First Degree on Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 7:30 pm  on 06/25/2024

Stated Communication  on 03/13/2024


Good afternoon, we have our stated meeting tonight beginning at 7:30pm at the Masonic Center. We are meeting for dinner at K&W Cafeteria at 6:00pm. At tonight's stated, we will be receiving the DDGL & DDGM for their official visit.

I look forward to seeing everyone there. 

Sincerely and fraternally,
Joseph Thompson
Worshipful Master
Fort Bragg Lodge No.667 A.F&A.M.

District officers visit  on 03/11/2024


Just a Quick note to remind you that your district officers will be At your lodge this Wednesday March 13, for their official visit.  We look forward to seeing you there.


Job R Connor DDGM

Allen Faires DDGL



Emergent Communication for Master Mason Degree  on 01/29/2024

Esteemed brethren of Fort Bragg Lodge #667, there will be an emergent communication of Creasy Proctor Lodge #679, at the Fayetteville Masonic Center on 30 January 2024, in order confer the sublime degree of Master Mason. We have one candidate to be raised. Dinner will be served at 6pm, with Lodge opening at 7pm. Let the light of Masonic wisdom guide us as we continue our journey through the sacred teachings. May fraternal bonds strengthen, and knowledge flourish in our pursuit of enlightenment.


Sincerely and fraternally,
Joseph Thompson
Worshipful Master
Fort Bragg Lodge No.667 A.F&A.M.

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