![]() King No. 722 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Due to inclement weather, I, as Master of King Lodge #722 am canceling the Stated Communication for tonight, Thursday, February 20, 2025 pursuant to the NC Code and Regulation 45-2.5. Official Visit from the DDGM of the 26th Masonic District will be rescheduled to our next Stated Communication Thursday, March 20, 2025. Fraternally, |
![]() King No. 722 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Brethren it is with a heavy heart that I report the passing of Carl “Butch” Franklin Calloway. Butch is the father of Darrell Calloway, Master of King Lodge this past year as well as in 2017. Please keep the Calloway family in your thoughts and prayers, information about visitation and funeral service are included below. The family visitation will be tonight (Wednesday, January 15th 2025) at First Christian Church located at: Funeral service tomorrow (Thursday, January 16th 2025) at First Christian Church at 2:00 pm Please check Slate Funeral Home obituary for details. https://www.slatefh.com/obituary/Carl-CallowayCarl Calloway ObituaryCarl “Butch” Franklin Calloway, 78, of King, NC, passed away peacefully at his home on Monday, January 13, 2025, surrounded by his beloved family. Mr. Calloway was born in Stokes County, North Carolina, on December 22, 1946, to the late Thurmond Lee Calloway and Grace White Calloway. He proudly served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War from 1967 to 1969. He owned and operated Butch’s Portable Welding and was a member of the American Legion Post 290 in King, North Carolina, where he served honorably in the Honor Guard and on the Executive Committee. Additionally, Butch served in the King Volunteer Fire Department for 21 years. He was also a faithful member of First Christian Church. In addition to his parents, Butch was preceded in death by his brother, James T. “Bud” Calloway; two sisters, Jean Davis and Linda Watts, a sister-in-law, Betty Badgett Calloway; and two brothers-in-law, Frank Davis and Jimmy Watts. Left to cherish his memory is his beloved wife, Janet Taylor Calloway; his son, Darrell Franklin Calloway (Paula Renee); a daughter, Decarla Lee Wall (Chris); six grandchildren: Kaleigh Pittman (Alec), Jamie Inman (Taylor), Matthew Ball (Simona), Walter Blake Calloway, Garnett Lee Calloway (Emily), and Samuel D. Wall; along with 9 great-grandchildren and 2 on the way. Mr. Calloway will lie in state on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. at First Christian Church in King. The family will then receive friends and loved ones from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 16, 2025, at First Christian Church, with Ministers Glenn Van Meter, Peter Cain, and Rev. John Winfrey officiating. Interment will follow in the church cemetery with Military Honors provided by the American Legion Post 290 Honor Guard and the U.S. Army National Honor Guard. Memorial donations may be made to the American Legion Post 290, 436 S. Main St. King, NC 27021, or to First Christian Church 625 Meadowbrook Dr. King, NC 27021. |
![]() King No. 722 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Due to inclement weather, we will be rescheduling the installation of officers from January 11 to January 18. Please come out to support Brother Michael Christian and his officers for the upcoming year. The Lodge will be opened at 10:00 AM for the purpose of business and the Installation of Officers will begin around 10:30 AM. This will be a public Installation of Officers. Installing Officers and Officers to installed are requested to wear a Suit and Tie and all others Business Casual. Light refreshments will be served afterwards by friends and family and the King Chapter Eastern Star. 2025 Officers to be Installed:
![]() King No. 722 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Master Elect Charles M. Christian invites you to the Installation of Officers for 2025. This is an Open Installation and public event, and all are welcome to attend. Date: Saturday, January 11th 2025 Time: 10:00 AM Location: 226 Jefferson Church Rd. King, NC 27021 Meal: Lunch will be served after the Installation |
![]() King No. 722 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Most Worshipful Grand Master Robert Rideout and his Grand Line Officers will hold a joint District Meeting on Saturday, January 4th 2025 at the Winston Salem Masonic Center located at 4537 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27104. Meeting is hosted by Winston Lodge #167 at 9:00 AM Breakfast will be provided by Salem Lodge #289 at 8:00 AM The Grand Master will present his message for the year, "Together We R.I.S.E." as well as updates on our fraternity. This will be a joint district meeting and include our brethren from the 24th and 25th Masonic Districts. Please Register for the Event before January 4th 2025 for an accurate head count at https://nc.grandview.systems/events/5000 Fraternally, Paul Isaacson Secretary King Lodge #722 |
