Lodge Updates  on 02/26/2025
NCMF  on 02/07/2025

Sponsorship Form_NCMF_Clay Shoot_April_25_2025_.pdf

Blood Drive Results  on 02/05/2025
3rd Degree  on 02/04/2025
Passing of W.B. Lee Jones  on 02/04/2025
Blood Drive  on 02/02/2025
Lodge Happenings Update  on 01/19/2025
Officer Installation Update  on 01/08/2025
Prayer request  on 01/08/2025
Officer Installation  on 01/04/2025
Bro. Charles Harrill Memorial  on 12/04/2024
John Tillman Hearne  on 12/03/2024

John Tillman Hearne Masonic Record.docx


It is my sad duty to inform you that we have just been advised of the passing of Brother John Tillman Hearne who laid down his working tools on November 25 in Oak Island. A funeral mass is being scheduled for some time in January at St. Brendan's Catholic Church in Shallotte followed by a memorial service. Details are pending and will be announced at a later date by Brunswick Funeral Service: brunswickfuneralservice.com. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - www.stjude.org/donate-to-st-jude.html. A copy of his Masonic Record is attached.

Please keep his wife, Bernadette, and the rest of the family in your prayers.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Lodge Reminders  on 11/28/2024
Thanks  on 11/23/2024
Lodge Work Day Reminder  on 11/19/2024
Lodge Work Day Reminder  on 11/14/2024
W.B. Charles Harrill  on 11/06/2024
Lodge Work Day  on 11/01/2024

Lodge Work Day.docx

Another Reminder  on 09/10/2024
Date reminders  on 09/02/2024
August Stated  on 08/26/2024
Preparing the Candidate Zoom Call  on 07/30/2024
Grand Master's District Meeting  on 07/29/2024
2024 Proposed Amendment to The Code  on 07/26/2024
July Stated  on 07/23/2024
Raffle and Blood Drive  on 07/12/2024
Grand View Questions  on 07/04/2024
Lodge updates  on 07/03/2024
Reminder - Emergent Communication  on 06/30/2024
Grand Masters at Labor Degree  on 04/29/2024


Please find below a message concerning the conferring of a Master Masons Degree by the current and past Grand Masters of North Carolina. For those who wish to attend, the link to register is at the bottom of the message.


Grand Lodge Of North Carolina will be holding 'Grand Masters at Labor' on August 3rd, 2024 at 10:00 AM EST. 

**Register for this event at the eventbrite link at the bottom**

Dear the DDGMs, Masters and Secretaries of the lodges across North Carolina,

I am pleased to announce a momentous event in the history of Freemasonry in North Carolina. On August 3rd, 2024, Semper Fidelis Lodge No. 680, Jacksonville, NC will host a Master Mason Degree that promises to be a historic occasion. For the first time in the annals of North Carolina Masonry, this Degree will be conferred exclusively by the Grand Master and Past Grand Masters of our state.

This unique assembly of Masonic leadership underlines the significance of the Degree and the deep-rooted traditions of our fraternity. It also serves as a testament to the respect and reverence we hold for the principles and teachings of Freemasonry.

The event is priced at $30 per person. Due to the unprecedented nature of this gathering, seating will be limited. Registration is imperative to secure your participation, and it will be closed after July 24, 2024. Once we reach our capacity, we will not be able to accommodate additional attendees to observe the Degree.

The Degree will commence with the first section at 10 a.m., afterwards transitioning from labor to refreshment, where we will enjoy lunch sponsored by Honey Baked Ham. Post lunch, we will resume our labors and conclude the second section of the Master Mason Degree. Commemorative beer glasses will be available for purchase at the event.

Your timely reservation is crucial for us to accommodate everyone interested in witnessing and partaking in this unparalleled Masonic event. Let us come together to celebrate this historic moment in the spirit of brotherhood and fellowship that defines our craft. It is requested that if you are able, please bring your own Apron. Dress code is suit and tie. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at the number or email below. Please pass this message along to members of your districts and lodges.


Dustin M. Wood


Semper Fidelis Lodge No. 680

(472) 206-9840 – Lodge cell phone


You can register for this event at the link below.


August 3rd, 2024 10:00 AM EST 

727 Henderson Drive Jacksonville , North Carolina 28540 

Formal (Dark Suit and Tie)

We look forward to your attendance.

Click here to view the event details and/or make reservation to attend. Or you can also access the event details by logging into your member portal, click on Events and find the event on the calendar.

FOLLOW UP FROM OFFICIAL VISIT 4/23/2024  on 04/24/2024

Attached is a copy of the contact information of the folks that I mentioned last night (4/23/2024). Let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Take care and have a nice week.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Freddy Szakasits

Contact Information GL and GL Committees - 2024.pdf

April Stated Communication  on 04/23/2024


A reminder that our stated communication is tonight when we will be receiving our DDGM and DDGL for their official annual visit. I am sure that they will have some very interesting items to share with us so I hope that you can make plans to join us at our regular time of dinner at 6:30 and the lodge opening at 7:30.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Lodge updates  on 04/03/2024


The minutes of our March stated held on the 26th and our Emergent Communication held on the 28th have been posted on Grandview for your information. Please note the following important dates for this month:

Tuesday, April 23 - our April stated communication will be held that evening with dinner at 6:30 and the lodge opening at 7:30

Wednesday, April 24 - kick-off event for the Carolina Beach Police Foundation - 5-7 p.m. at The Vault located at 612 N. Lake Park Blvd. This is an open house for the purpose of learning more about this program to assist our local law enforcement.

