now more than ever.

Feel free to contact me or the Worshipful Master with any questions, concerns, or ideas you may have.


Jason Lentz, PM


Lodge Shirt Estimates  on 03/15/2024


At our March Stated we will vote on vendors for our new Lodge Shirts. I have attached two estimates for your review prior to the vote.

The first is from Glenn Ashby Designs, recommended by Worshipful Brother Rippe.

The second is from Small Town Screen Printing, recommended by Worshipful Brother Serff. Note that Worshipful Brother Serff has offered to cover our setup fees if we go with Small Town Screen Printing.

Please bring any questions or concerns to the Stated Communication on Tuesday, or communicate them to the Worshipful Master in advance.


Jason Lentz

2 Upcoming Events  on 03/11/2024

Brethren, I have two important events to share with you.

1. University Lodge #408 AF & AM will hold a triple third degree on Saturday, March 16, 9:00 am (breakfast at 8:00 am). I have heard from Worshipful Brother Watson that the lodge will need some help with speaking parts in the 2nd section of the degree. If you are able to assist, please be in touch with Worshipful Brother Watson, Master at, and Worshipful Brother Charles Fiore, Secretary at

2. The Worshipful Master is interested in retrieving the Traveling Gavel for our lodge, which is currently held by Oak Grove Lodge #750 in Durham. We have an opportunity on Monday, 3/18 to collect the gavel and attend another Entered Apprentice Degree. We will need a minimum of 5 brothers to attend to collect the gavel. I am creating an event for registration to see if we can muster the numbers- this will be the night before our next Stated Communication on 3/19. Please RSVP so we will know if we have the numbers to make this happen. I have committments on both of these dates, so if you have any special considerations or cannot RSVP online for any reason, please be in touch with Worshipful Brother Rippe.

Thanks for your attention brethren!


Jason Lentz

EAD at University Lodge, 3/4 at 7:30 pm  on 03/03/2024


This is just a reminder of the Entered Apprentice Degree tomorrow evening (Monday) at 7:30 pm at University Lodge.

This is a wonderful opportunity to welcome a new brother to the fraternity, support our brothers at University Lodge, and get some additional experience with the degree for our own upcoming potentials. 

We will dispense with our usual first Tuesday practice since we will be attending the degree tomorrow. We hope to see many of you there tomorrow evening.


Jason Lentz

2024 Dues Cards  on 12/20/2023


Thanks to all who were able to join us for our final 2023 Stated Communication. It was a wonderful evening of education and fellowship for the brethren and our guests.

I wanted to inform you that our 2024 Dues Cards have been delayed. The current estimate of their arrival is mid-January 2024. If anyone requires verification of their Masonic Status in the meantime, I can provide you with official certification. Also remember that you can access your virtual card from your Grandview homepage:

I hope these greetings find you and your families well. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year. We will see you in January!


Jason Lentz, P.M.


Durham #352 Practice Update  on 12/04/2023


The practice schedule for Durham 352's upcoming Master Mason Degrees has been updated below:

Wednesday, 12/6 at 6pm

Thursday, 12/7 at 6pm

And the Degrees well be held on Saturday, 12/9 at 9am, breakfast at 8am.

Please direct any questions to Worshipful Brother Butch Weber at 919-244-5706.

Thank you!

Jason Lentz

CANCELLED: 3rd Degree Rehearsal at Durham #352  on 11/29/2023

Brethren, I've just found out the rehearsal tonight is canceled. I apologize for the late notice.

Jason Lentz

Brethren, this is just a reminder for those who are interested, that Durham #352 will be having their first practice for their upcoming 3rd degree at 5pm tomorrow evening.

We hope to see you there!


Jason Lentz

3 Announcements from Mosaic Lodge  on 11/22/2023


Thanks to all who attended our Annual Communication last night. We had a great meeting, smooth elections, and a fantastic dinner!

I have 3 announcements for your consideration:

First, The following are your elected and appointed officers for 2024:

  • Master- James Rippe
  • Senior Warden- F. Ria
    • Brother Ria will also continue as assistant Treasurer
  • Junior Warden- Al Serff
  • Treasurer- Brian Curran
  • Secretary- Jason Lentz
  • Senior Deacon- Stephen Barrell
  • Junior Deacon- Marcus Orr
  • Tyler- Keith Morgan
    • Brother Morgan has also been elected Trustee for a 3 year term and will continue as Assistant Secretary
  • Trustees Albert Bell and Rickie Williams will be continuing their terms

Thank you Brethren for your service! Information on Installation will be coming soon.

Second, we are happy to announce that Brother Ria is now officially a U.S. Citizen! Congratulations Brother Ria!

