Minutes added & 1st degree upcoming on 05/17/2023
Minutes for 5/3 Emergent and 5/15 Stated are now available.
Also, there will be a First Degree on Tuesday May 30th. Please come out to support
our 3 candidates as they start their Masonic Journey. As always, meal at 6:30PM.
Degree to follow at 7:30PM.
Minutes for 5/1/23 Stated Meeting on 05/01/2023
Minutes for 5/1/23 Stated Meeting are now available in Grandview.
WePay Account Closed on 04/19/2023
Hello Brethren,
Please be advised that the WePay account within Groupable M2 (Mori) has been closed and no further transactions can be transacted through that portal.
Please log in to Grandview if you have not already done so to set up your online payment through the new system.
Darren Cloer, Secretary, Hickory Lodge #343, A.F.&A.M.