Saturday, April 27 - Atkinson Lodge #612 will be conducting an Entered Apprentice Degree at 9:00 a.m. They have agreed to include our candidate, Carson Tilley, who was not able to be attend our Emergent Communication last week due to illness.

A reminder to these events will be sent out again as these dates draw nearer, but please mark your calendars now as your participation is earnestly solicited.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Reminder  on 03/24/2024


A reminder that our March stated will be this coming Tuesday evening, the 26th, with our usual meal at 6:30 and the lodge opening at 7:30. We will be holding an Entered Apprentice Degree this coming Thursday evening, the 28th, for two candidates with a meal being served at 6:00 and the lodge opening at 7:00 (Please not the earlier time schedule). Please make every effort to attend these meetings as your schedule allows. It would be wonderful to see a large number of brothers especially on Thursday as we welcome two new Brothers into our fraternity.

Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Please make note!!  on 03/19/2024


Below is a copy I just received from MWB Donald Kehler. For any of you who live close to the lodge, please keep a check to see if one of these envelopes apprears on our doorstep. If so, please let W.M. John Shawver and/or DDGM Freddie Szakasits know ASAP. We also need to be diligent in making sure our building is secure and may need to think about the installation of some typr of alarm system.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary


To: the District Deputy Grand Masters, Masters, Wardens, and Secretaries of the Various Lodges
cc: Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Masters, District Deputy Grand Lecturers

Cherished Brethren,

I am writing to inform you of recent developments concerning our beloved fraternity, so that you may take appropriate actions and understand our response. Over the past few weeks, two incidents have occurred regarding the physical security of our lodges.

Firstly, during the night of March 15, the Charlotte York Rite, housing Phalanx and Excelsior lodges, was broken into, vandalized, and robbed. This incident is currently under investigation by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. Our District Deputy Grand Master, Lodge Officers, and the Grand Lodge are closely monitoring the case as it unfolds.

The second incident, more widespread, involves the delivery of a "manifesto" to multiple lodges across North Carolina. If you have received one of these documents, it typically arrives in a yellow envelope with a combination of print and cursive writing, addressed to "Masonic Lodge Members + Associates." Inside is a 49-page document, which, based on its formatting, appears to be a decades-old photocopied attack on Masonic teachings, primarily directed towards our appendant bodies. This demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of both our fraternity and the most fundamental tenets of Christianity. These packets seem to be delivered by one or more individuals traveling across the state, from Charlotte to the coast. We have been able to track some of their movements, starting in Charlotte on March 6, with the most recent incident in Greenville on March 17 or 18. Prior to appearing in North Carolina, similar packets were delivered in South Carolina as late as March 3. We experienced a similar incident a few years ago, where a couple driving up and down the East Coast distributed the same manifesto.

While we are not ruling out any possibilities, we currently have no connection between the break-in at the Charlotte York Rite and this peculiar "manifesto." Within the Grand Lodge, we hold extensive real estate assets. Consequently, occasional acts of vandalism at individual locations are not uncommon. We hope to allow the law enforcement community to complete their investigation and provide us with their findings.

Nevertheless, I urge all Freemasons in North Carolina to do the following:

• If you receive this "manifesto" at your lodge, please inform your DDGM and Lodge Trustees or Temple Board. Our DDGM will then forward this information, along with any additional evidence, to our Risk Management Committee.

• If your lodge does not already have a security system, consider investing in one. There are numerous inexpensive, easily installed security systems available on the market. Amazon offers multiple options for the Ring system.

• Maintain constant vigilance, but do not let these actions isolate us from our communities or make us suspicious of our neighbors.

I want to emphasize this point emphatically. The purpose of the "manifesto," and possibly the break-in at the Charlotte York Rite, is to instill panic and unease within our fraternity. Do not give these troubled individuals what they seek. Remember our closing charge: "These generous principles are to extend further. Every human being has a claim upon your kind offices. Do good unto all. Recommend it more especially to the household of the faithful."

Do not allow the actions of a few troubled individuals to lead us astray from the noble principles we uphold. Let it instead bring us closer together — to our brethren, fraternity, and communities. Use this time of uncertainty to reach out and check on all our brethren. Call, visit, contact, and demonstrate the fraternalism and love we have always shown. As a lodge, engage with your neighbors in the community. We have always been pillars within our communities, and a threat to us is a threat to our communities as a whole.

Finally, brethren, remember your origins. You are part of a long and noble tradition of courageous and learned men. We are the same men who threw tea into Boston Harbor, liberated the whole of South America, and helped Italy become a nation-state. We have fought tyranny worldwide and continue to do so today. Our vigilance does not equate to fear because we are not a group of fearful men. We are a group of extraordinary men who stand up for what is right, support their brethren, uplift their communities, and oppose oppression in all its forms.

God bless our noble fraternity, and may God bless the United States of America.