Third, I have arranged with Worshipful Brother Ron Bowling to deliver our veteran's shoebox gifts at the 3rd Degrees at Durham #352 on 12/9 at 9:00 am. If you didn't have time to get one together and still want to participate, please contact me at and we will make arrangements for you.

Last night's minutes have been uploaded to the minutes files in Grandview. 

I hope you and your families have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.


Jason Lentz, PM


Dinner for the Annual Communication  on 11/20/2023


The Worshipful Master will be providing a chili dinner for us on Tuesday evening. If you would like to assist with sides, cutlery, dessert, or beverages, please be in contact with him directly.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night at 6:30 pm for dinner, 7:30 pm for the Annual Communication!

Stated Communication and pre-meeting dinner   on 10/16/2023


We will be back at Mt.Olive Lodge for our Stated Communication at 7:30pm tomorrow, 10/17.

Those who wish to join the brethren for dinner and fellowship should come to the lodge building by around 6:15. The brethren will be walking to a local restaurant for dinner.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

A message from the Worshipful Master  on 10/01/2023
[a note from the Secretary: brethren I have created a calendar event for the social mentioned in Worshipful Brother Rippe's message below. Please register via Grandview so we will know how many to expect]
Happy first day of October brethren!!  It is a beautiful day and I hope the sun shines upon you and finds you happy and healthy.  We have returned from an amazing Grand Lodge meeting and I have many wonderful stories to share. These I will share in person when we meet again. When will that be? I have decided to cancel our first meeting of the month since we will be enjoying fellowship together on the 14th at my home, I will be smoking a nice pork butt and ask that you bring sides. Family and other Masons are welcome. PLease let me know who will be coming so I can make sure everyone is well taken care of. We will start at 2pm and should be enjoying dinner around 4pm. 
Secondly I have been asked by Goodwill of Eastern NC for volunteers to help a church in Cary to pack food boxes for their food drive. I have been there before and they feed 175 families each month. It is an impressive undertaking. They are looking for volunteers on October 11th and November 8th at 10am. Please respond to this email if you are available to join me. This is exactly the type of project we are looking for to be engaged with the community while wearing Masonic apparel to be recognized. 
Lastly, we all have a brother that has a special meaning to us. Maybe they raised you, or are the reason you became a mason, etc. Whatever the reason, if you can give them a call and thank them. Let them know they are loved and hold a special place in your heart. May brotherly love prevail. 
Pride Parade CANCELLED  on 09/22/2023


We just got word that the Pride Parade tomorrow has been cancelled due to expected severe weather. 

We hope you all stay warm and dry this weekend.


Jason Lentz

9/19 Stated at Eagle; Detailed Pride Parade info  on 09/18/2023

Brethren, two important reminders for you:

1. Our stated communication tomorrow will be held at Eagle Lodge in Hillsborough at 7:30 pm.

2. I have included detailed information below about the Pride Parade on Saturday which we will discuss at length during the meeting. Please see the message below for complete details of time, place, parking, and PARKING PASSES. I will bring printouts of the attachments and the email message to share.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening!


Jason Lentz



**Note: This is a lengthy email full of vital information. Please read it thoroughly and share it with everyone in your group. This will help everyone to be on the same page on the day of the parade**

You are receiving this email because you have registered to be in our Parade for Pride: Durham, NC 2023! We want to make sure you have all the pertinent information for us to have a successful morning. A reminder: this event is rain or shine, on Saturday, September 23rd, with the Parade stepping off promptly at 10:30am. 

Please send me a reply confirming that your organization has received this email and forwarded the included information to your marchers/floats/vehicle drivers.

The Parade will start from the intersection of Main Street and Campus Drive at Duke University's East Campus, with the festival to follow on the University quad. To navigate to the starting location, please enter 1304 Campus Drive, Durham, NC 27708 into your GPS. 

 Your parade line-up assignment is found attached to this email.   

The attached Vehicle Form should be printed, filled out and placed on the dash of your vehicle. This will allow us to identify your vehicle and call you in case we need the vehicle moved.

 **NEW REQUIREMENT** As per Durham City’s new safety requirements, All vehicles participating in the parade must undergo an inspection by law enforcement prior to participation. During this inspection, the officers will be checking that your vehicle (including trailers you are hauling, as applicable), meet the following requirements:
  • All drivers must be age 25+  

  • All drivers must have a valid Driver’s License  

  • Every vehicle must have an up to date vehicle registration  

  • Every driver must have valid auto insurance   

  • Minor participants must be accompanied by an adult  

Any vehicle/driver that fails to do an inspection or meet these requirements will not be allowed to participate in the parade. However we will still allow folks from your group to march without a vehicle. 