<< CLICK ON "See more" BELOW FOR COMPLETE DETAILS >> The King, NC Christmas Parade is sponsored by King Masonic Lodge #722 A.F. & A.M. in partnership and support from the City of King, NC. The King, NC Christmas Parade will be held on the first Saturday in December. King Masonic Lodge #722 Website: https://lodgelocator.com/king-722 King Masonic Lodge #722 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KingLodge722 City of King, NC Events Website: https://www.ci.king.nc.us/events We ask all members of the community to share this page to get the word about this event out. Date and Time: Parade will begin on Saturday, December 7, 2024 at 1:00 PM. >> The Parade Start Time for 2024 is 1 hour later than years prior due to a petition sent to the King City Council by local businesses on Main Street requesting the time change. >> Information circulating online about a parade starting at 12:00 PM are incorrect and likely are reference to parades from prior years. >> Information circulating online about a parade being held on December 7th 2024 at night and starting at 6:00 PM is likely associated with "City of Kings Mountain Parade". To clarify this is the City of King, NC located north of Winston Salem, NC with the ZIP Code of 27021. >> Please reference the City of King, NC Events Page Website for correct information regarding any events in the City of King, NC https://www.ci.king.nc.us/events Parade Route: Traditional route commencing at King Elementary School down Dalton Road, turning left on South Main Street and ending at the intersection of South Main and Jefferson Church Road. >> See Event Comments for Aerial Images of Parade Route Theme: This year's parade theme is "A 50's Christmas". >> If participating in the Parade please decorate your vehicles, floats or participants with scenes associated with the 1950's. >> This may include Christmas Scenes and characters from the time period. >> This may include vehicles from the time period. >> This may include any reasonable interpretation of the theme. Duration: We expect the parade to be completed within one and half to two hours. >> This is measured from the Parade Start Time until Santa Clause reaches the Parade Route End. Road Closures: >> The City of King Police Department will close roads used for the Parade Route 30 minutes prior the Parade start time. Children: >> Keep a watchful eye on children and youth at all times >> Adult supervision is required for children under the age of 12 << IF PARTCIPATING IN THE PARADE PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMAITON BELOW >> There is no pre-registration required. Just show up the day of and follow the guidelines below: Line Up for Participants: >> Dignitaries between 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM >> Dignitaries include the Grand Marshall, American Legion, Ladies Auxiliary, Junior ROTC, City Mayor, City Council, Stokes County Officials, NC Highway Patrol >> All Others 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM >> Others may include Businesses, Organizations, Non-Profits, Churches, Individuals or Personalities. Registration: >> Registration will be done at entry on School Street. See Aerial Image in Comments. >> Float Participants will be asked to make a charitable donation in an amount they feel is appropriate. >> All money will be collected at Float Registration. >> Checks should be written to “King Outreach Ministry”. >> After speaking with the administration of King Outreach Ministry, it was brought to our attention that a charitable monetary donation as opposed to non-perishable items can provide more to our community. KOM can use these monies to purchase much needed supplies including toiletries, baby supplies, and medicine. Judging: >> We will be taking photos of the floats and participants as they begin the Christmas Parade on Dalton Road. >> All photos will be uploaded to the Facebook Event Page to allow citizens of King to judge which floats are their favorites. >> There will be no trophy provided to winners. Weather: >> This will be a rain, snow, sleet or shine event, unless the City of King makes the call to cancel the event. >> If canceled we will change the event title of the Facebook Event Page to include the word canceled. REGISTRATION WILL HAVE TWO WAY RADIOS WHICH THE PUBLIC CAN USE TO REACH US ON. WE EXPECT TO BE ON CHANNEL FIVE. THIS MAY CHANGE ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT IF THERE IS A CONFLICT WITH THE CHANNEL. ONCE DRIVERS / ORGANIZATIONS / FLOATS ARE LINED UP PLEASE SEE EVENT STAFF TO FIND OUT WHAT AREA YOU ARE IN (A-H as shown in aerial map in comments) AND INFORM YOUR GROUP. THIS IS DONE SO PARENTS AND OTHER PARTICIPANTS CAN FIND YOU FOR MEET UP. REGISTRATION TABLE CANNOT DIRECT PARENTS TO YOUR FLOAT LOCATION. LARGE FLOATS SUCH AS TRACTOR TRAILERS WILL NEED TO BE PARKED IN "AREA E" OR "AREA H" TO PREVENT NAVIGATION PROBLEMS IN TIGHT AREAS AT AND AROUND THE SCHOOL. IF YOUR GROUP WILL BE PERFORMING ROUTINES THAT CAUSE THE PARADE FLOW OF TRAFFIC TO STOP AND THUS CREATING GAPS IN THE PARADE, PLEASE INFORM THE REGISTRATION TABLE SO WE CAN WORK OUT SPECIAL SPACING. IF YOUR GROUP WILL BE PLAYING MUSIC, PLEASE INFORM THE REGISTRATION TABLE SO WE CAN WORK OUT SPECIAL SPACING. Rules for the Parade: 1. The Parade Staff has right of refusal to any individual, group or organization for any reason. 2. All Drivers must be a minimum of 18 years of age and have a valid Driver’s License. 3. All Vehicles must be properly registered, insured and licensed. 4. Floats should have all supplies required for decorating on their float before lining up. Any items required after lining up will need to be carried to the float. 