Fraternally yours,

Donald E. Kehler
Grand Master

Lodge Happenings  on 03/07/2024


The Worshipful Master has scheduled a first degree for our newly elected candidates, Carson Tilley and Allan Sivils, for Thursday, March 28th. A meal will be served at 6:30 p.m. and the lodge opening on the Enterered Apprentice Degree at 7:30. All Masons are invited to attend. A reminder that Wilmington #319 will be conducting a Master Masons Degree for four candidates, including our own Armando Rico, this coming Tuesday night with a meal being served at 6:00 and the lodge opening at 7:00Please make note of the earlier time schedule. Our March stated will be held on Tuesday the 26th at our usual time of dinner at 6:30 and the lodge opening at 7:30.

Please make note of these three important dates in the life of our lodge and plan to attend as many as possible. Thank you for you support of our candidates and our officers.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Lodge updates  on 02/28/2024


Congratulations go out to Mr. Carson Tilley and Mr. Allan Sivils who were elected to receive the degrees in Masonry at last night's stated communication. The Master will be scheduling a 1st degree in the near future. Once the date is established I will send the word out. A copy of the minutes of our meeting have been posted on Grand View.

Wilmington #319 has scheduled a 3rd Degree for Tuesday evening, March 12 with dinner at 6:00 and the lodge opening at 7:00 (note the earlier times!!). Our own Brother Armando Rico will be one of the four candidates that will be raised that evening so please make every effort to attend to support him as he advances in Masonry.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary 

Reminders  on 02/22/2024


A quick reminder - Wilmington #319 will be holding a MM Degree this evening with dinner at 6:30 and the lodge to open at 7:30. They will also be hosting the 5 hour lecture series this coming Saturday morning with breakfast at 8:00 and the meeting to begin at 9:00. Our February stated will be next Tuesday night, the 27th, with our usual schedule. We will be voting on two petitions as well as reviewing our 2024 budget along with our other business. 


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Carolina Pig Gig  on 02/17/2024


See the notice from Raleigh Lodge #500 concerning this event in case there is any interest.

Tom Jones - Secretary

Hello brothers, 


You and your lodge are invited to attend and/or compete in the 17th annual Carolina pig Jig! The competition is growing and each year the event generates more and more donations for our Masonic charities. This year's event is May 18, 2024 at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds during the Got to Be NC Festival. We'd love to have you join us. 


Please find the application and the rules attached. If you'd like to enter a team for the first time and have questions, please feel free to call or email. Competing teams can arrive on Friday the 17th and can park right beside the event space. 


We hope to see you there. 




For the Secretaries and Masters: I do not have the email address for every person in your lodge. If there is a new master or new secretary or a better point of contact for your lodge, please forward this message to them or provide their contact information and I'll reach out to them. 





Justin Eldreth, PM

Raleigh #500

(919) 809-2344



Wilmington #319 Fund Raiser  on 02/09/2024


Please find below an email from W.B. Sam Watson, Secretary of Wilmington #319 concerning their BBQ fund raiser for your consideration.

Tom Jones, P.M., C.C., Secretary

Brethren and Friends,


Our Annual BBQ Fundraiser will be next Saturday, February 17th. Come out and enjoy some great food and fellowship.  This is also our February Open House, so if you know of anyone thinking about Masonry, now would be a great time to bring them out and see what we do and ask any questions.  And it is a great time to bring out those older Brothers that cannot make it to meetings to reconnect with the lodge.


If you wish to help, and we need all the help that we can get, please be there as soon as you can. There will be breakfast available in the morning between 7-7:30. It would be great if everyone could get there by 8 to put out signs, build the tent, and help with prep work. We will also need help on the back-end with taking all the signs down, breaking things down, and cleanup.


We start serving at 11:00 am, and will go until 5:00 pm, or until we run out of BBQ.


Also, if you are having any issues with Grandview, this will be a good time to come out and we will get you squared away on the app.


Finally, if you have a key to the lodge, or know someone who does, and you or they have not spoken with the Master about getting a personal entry code, then please contact the Master to get a new code as soon as possible.


If you have any questions, please contact myself or the Master.


Samuel P. Watson, PM


Wilmington Lodge #319

Grand Master's District Meeting  on 01/25/2024


In case you did not receive word, below is a copy of the email from the Grand Master concerning the renewal and revival of our Masonic rituals. It includes the link to register for this event. I know that W.B. John Shawver will be attending and I am sure that he would love to have some company. I am disappointed that I will not be able to attend as that is the same date as our Allied Masonic meeting is scheduled for which I have a part. Registration is $35.00 which includes lunch.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

To: the District Deputy Grand Masters and District Deputy Grand Lecturers of the 4th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Masonic Districts

cc: the Grand Lodge Officers


Brother District Officers, please forward the following message and registration link from our Grand Master to ALL the brethren in your respective districts so they may know to attend the Grand Master and Grand Lecturer’s Regional District Meetings concerning the renewal and revival of our cherished Masonic ritual, which is our Grand Master’s focus this year.



Cherished Brethren,


Excellence never happens by accident. We have to make it happen. I found this quote years ago and it seems perfect for what we are trying to do with our Masonic work here in North Carolina:

"They must learn it by memory. By more than memory, they must learn it by heart. Not so that they can simply recite the words but so that they feel them, the shape of the story as it changes and lifts and falls and rushes or meanders toward its climax. So that they can recall and relate the story as intimately as if they have lived it themselves and as objectively as if they have played every role within."

