Welcome to Fidelity-St. John's No. 3!
Welcome to the website of Fidelity St. John's #3 lodge, located at 428 Stratfield Road, Fairfield, CT. We are proud to be the third oldest lodge in Connecticut, chartered on February 12, 1762, even before the State of Connecticut was formed. In fact, we received our first charter from the Grand Lodge of New York! We have regular stated communications on the first and third thursday of the month, except July and August. Lodge opens at 7:30pm with a dinner at 6:30pm. If you would like to learn more about our lodge, visitors are welcome at 6:30pm on lodge nights to meet the brothers and learn more about the fraternity. You can also send email to secretaryfsj3@ctfreemasons.net with any questions. We are a very active lodge with many other events going on. If you are a travelling mason, bring your dues card and come visit us! Are you interested to inquire about membership in our lodge? Send us an email to tell us more about yourself, and ask any questions you may have.