5. Absolutely NO THRU TRAFFIC will be permitted on School Street for supply drop off or participant drop off. Organizations participating in the Parade should have a designated drop off location and person(s) available to walk their groups to their float. 6. The King Elementary School grounds will be available for Parade line-up. a. Be respectful of the School Grounds and their Equipment. b. Parade Participants may enter the school gym and use the bathrooms adjacent to the gym. c. Clean the area around you prior to departing and discard all trash in appropriate receptacles. This is important to our future and a courtesy to all that have allowed us the use of their property(s). 7. Animals must follow the following guidelines: a. Service animals are allowed but must be on a leash b. Farm Animals, including horses; must be secured within a vehicle or trailer during line up, staging and thru the entire Parade. 8. If Parade participants wish to drive an ATV, tractor, golf cart, mini-car, or other non-tagged/licensed motor vehicle, they will be allowed to do so at the discretion of the Parade organizer, provided that the operator has a valid driver’s license issued by their state of residence and proof of insurance/liability coverage on the driver as well as the apparatus they plan to operate in the Parade. a. Such vehicles may only be operated in the Parade staging area and on public streets during the Christmas Parade along the designated Parade route, and not on any other streets or public areas. b. Proof of the above-mentioned paperwork will be requested during registration. c. Race Cars must be towed or on a trailer. d. All non-tagged vehicles driven in Parade must be unloaded at the staging area, and loaded at one of the shopping centers at the end of Parade route, and not driven on the public roadways following the conclusion of the Parade route. 9. No items other than individually wrapped candy are permitted to be thrown or tossed during the Parade. This rule is required by the City of King and pertains to Insurance and Liability. a. AN EVENT INSURANCE RIDER (at additional cost) WAS OBTAINED BY KING MASONIC LODGE #722 PERMITTING AND ALLOWING THE TOSSING OF INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED CANDY. b. Candy should be lightly tossed at spectators' feet to prevent injuries to bystanders. Please have a conversation with all float participants regarding this rule and that candy should not be thrown in a “fast ball” manner. c. Candy should be thrown to the outside edge of the road on the parade route. Concerns exist of children running into the street to catch candy or to retrieve candy from the middle of the street where they may bend down and not be seen by those operating vehicles that are pulling floats. Please have a conversation with all float participants regarding this rule. d. Items other than candy may be passed out but not thrown. 10. Vehicles in the Parade Lineup will be requested to turn off their vehicles once they are in line. Members of the public have had issues in years past of headaches and other symptoms from the odors of fumes. Please have your drivers and other participants dress warmly. 11. Any trailer being pulled during the Parade with participants riding on it will be required to have wheel wells. Open wheels pose a significant risk, especially to children, getting their clothing or limbs caught in the exposed wheels, potentially causing serious injuries. 12. No spraying of any liquids will be permitted. 13. No advocating, opposing, depicting or endorsing of any political or social issue. The Christmas Parade will not be used as a platform for these ideas. 14. Those dignitaries who hold a Local Political Office and their supporters must participate in good taste. We ask that all candidates remember that this is not a political Parade. It is a community Christmas Parade for families and children. You may include a neat sign on the door of your vehicle, but no separate campaign posters or banners in the Parade. Please do not distribute written flyers or papers along the Parade route. 15. Alcohol/Drugs or other Illegal Substances are not allowed prior to or during participation in the Parade. Possession, use or consuming of alcoholic beverages/drugs or other illegal substances will not be permitted in assembly and dispersal areas, or along the Parade route. No one will be permitted to enter the Parade under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any illegal substances. 16. No swerving or stunt driving will be permitted. 17. No use of weapons (unless previously approved or those with a color guard unit). 18. King Masonic Lodge #722 has made contact with Santa Claus at the North Pole. No other organization or group is to have any person(s) dressed in the full Santa attire as this creates confusion. Santa has informed us that Mrs. Claus is preparing the reindeer at the North Pole this year and will not be present at the Parade. a. Santa Hats may be worn by participants. b. Elf costumes may be worn by participants. c. Grinch costumes may be worn by participants. d. *** If you have to ask if it might look like Santa or Mrs. Claus then don’t wear it. Participant Drop Off: If you have a large group of individuals needing to get to your float after it is in the Line Up (example Sports Groups, Dance Groups, etc.) our suggestion would be to have your Float parked and staged at Veterans Memorial at Central Park, First Baptist Church (upper parking lot) or another area in close driving