With this in mind I, and in conjunction with the Board of Custodians, invite you to participate in an event called "The Ritual Restoration Symposium" to help solidify our Official Standard of Work in this Grand Jurisdiction. Seating will be limited in each location so please sign up early. Reservations will be cut off in advance of the sessions and walk-ins will not be accepted. These lodges will be tiled.


  • 7:30am - 8:30am Registration
  • 8:00am - 8:45am Breakfast
  • 9am - 2:30pm Meeting
  • 12pm-12:45pm Lunch


Session 1: February 3, 2024, Jacksonville, North Carolina

Semper Fidelis Lodge 680

727 Henderson Drive

Jacksonville, North Carolina 


Please use this link to register for the event: https://nc.grandview.systems/events/3486

I look forward to seeing each of you and working with you as we grow together in Masonry.



Sincerely and fraternally,


Donald E. Kehler

Grand Master


2024 Dues Cards Update  on 01/23/2024


I have heard back from the Grand Lodge and we still do not have a definitive date on when we will be receiving our 2024 Dues Cards. Please know that your 2023 card should gain you admission into any lodge, especially in North Carolina. To those of you who have already paid their 2024 dues, I will be glad to provide you a letter containing the lodge seal stating that fact should it be needed. This might definitely be the case if you are anticipating affliating with another lodge or possibly for lodges outside the state.

Thank you for your patience.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

January Stated Reminder  on 01/22/2024


Just a reminder that our January stated is tomorrow night with dinner at 6:30 and the lodge opening at 7:30 with our newly elected officers in their respective chairs. We are expecting to receive at least and possibly two petitions for the degrees. Also, there is still time to make it to the lodge for our semi-annual blood drive that will be ending at 6:30. Our thanks again go out to W.B. Mike Seigh for heading up this great endeavor.

Hope to see you tomorrow night.


Tom Jones - P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Office Installation  on 01/07/2024


A reminder that the Installation of Officers will be held this coming Saturday, January 13, at 1:00 p.m. The lodge will open on an Emergent Communication for the purpose of closing the Lodge of Sorrow for 2023 and will then close to allow for an open installation which means all family and friends are invited to attend. Refreshments will be provided immediately after the installation. Our Master elect, W.B. John Shawver, has called for a practice for the installation this Wednesday night at 7:00. He also plans on moving the regular lodge practices to Wednesdays to allow for more visitation to some of our sister lodges that meet on Tuesdays.

Hope you can make it this Saturday to show your support of your incoming officers for 2024.

Fraternally yours,

Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Service for Mrs. Joy Bordeaux  on 12/30/2023

Apologies - here are the correct dates for next Thursday and Friday.


The family has decided that visitation will be held on Thursday, January 4 from 6-8 p.m. at Wilmington Funeral and Cremation located at 1535 S. 41st Street in Wilmington. Funeral services will be held at the same location on Friday, Janauary 5 at 11:00 with interment at Oakdale Cemetary immediately after the service. Please continue to keep Worshipful Brother Billy and the rest of the family in your prayers. They will all need our love and support as they go through this difficult period.


Tom Jones - Secretary

Lodge Notice  on 12/29/2023


It is my sad duty to report to you that we have received word that Mrs. Joy Lee Bordeaux passed away last night. Please keep Worshipful Brother Billy Bordeaux and the family in your prayers. If you wish to send your condolences, Billy's address is P.O. Box 552, Carolina Beach 28428-0552. I will let you know once the arrangements are made by the family. Let us all rest in the assuarance that she now resides in "that place, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens" where she is free of pain and suffering. Our love and prayers to the family.


Tom Jones - P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Dues Cards update  on 12/13/2023


Below is the email I just received from the Grand Lodge concerning the status of our 2024 dues cards for your information. Should you need anything from me in the interim, please let me know.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Brother Secretary,



I regret to report that due to a malfunction with the printing press, we have been unable to process the dues cards for lodges 736 through 776. We have a rush order on card stock and perforation and expect to have them delivered by the end of December or early January. 


I am sorry for this inconvenience and know that we will deliver your members’ dues cards to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, if one of your members needs proof of membership, you may issue a letter signed and seal by you confirming his good standing.


Again, thank you for your patience.


Sincerely and fraternally,




Jonathan A. Underwood

Grand Secretary


Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina
2921 Glenwood Avenue
Raleigh, North Carolina 27608




2024 Dues Cards  on 12/09/2023


I wanted to let the brothers who have already paid their 2024 dues that I have not, as yet, received the 2024 Dues Cards from the Grand Lodge. An email was sent out that the delay is caused by a problem with the printing machine. This issue was supposed to have been corrected so that the cards would be sent out last week. Rest assured that your payment has been posted on Grand View and I will forward your new dues card as soon as I receive them. Thank you for your patience.

A reminder to all that our December stated is scheduled for this coming Tuesday evening when we will be closing out the year's business and conducting the election of officers for the ensuing year. My thanks to all of you for the support you have given the lodge and hope to see many more of you at our meetings in the future. I will post the minutes and election results of this meeting before the end of next week. 


