REMINDERS  on 10/01/2024
Notes From Annual Communication  on 09/29/2024
$5 Per Capita increase to come before this Grand Lodge at Annual Communication  on 09/06/2024
Electronic Petitions (Old Form 17)  on 07/13/2024
HALL LODGE & EVENTS  on 07/25/2023

Good Afternoon Brethren!!

I have a few reminders I would like to put out today:

1st – Don’t Forget; our District meeting is Monday July 31st, at Eureka Lodge, hosted by Gatesville #126 and those festivities will start with fine dining at 7:00 PM.  I know it will be a good meeting as we always have some very interesting speakers.

2nd – The First degree for Mr. Albert Sanchez will be August 9th which is the first week after our August stated.  He is out of town this week so we will be having our last practice tomorrow night.

3rd – Our August stated is next week and I have received word that our Virginia Brothers will be visiting us that evening.  Nobody can ever say for sure how many brothers will attend but the Secretary from Great Bridge told me he is expecting to bring 25 members of Great Bridge with him. Several other VA Lodges are also planning on attending that same evening.  Keeping that in mind, please try to bring a little extra food so we will have enough.

4th – Great Bridge Lodge has moved their Past Master’s night to August this year so it will be Wednesday August 23rd.  We have all been invited and are planning on attending, remember they make great steaks just for Past Master’s night and you can eat as many as you want.  They always have extras left over. Please plan on attending with us, we always have lots of fun…

July 5th Stated  on 07/02/2023

Good Afternoon Brethren;

I hope everyone is having a great 4th of July weekend. I want to send a quick reminder that Wednesday is our July Stated meeting, we will be having hamburgers and hot dogs.  We will also have chips, sodas, baked beans, and potato salad. If you want to bring a side dish, please bring what ever you want. And wear your favorite Hawaiian shirt so we all look good.

New Lebanon will be at our meeting to bring home what’s left of the gavel, I am not sure how many others will be there.  It should be a very good meeting.  Hope to see everyone there Wednesday!!


Traveling Gavel  on 06/15/2023


I want to let everyone know that 8 members went with our Master to New Lebanon Lodge last Tuesday evening and retreived the traveling gavel. It was immediately believed to be lost to termites and other vermin, being their lodge sits might close to the water and all that was found in the bag was a small token of something resembling a gavel.  Luckily, before lodge was over, it was located and the Master secured it to bring home. 

We were served an outstanding meal of BBQ, hot dogs, chips, baked beans, and banana pudding for desert.  Great fun was enjoyed by all!!! Good job Hall Members!!!

Good work Hall members!!




HALL LODGE WEBSITE  on 03/08/2023

Hello Brethren;

This is not a bad email.  Please click on the following link, all you will need to do is create a password to register for Grandview and our website.  It could not be simpler.

Click here to login to our system.

TEst  on 03/07/2023


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