proximity to King Elementary. • Tell participants to arrive 15 to 30 minutes prior to the float leaving that designated meeting area, so that participants may ride on the Float up Kirby Road onto School Street to get in the line up at the Elementary School. • This will alleviate the issue of parents trying to drive to a float on School Street which will not be permitted. • You may opt to have your Floats line up early and have parents drop off at Veterans Memorial at Central Park and as a group walk to the float. There is a cut thru walking path between Central Park and King Elementary that groups may walk. • You may opt to have your Floats line up early and have parents drop off at First Baptist Church (upper parking lot) and as a group walk to the float. If walking from First Baptist Church please walk thru the soccer field and stay off of School Street. Take note that First Baptist Church Parking lot often gets full one hour prior the parade starting. • You may opt to have parents drop off participants at another nearby local business. Please communicate with the local business and get permission. If walking with a group we would not recommend having to cross Kirby Road to get to the Elementary School. • Kirby Road often gets congested and backed up all the way to Old 52 about 30 minutes prior the parade starting. • Roads used for the Parade Route will be closed 30 minutes prior to the start time. Parents/Guardians dropping off children to participate in the parade and meet with their corresponding floats in the Line Up Area should plan on walking their children to the float. Participants high school age or older will be fine to walk to their float without an adult. We ask the Elementary and Middle School Age children be accompanied by an adult as School Street can be very busy with traffic as floats get into the line-up. VEHICLES DROPPING OFF PARTCIPANTS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED ONTO SCHOOL STREET WHERE THE BUS PARKING LOT TURN OFF IS LOCATED. Marching Bands (South Stokes, North Stokes, West Stokes) will be staged in the Soccer Field and the best place for Drop Off will be First Baptist Church upper parking lot and have students walk to the Soccer Field. Again, parents should not turn onto School Street for drop off. a. Marching Bands will be directed into a Parade Line Spot before the start of the parade. b. Band Directors please let Event Staff know if the schools will be marching together or separately at least one hour prior to the start of the parade. JROTC will primarily be arriving by School Bus from South Stokes High School. Parents who will be dropping off in King should drop off students at Veterans Memorial at Central Park at the designated time period provided by Rafal Jurkiewicz and walk together to the front of the parade line up with the other dignitaries. Regarding the end of the parade, individual floats typically pull into one of the shopping centers (Food Lion Shopping Center or Town and Country Shopping Center), park and unload, however these areas can become very congested. Large Groups may want to look at an aerial map on Google Maps and find a location on Jefferson Church Road that would be large enough to support the number of cars required for participant pickup. Some groups use the parking lots of local businesses, be sure to communicate with these businesses prior to the parade for permission to use and/or to rope off an area for your group to drop off. Email Questions to: KingLodge722@gmail.com or Message Us via Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/KingLodge722/ |
Aerial View of Line up If you are dropping someone off to ride on a float or otherwise participate in the King Christmas Parade on December 7th, 2024 at 1:00 PM please read: 1) Check with your organization's representative to see if you have a designated drop off location and time slot. Organizations and Groups should have an adult(s) designated to walk participants to their float to keep children safe and off the road ways. 2) If your organization has not designated a location you may use the upper parking lot of First Baptist Church (Green Circle) or the parking area at the Veterans Memorial at Central Park (Green Circle). Use the foot paths (represented by Orange Dashed Lines) to walk to your groups float. 3) Do not turn onto School Street to drop someone off. Thru traffic will NOT be permitted for vehicles not participating in the parade onto School Street; with the exclusion of residents who live on School Street (please have your pass visible on dashboard) or anyone with an Official NCDMV Handicap Placard hanging from their rear view mirror. The back driveway behind First Baptist Church will be blocked and closed by request of the church. The lower parking area of First Baptist Church will be closed and used for additional parking for float participants including Santa's Sleigh and neighboring Fire Departments and their fire trucks. We ask citizens to drive with extra caution during this time period and watch for pedestrians and children. Kirby Road becomes very busy two hours before the start of the Christmas Parade and often will become backed up to Old Hwy 52. Avoid Kirby Road as a cut thru if possible. Traditional route commencing at King Elementary School down Dalton Road, turning left on South Main Street and ending at the intersection of South Main and Jefferson Church Road. |