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

W.B. Richard Harris  on 11/17/2023


It is with a heavy heart that I have to report that Worshipful Brother Richard Harris went to be with the Great Architect of the Universe today after his struggle with Melanoma. W.B. Richard was initiated an Entered Apprentice on June 15, 1990, passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on July 26, 1990 and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on September 4, 1990 in our lodge. He was Master in 1996 and assumed the duties of Treasurer in 2011 up until just this last month when he had to relinquish his chair due to his declining health. He will be sorely missed by all for his smile and great sense of humor. A Masonic service will be delivered with detailed information to be forthcoming once the family has had the chance to make the arrangements. Please keep the family in your prayers as they go through this time of sorrow.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Blood Drive  on 11/08/2023


W.B. Mike Seigh has procurred the date of Monday, January 22 for our next sponsored blood drive. It will be held at our lodge from 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. Please go ahead and put this important date on your calendars and plan on participating if at all possible. We are also asking that you spread the word around town to increase our exposure to the community and assist in this very worthwhile cause. A reminder will be sent out closer to the date as well. Our thanks again go out to W.B. Mike for his heading up this wonderful event.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Lodge updates  on 10/26/2023


The minutes of our stated that was held this past Tuesday night and our Emergent Communication that was held on October 17 have been put on Grand View should you want to read them. The lodge is planning on holding a three degree within the next couple of weeks for Brother Armando Rico with the assistance of our brethren from Orient Lodge #395 who will also be providing a candidate. More information will be following once all of the details have been finalized.

As always, please let me know if you need any assistance in getting your account set up for Grand View. Remember that you can now pay your dues on line through this system and you will have access to all of the contact information of our members.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

EC reminder  on 10/16/2023


A reminder that the lodge will be holding an Emergent Communication tomorrow evening at 7:00 for the purpose of examining Brother Armando Rico on the 2nd Degree catechism. Following the meeting we will continue our practice for an upcoming 3rd degree. Please make every effort to attend to support our brother as he advances in Masonry.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Emergent Communication  on 10/07/2023


Worshipful Master Brandon has called for an Emergent Communication to be held on Tuesday evening, October 17, at 7:00 for the purpose of examing Bro. Armando Rico on his Fellow Craft catechism. There will not be a meal. Please join us in supporting our brother as he advances in Masonry. As a reminder, Wilmington Lodge #319 will be holding a Master Mason's degree next Tuesday evening, October 10, with a meal being served at 6:30 and the lodge opening at 7:30. 

Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Lodge updates  on 10/02/2023


Here are the results of the voting on the proposed amendments to The Code that were presented at Grand Lodge this past weekend. The Worshipful Master will provide additional comments on these at our October stated.

Amendment Group 1 - modernizes the publication and distribution of the Annual Proceedings of the Grand Lodge for cost savings - APPROVED

Amendment Group 2 - clarifies the modern duties of the lodge secretary using electronic tools and codifying common practice - APPROVED

Amendment Group 3 - increases the per-capita tax from $25.00 to $35.00 - APPROVED

Amendment Group 4 - reapportionment of the $21.00 initiation fee that is currently being charged to each lodge for each Entered Apprentice initiated the prior year (no increase) - APPROVED

Amendment Group 5 - clarifies that Freemansonry brings together men of different races, colors, creeds and opinions - REJECTED - wording to be reconsider by Committee on Jurisprudence.

Amendment Group 6 - moderizes the work of the Board of Publications and the Committee on Masonic Public Relations - WITHDRAWN

On another note, the lodge has just found out that W.B. Dennis suffered a heart attack back on June 22 and underwent double by-pass on June 27. Recovery from the surgery which also included nerve damage to his left arm resulting in limited use of his left hand which is ongoing. I was also not aware that his son, Daniel, suffered a stroke last year and is still experiencing difficulty. Please keep both W.B. Dennis and Bro. Daniel in your prayers as they deal with these health issues.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

September stated  on 09/28/2023


Attached are the minutes from our September stated communication which was held this past Tuesday night. For those who could not make the meeting, you missed an excellent pull pork meal prepared by W.B. Lynn Williamson (W.B. Freddie Latham's receipt!). It was also wonderful to see W.B. Freddie and W.B. Mike Seigh who have been sorely missed. Worshipful Master Brandon and W.B. John Shawver will be traveling to Winston-Salem to represent our lodge at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication this weekend so we will keep them in our prayers for safe travels. A report of the events of the meeting will be shared with all next month. Please let me know of any health issues or events that any brother may have that I can pass along to the membership. We need to especially keep W.B. Richard Harris in our payers as he deals with his cancer treatments.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Proposed Amendments to The Code  on 09/19/2023


Each of you should have received a letter today from the Grand Master concerning the proposed amendments to The Code that will be presented at this years' Annual Communication. The Master has asked W.B. Ed Jones to go over these proposals at our stated next Tuesday. W.B. Ed is asking that each brother take the time to review the attachments to the Grand Master's email prior to our meeting so that we can be prepared to discuss as necessary.