Inspections will be conducted in Duke’s East Campus Epworth Lot (next to Epworth Residence hall on Friday, September 22nd from 6pm-9pm and Saturday, September 23rd before the start of the parade from 7am-7:40am. Please sign up for a time slot here ASAP – Time slots are first come first serve. Please make every effort to sign up for a time on Friday evening and leave Saturday morning slots for those who absolutely need it. The morning will run a lot more smoothly if we are able to get most of the inspections done the evening before. There are two available inspections per timeslot. When signing up, please include the name of your group and the name of your driver.  

Small Vehicles (car/suv/pick-up truck –with or without marchers): Your vehicle must arrive starting at 7:00 AM and arriving no later than 8:30 AM (please note, that if you have already had your inspection Friday, you can come toward the later end of that time frame). All vehicles must be in place by 8:30 in order to minimize traffic issues with vendors and food trucks that will also be on Campus Drive. Vehicles, including those who are going through inspection on Saturday morning, should approach Campus Drive from INSIDE East Campus (the easiest way to approach will be from the intersection of Swift and Campus Drive, which will take you into campus by going under the bridge and through the large traffic circle– See attached map for ideal route) and park into your chalk outlined numbered space, with you car facing out into the center of the street and your Vehicle Form (see attached) on your dashboard. There will be volunteers on site to help direct you. Your dedicated coordinators that morning will be Nicole and Christina. Day-of coordinators, please check in with either Nicole or Christina at the sign that says “Parade Check-in” within the car line up area once you arrive.  Nicole or Christina will ask if you are willing to let us write your parade order number on your vehicle with a washable window paint pen for easy identification. You may politely decline.  Once you are backed in, you are free to walk around or put decorations on your vehicle before we start, but please be at your vehicle by 10:00am

If you have any marchers, they must be lined up with your vehicle at 10:00am on Campus Drive (see the attached map). Marchers will move forward with the vehicles as they are lined up to enter the Parade.

ONCE THE PARADE STARTS, PLEASE STAY ALERT and watch for pedestrians. We must maintain a brisk pace to make sure the parade is compact enough to fit on the route, so please stay close to the group in front of you at the distance that you start the parade.

The route is nearly 2 miles, so please make sure your marchers hydrate, bring sunscreen, and  wear shoes that you will feel comfortable walking in/wearing for 2 miles. Please remember also that we are all stewards of Durham, so bring reusable water bottles, limit your paper products, and clean up any litter as you see it to help keep the Parade Route and the festival grounds as clean as possible. If you are handing out candy, food, or other items, please toss the candy gently using underhand throws and anything larger than candy should be handed to the crowd rather than thrown. Please note that campaigning for elected office is not permitted during our event, so please do not hand out campaign materials.

During the Parade, IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT WE ALWAYS LEAVE A PATH FOR EMERGENCY PERSONNEL, so for the duration of the Parade please make sure you are staying in the right-hand lane of the street. The route of the Parade is attached below, and there will be volunteers and members of the Durham Police Department managing traffic and making sure the parade stays on its assigned route. 

If a member of your group is not able to complete the full parade, there will be an early exit area at Branches Community School at the corner of Broad Street and Green Street. We ask that all organizations try to finish the full parade route with as much of their full group as possible, and only use this area for emergencies and otherwise very sparingly.

Unless it is an emergency, all vehicles and floats must finish the entire parade. 


Once you have returned to the start of the parade route, vehicles will be directed back onto Campus Drive to park. Drivers and marchers are encouraged to watch the rest of the parade from East Campus and rejoin the Festival for an afternoon of entertainment, food trucks, and vendors. When you leave with your vehicle, please exit by following Campus Drive through East campus out to Swift Avenue. And remember that in the evening there will be a concert in Durham's CCB Plaza in downtown from 5-8pm again featuring food trucks and some truly incredible queer performers.   

There will be volunteers throughout the area in pink shirts that can help direct you or answer questions. 

There will be very limited parking on Duke's Campus that is reserved for vendors, staff, and accessibility parking, so we strongly recommend that members of your group carpool together and park away from campus at one of the parking lots around Durham, and walk to campus to join up with your float. Some nearby locations that have offered up additional public parking for Pride are:

- Asbury UMC

- Epworth Lane at Duke

- Brodie Gym Drive at Duke

- Broad St. Duke lot 

If you have further questions around mobility, please see our information tent, which is located next to the East Duke Building alongside campus drive, that morning. Individuals in need of close accessibility parking can park in the two designated ADA parking lots located alongside Gilbert-Addoms building on Duke’s East Campus (see map). There is an ADA parking pass attached to this email which you can share with any members of your group who need accessible parking. We will be using an honor system for these parking lots. There will be volunteers with golf carts on hand to help ferry people from the accessibility lots to the Parade and the Festival.  

Please send me an email at if you have any questions about the Parade or that morning.    

