October2024 Treastleboard  on 09/30/2024
September 2024 Treastleboard  on 08/28/2024

September 2024 Treastleboard .pdf

April Trestleboard  on 03/31/2024

Attached please find the April Trestleboard.  If you find any mistakes, please let me know.  Also, if you have not paid your 2024 dues, please do so as soon as possible.

Ira Drucks,
Secretary Livingston Lodge

March 2024 Treastleboard  on 02/28/2024

Attached please find the March 2024 Treastleboard.  

Ira Drucks

Livingston Lodge #11 F&AM - February 2024Treastleboard  on 02/11/2024

Attached please find the February 2024 Treastleboard.  If you find any errors or if I missed anything, please let me know.  Also let me know what your think about our Treastleboard layout?

Ira Drucks


Livingston Lodge #11 F&AM - January 2024 Treastleboard  on 12/17/2023

(I should proof read what I write before I send it out). Please review the Treastleboard and let me know if there are any errors.

As there are no more regular meetings for the rest of December 2023, I am attaching the January 2024 Treastleboard early.  Let's support our new Worshipful Master Richard Biggs III and attend as many meetings as your cable toe allows.

We at LIvingston Lodge, wish you all and your family a Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Ira Drucks

Livingston Lodge #11 F&AM - January 2024 Treastleboard  on 12/17/2023

To all Members of Livingston Lodge #11 F&AM

As there are no more regular meetings for the rest December 2023, I am attaching the January 2024 Treastleboard early.  Let's support our new Worshipful Master Richard Biggs III and attend as many meeting as your cable toe allows.

We are LIvingston Lodge, wish you all and your family as Happy Chanukah, Merry Christman and a Happy New Year.

Ira Drucks

2nd Revision to the December 2023 Treastleboard  on 12/01/2023

Attached for the 2nd time is the revised December 2023 Treastleboard.  I want to thank those who are catching my errors for their input.   If you see any mistakes, please notify me for corrections.

Ira Drucks, Secretary at: Cell or text 201-207-6300 or email: Secretary@livingstonlodge11.org

Craftmen’s Club Christmas Party

Saturday, December 16, 2023 Noon

All Children under the age of 12 will receive a gift from Santa

If you have a child or grandchild under the age of 12, Call Jack Ackererman at 973-296-2997 with name and age of child. or emai: Secretary@livingston11.org

December 2023 Treastleboard - Revised  on 11/30/2023

Attached is the revised December 2023 Treastleboard.  It's nice to know some of our members read the Treastleboard.  If you see any mistakes, please notify me for corrections.

Ira Drucks, Secretary at: Cell or text 201-207-6300 or email: Secretary@livingstonlodge11.org

Craftmen’s Club Christmas Party

Saturday, December 16, 2023 Noon

All Children under the age of 12 will receive a gift from Santa

If you have a child or grandchild under the age of 12, Call Jack Ackererman at 973-296-2997 with name and age of child. or emai: Secretary@livingston11.org

December 2023 Treastleboard  on 11/30/2023

Attached is our December 2023 Treastleboard

Craftmen’s Club Christmas Party

Saturday, December 16, 2023 Noon

All Children under the age of 12 will receive a gift from Santa

If you have a child or grandchild under the age of 12, Call Jack Ackererman at 973-296-2997 with name and age of child. or emai: Secretary@livingston11.org

November 2023 Treastleboard  on 11/13/2023
Registration Procedure for Electronic Balloting -Deadline Wed. 11/1/23  on 10/02/2023

Attached is the procedure on how to register for this years Grand Lodge Ballot.

Ira Drucks, Secretary

Livingston Lodge #11 F&AM - October Treastleboard  on 10/01/2023

Attached please find October 2023 Treastleboard
Ira Drucks, Secretary


September 2023 Treastleboard  on 09/03/2023

Attached is the September 2023 Treastleboard.  See you at our next meeting on Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Ira Drucks, PGC

Livingston Lodge #11 F&AM Paver Project  on 06/15/2023

As we are getting requests for new pavers to our ouside patio, we are again offering the purchase of pavers.  The attached flyer will explain how to purchase one or more pavers.  Please send in your requests as soon as possible as we want to add these pavers during the summer months.

Also, the Creaftmen's Club will be holding it's annual Barbeque Wednesday, June 28th starting at 6PM.  If you plan to attend please let me know as we have enough food for all.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me.

Ira Drucks, PGC


Livingston Lodge #11 F&AM - June 2023 Treastleboard  on 06/02/2023

Attached please find our June 2023 Treastleboard.  Also, this coming Wednesday we will be having our 8th District Official Visit.  Please come out and support your lodge during this once a year event.

Have a nice Summer

Ira Drucks, PGC

Upcoming Events