Thank you and hope to see you next Tuesday evening at our usual time of dinner at 6:30 and the lodge opening at 7:30.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Lodge updates  on 08/23/2023


The minutes from our stated communication held last night have been posted on Grand View for your information. Of special note, Brother Doug Collins was elected a plural member of Federal Point. He is also a member of St. John's #1 where he serves as Treasurer and Atkinson #612 where he is Junior Warden. The drawing was held for our two Henry rifles with W.B. Mike Steinhilber being one of the lucky winners (no, he did not do the drawing!!). A total of 592 tickets were sold and the lodge had a net profit of $4,923.44 which will be distributed to our three Masonic charities. Many thanks to all those brothers who bought and sold tickets. A special shout out to W.B. John Shawver who led in ticket sales - thanks W.B. John for all you do for Federal Point.

Again, please remember the 3rd degree being held at Orient Lodge #395 tomorrow night. Our own Bro. Justin McDade will be one of the three brothers being raised. Dinner is at 6:30 and the lodge opening at 7:30.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

August Stated  on 08/22/2023


A reminder that our August stated is tonight with dinner being served at 6:30 and the lodge opening at 7:30 as usual. We will be voting on the Application for Affiliation on Bro. Doug Collins and holding the drawing for the two Henry "Golden Boy" rilfles. If you have not done so, please be sure to bring any monies and stubs from ticket sales so that they can be included in the drawing. Also remember that there will be a Master Mason's degree held at Orient Lodge #395 on Thursday night where our own Bro. Justin McDade will be raised. A meal is planned for 6:30 and the lodge opening at 7:30. Our thanks go out to our brothers at Orient Lodge for allowing us to join them in this degree.

Hope to see you tonight and Thursday.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Charity Raffle  on 08/15/2023


A reminder that we will be holding the drawing for the two Henry Golden Boy rifles at our stated communication next Tuesday. There are still a large number of tickets outstanding so please use this next week to push sales as much as possible. If you have monies and ticket stubs to turn in prior to our meeting, please contact W.B. Mike Steinhilber at 910-409-7509 or me (252-561-6944) or at least let us know how many tickets you have sold and will be bringing the money to our meeting next week. Remember that this is our major fund raiser for our Masonic charities. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by the youth and elderly we serve at Oxford and Whitestone.

Hope to see many of you next week.

Tom Jones - P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Emergent Communication cancelled  on 08/08/2023


Due to a scheduling conflict, the emergent communication scheduled for next Tuesday, August 15, has been cancelled. Instead, Brother Armando Rico will be passed to the degree of Fellow Craft at Wilmington Lodge #319 next Wednesday, August 16. A meal will be served at 6:30 and the lodge opening on the 2nd degree at 7:30. A reminder that on Thursday, August 24 Orient Lodge #395 will be holding an emergent communication for raising three brothers to the sublime degree of Master Mason which will include our brother, Justin McDade, again with a meal at 6:30 and the lodge opening at 7:30. Please make every effort to attend these meetings to show your support for our two brothers as they continue their Masonic journey. Our thanks to our Masonic brothers at Wilmington #319 and Orient #395 for their willings to provide these courtesies.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Lodge updates  on 08/02/2023


Last night Brother Justin McDade passed his FC degree proficiency. He will be raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason at an Emergent Communication of Orient Lodge #395 that will be held on Thursday, August 24 at 7:30 p.m. Also, Brother Armando Rico passed his EA degree proficiency. The Worshipful Master is calling for an Emergent Communication of Federal Point Lodge for Tuesday, August 15 for the purpose of passing Brother Rico to the FC degree. A meal is planned for 6:30 p.m. and the lodge opening at 7:30. Please put both of these dates on your calendars and plan to attend if at all possible to support these two brothers. 

A special reminder that the lodge will be holding the drawing for the two Henry "Golden Boy" .22 cal. rifles at our August 22 stated. If you have not yet done so, please consider purchasing as many tickets as you can as all of the profits from the raffle will go to our three Masonic charities. You can mail your check to the lodge address of P.O. Box 753, Carolina Beach 28428 and your tickets will be placed in the drawing. Tickets are $10.00 each for two chances to win one of these beautiful guns. The lodge will also have a booth at the knife and gun show that will be held in Southport the weekend of August 12-13.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

July stated communication  on 07/27/2023


The minutes of our July stated communication have been posted in Grandview for your information. Should you need assistance in setting up your account, please let me know.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Emergent Communication  on 07/26/2023


The Worshipful Master has called an Emergent Communication of Federal Point Lodge to be held next Tuesday, August 1 at 7:00 p.m., the purpose for which will be the examination of Brother Jason McDade on the Fellow Craft catechism and Brother Armando Demey on the Entered Apprentice catechism. There will not be a meal served. We hope to see as many of you there as possible to support our brothers as they continue their Masonic journey. 


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Lodge sponsored blood drive  on 07/20/2023


Attached are the results from the lodge sponsored blood drive that was held this past Monday. Our thanks go out to all who took the time to give and to those brothers who were at the lodge all afternoon assisting the Red Cross folks. A special thank you to W.B. Mike Seigh for spearheading this great community program.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Emergent Communication  on 07/12/2023


Attached is a copy of the minutes from our Emergent Communication that was held last night. Congratulations to Bro. Justin McDade on being passed to the degree of Fellow Craft. For those who could not attend, you missed an excellent degree. The officers are to be congratulated as well for all of the hard work that was put into putting on this degree. Our next stated communication will be on July 25 and don't forget about our sponsored blood drive this coming Monday from 2-6:30 at the lodge.