Thank you so much for your participation and for following the directions we have laid out above so that we can build on last year's success to have another incredible weekend of Pride: Durham, NC!


Rebecca Swofford

Parade Coordinator
Pride: Durham, NC 2023 Planning Committee
Pride: Durham NC is a effort of the LGBTQ Center of Durham, a non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQ individuals in and around Durham, which serves as a critical hub for programming, resources, and networks of support for LGBTQ people. All proceeds raised by Pride: Durham, NC go directly to the Center to fund its day to day operation and its ability to expand programming and support structures, such as housing for homeless LGBTQ youth. Pride: Durham, NC picked up the torch and continues to carry on the legacy of NC Pride. If you would like to know more about the LGBTQ Center of Durham and its non-profit mission, please visit
CANCELLED: First Tuesday at the Lodge, September 5  on 09/04/2023


Due to ongoing concerns with the air conditioning unit at the lodge building, we are cancelling tomorrow's meeting. We will let you know as soon as possible if this will impact our September Stated communication.


Jason Lentz, PM


Menu and topics for Mosaic Lodge Stated Communication on 8/15  on 08/14/2023


We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the stated communication tomorrow! Given the heat the brethren are invited to dress casual and cool for the evening.

Please join us for a pre-meeting fellowship meal from 6:15pm to 7:15pm before we open lodge at 7:30. Dinner will be white bean gazpacho (vegetarian), baguette prosciutto and (separately) cheddar sandwiches, a pasta salad, and a traditional Italian lemon cake. 

Masonic Education on the topic of navigating and using Grandview will be given by brother Jason Lentz.

We will also be discussing final preparations for our participation in the Pride Parade at the end of September.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Important updates for the August Stated Communication  on 08/11/2023

Brethren, I hope these greetings find you well! We have a few items for your consideration in advance of the Stated Communication on Tuesday evening.

First, the upstairs air conditioning unit is broken, so we will be meeting downstairs until that can be repaired. To beat the heat, you are welcome to come casual, and shorts are welcome as well if desired.

Second, Worshipful Brother Barrell is providing a pre-meeting meal for the lodge. Please plan to show up early for fellowship!

Finally, we have some important final arrangements to make in preparation for our participation in the Pride Parade in late September. The Worshipful Master requests that you review the items below (rainbow ties with pocket squares and a lodge banner) for discussion during the meeting.

The basic Tie cost is around $12 each for any other pattern. The image here is of a set. Pretty snazzy.

20 ties and pocket squares (its a set)..............25.06 plus tax.

It includes imprinting of logo. (Since we are doing such a small amount the cost is much higher.)


The banner estimate can be seen at the link below:


Please review these and be ready to discuss or present other options you may find.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday evening!


Jason Lentz



July SC- Hawaiian Shirt Night!  on 07/16/2023


This Tuesday, 7/18 the Worshipful Master invites you to beat the heat and come to Lodge in your favorite, best, or ugliest Hawaiian Shirt.

We look forward to seeing you Tuesday evening at 7:30!

July 4th Holiday- no meeting on first Tuesday in July  on 06/30/2023


I hope these greetings find you well! 

As the first Tuesday of July is a holiday, we will not meet on that evening this month. We look forward to seeing you at the Stated on 7/18.

Have a safe and enjoyable holiday.


Jason Lentz, PM 


Mt. Olive Lodge Community cookout, Saturday June 10  on 06/08/2023


Please see the information below for a community cookout invite from the brethren of Mt. Olive Lodge- come join us for the fun!


Hello Sisters and Brothers,

Hope all is well with you and your families.

We would like to invite you all to Mt. Olive Lodge # 36 Community Cookout on June 10, 2023 where we will fellowship and serve Hamburgers & Hot dogs. This will be an opportunity for us all to get together and have some fun and interact with the local community.

Where: Mt. Olive Lodge- 703 W. Rosemary St.
When: June 10, 2023
What Time: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
What to Bring: Lawn Chairs and a smile :)

Fraternally Yours,

James Self, PM-Sec
Mt. Olive Lodge # 36

April Edition of Children's Chatter from the MHCO  on 04/24/2023

See the attachment for the MHCO Children's Chatter newsletter.

3rd Degree hosted at University Lodge, Saturday, 4/29  on 04/13/2023


Fellowship lodge will have a 3rd degree on Saturday, 4/29/23 at 8am, at the University Lodge building in Chapel hill.

For those working on roles for our upcoming 3rd degree, this a wonderful opportunity to attend a 3rd degree which will be put on by experienced brethren from all over District 19.

My understanding is that all of the roles are covered, but certainly it will be a good opportunity to study or serve as a Fellowcraft.

I hope these greetings find you well!


Jason Lentz, PM


Upcoming Events