Tom Jones - Secretary

FC Degree and Blood Drive  on 07/11/2023


A reminder that we will be having an Emergent Communication tonight for the purpose of passing Brother Justin McDade to the degree of Fellow Craft. A meal will be served at 6:30 and the lodge opening at 7:30. Also remember that the lodge is hosting a blood drive next Monday, July 17 from 2:00-6:30 and we hope to make a very good showing. Please spread the word to your friends and neighbors as there is always an increase in demand for blood during the summer and we want to do as much as we can to assist in this valuable program. You can make an appointment online at the American Red Cross website or just show up at the lodge.

Hope to see as many of you as can make it for both of these events.

Fraternally yours,

Tom Jones - Secretary

Lodge updates  on 07/05/2023


Two important dates to make you aware of. The Worshipful Master has scheduled an Emergent Communication for next Tuesday, July 11 for the conducting of the Fellow Craft degree for Brother Justin McDade. A meal will be served at 6:30 with the lodge opening on the 2nd degree at 7:30. Also a reminder that our lodge will be hosting a blood drive on Monday, Junly 17 from 2:00 to 6:30. Below is the email send to W.B. Mike Seigh in connection with this event along with a link given more details about the Shark Week Promotion being offered by the American Red Cross. Please support these two events as you are able.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary



Good Morning Mike,


Thank you for hosting a lifesaving blood drive in a couple of weeks! I just checked your Portal and you have 4 donors scheduled. The good news is that most donors schedule their donation about two weeks before the blood drive, so this is the perfect time to push donor recruitment. Since we know there will be some no-shows and deferrals on the day of your drive, I think recruiting 25 more donors over the next couple of weeks will give us the cushion we need to make our goal of 25! To help you recruit more donors I have included a link below to our current Shark Week Promotion. All donors get a free T-Shirt and are entered to win a trip to the Long Island Aquarium! Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can help in any way. I can’t thank you enough for creating a path for folks to save lives! Talk to you soon.





Beau Harry

Account Manager II, Donor Recruitment

June Stated Communication  on 06/27/2023


Just a quick reminder that our stated communication for the month of June will be this evening. I have learned that we will have a special guest, W.B. Tom Dolinger, Grand Lecturer, who will be providing our Masonic Education. I know you will want to miss this opportunity to hear his important message. We will be voting on the proposed amendment to our By-laws that will increase our annual dues to $150.00 including per capita in order to cover our annual expenses and increase our reserve to cover our insurance deductible. 

Please make every effort to attend if possible.


Tom Jones, Secretary

Blood Drive  on 06/02/2023


Our by-annual blood drive has been scheduled for Monday, July 17 from 2:00 - 6:30 p.m. Please put this important date on your calendar as we would love to have a large turn out. It would be great if we could exceed our goal of 25 units for this most worthy cause. Our thanks to Worshipful Brother Mike Seigh for continuing to coordinate this event.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

2023 Charity Gun Raffle  on 05/31/2023


Attached is the flyer that has been created by W.B. Mike Steinhilber for our 2023 gun raffle for the benefit of our Masonic charities. Please feel free to print this out and distribute as needed. Of special note is that we will be drawing two winning tickets you have double the chance of winning! You can purchase tickets by mailing your check to the lodge's post office box (P.O. Box 753, Carolina Beach,, 28428) or on line through Grandview. If you have not yet signed up for Grandview, you can click on the link at the top of this email and get started. It's so easy I was even able to do it!

Remember that this raffle is our major fund raiser for the year for our charities so please consider purchasing as many tickets as you can. 

Thank you.

Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Slaven Initiation  on 05/31/2023

Congratulations to Brother Christen Slaven on being initiated into Masonry at our Emergent Communication last night. A copy of the minutes are attached as is a picture of Brother Slaven and our Worshipful Master, W.B. Brandon Edens. Many thanks to all who attended and congraulations also to the degree team with all doing an exception job. A reminder that Wilmington #319 will be holding a Master Mason's degree next Monday, June 5, with dinner at 6:30 and the lodge opening at 7:30 with all chairs are being filled with Past Masters from lodges within our district.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

First Degree and Charity Raffle  on 05/29/2023


A reminder that the lodge will be holding an Entered Apprentice Degree tomorrow night for Mr. Christen Slaven. A meal will be served at 6:30 with the lodge to open at 7:30. Please make arrangements to attend if at all possible to assist in bringing Christen to "light in Masonry".

We have also received our tickets for our charity gun raffle for this year. Each ticket will give the owner to win one of two Henry "Golden Boy" .22 cal. rifles. Tickets are $10.00 each and can be obtained at the lodge or by contacting W.B. Mike Steinhilber at 910-409-7509. Should you just want to purchase tickets for your own use, you can either send a check made payable to the lodge to P.O. Box 753. Carolina Beach, 28428 or on line through GrandView by following the link shown at the top of this email. Be sure to note that the funds are for the charity raffle and your tickets will be mailed to you. The drawing for the two guns will be held at our August 22 stated. You do not have to be present to win.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact W.B. Steinhillber or me. I can be reached by email at federalpoint753nc@gmail.com or at 252-561-6944.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

25 year award  on 05/25/2023


For those who were not able to make our May stated, we were honored to be able to present Brother Craig Thomas Pendergraft with his 25 year service award and lapel pin. The award was presented by our Worshipful Master, W.B. Brandon Edens. Brother Craig was escorted to West of the altar by our Senior Deacon, W.B. Bob Agnor. Brother Craig now resides in Raleigh and it is a testament to his dedication to Masonry that he made the trip to Carolina Beach to receive his award.

Congratulations again to Brother Craig. Attached are pictures of this event.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Passing of Brother Randall Searls  on 05/10/2023


It is my sad duty to inform you that I have just been made aware of the passing of Brother Randall Arden Searls this past Saturday, May 6. Brother Searls was born on February 2, 1963 in Tuscon, Arizona. He was initiated an Entered Apprentice on February 24, 1993, passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on March 16, 1993 and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on March 30, 1993 in our lodge. As noted, he was able to pass proficiency in each degree in quick order. Brother Searls owned and operated Concrete Craft, a custom concrete company in Wilmington. I will let you know if and when more details are forthcoming including any information about his family.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Civil Servants Appreciation Sunday  on 04/28/2023


Attached is the flyer for the Civil Servants Appreciation Sunday scheduled for May 21 provided by Worshipful Brother Charles Hett for your information. A wonderful way to say a "Thank You" to all those who make our lives safer and better.

Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary


Lodge Updates  on 04/24/2023


A reminder that our April stated will be held tomorrow night at our regular time. In addition to our usual meeting, we will be formally receiving our W.Brother Freddy Szakasits, DDGM and W.Brother Randy Ward, DDGL of the 12th Masonic District who will be bringing us updates from the Grand Lodge. We also have a special recognition that I am sure all of you will not want to miss!

Our required 5 hour lecture series has been scheduled for this coming Saturday, April 29 and will be held in conjuction with Wilminton Lodge #319. The meeting will be held at Wilmington lodge with breakfast available at 8:00 with the meeing to start at 9:00. W.Brother Andy Greene will be conducting the meeting and appreciate #319 allowing us to participate with them as it is always good to have the opportunity to socialize with the brethren of other lodges in our area.

If you have not done so, please use this opportunity to sign up on Grand View, our new Masonic information system which is available to every Mason in North Carolina. Once you have signed in you will be able to view a lot of information that was not easily shared prior to this date. The minutes of our meetings as well as any other valuable information concerning our lodge and Masonry is posted for your review. Should you have any questions on how to access this site, please let me know.

Hope to see you tomorrow night.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

EA Degree  on 04/03/2023


A reminder that we will be holding an EA Degree tomorrow night with the lodge opening at 7:00 for the purpose of initiating Mr. Justin McDade. If at all possible, please make arrangements to attend as we would like to fill the lodge for our candidate. Refreshements will be served following the degree.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

March stated  on 03/30/2023


The minutes of our March stated have been posted to our Grand View site for your information. Also be advised that, due to the uncertainty of the weather, the outdoor degree scheduled for this Saturday has been moved to the Scottish Rite Temple at 1415 S. 17th Street. The meal will be served at noon with the degree to be at 1:00 as originally planned.

Let me know if you have any issues with viewing the minutes.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

March updates  on 03/28/2023


A reminder that our stated communication for this month is tonight with dinner at 6:30 and the lodge opening at 7:30. We will be voting on a brother for restoration and a petitioner for the degrees so please come if your schedule allows. Also note that Orient Lodge #395 will be holding a first degree Wednesday night with a meal and lodge opening at the normal 6:30 and 7:30 time frames. I hope many of you have scheduled to attend the outdoor degree that will be held this Saturday at Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson Historic Site starting at 1:00 and is open to all Master Masons. Tickets for Friday night and Saturday lunch can be purchased on Eventbrite.com.

I am pleased to inform you that W.B. Mike Seigh texted that he was being released from the hospital tomorrow. Please keep W.B. Mike in your prayers as he continues to recover and we hope that he will be able to come back to the lodge soon.

Hope to see you tonight.


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Prayers Needed  on 03/18/2023


Brother Jason Morgan just informed us that his grandmother passed away at 2:30 this morning. He stated that she went quickly and peacefully and he knows that she now rest in the arms of our Lord. Please keep Brother Jason and his family in your prayers as they go through this time of bereavement.


Tom Jones. P.M., C.C. - Secretary

Friends and Family Breakfast  on 03/15/2023


A reminder that the lodge will be holding a Friends and Family breakfast this coming Saturday, March 18. Breakfast will be served starting at 8:30 with a work day to follow. As it is supposed to be somewhat chilly this Saturday, work will probably be concentrated on interior areas as needed. Hope to see as many of you there as possible.


Tom Jones - Secretary

W.B. Mike Seigh  on 03/14/2023


We have received word that W.B. Mike Seigh has been in the hospital since last Thursday. He was admitted having chest pains and could not get enough oxygen. He is woeking with the Cardio and GI -doctors to hopefully determine what is going on. He is in room 735, the ICU step down unit. Please keep W.B. Mike in your prayers. I am also sure he would love to hear from you when he is able (phone number is 267-374-0540).


Tom Jones, P.M., C.C. - Secretary

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