Fayette No. 69 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
My Brothers, Your dues for 2024 are still only $140. YOU may not be aware, but in May 2025, Fayette Lodge # 69 will celebrate our 200th year as your local Masonic Lodge. Our newest member, Thomas Vaughn, a historian, and the History Committee are developing photo essays, and we will be documenting the history of Fayette Lodge for all of you to enjoy. Save the weekend of May 11, 2025, to join us in celebrating this momentous event. There will be a lodge dinner at Cedar Knob golf course, a rededication of the lodge, and an awards night. Sunday, we will attend church in Ellington. If you live out of state, plan to come home and join us for this once-in-a-lifetime event. I have agreed to remain secretary for this 2025 event, and I have an assistant secretary who will help and become your secretary in 2026. This notice is emailed from our Grandview database records. Our record shows you owe 2024 dues, so please pay your current account and plan to join your brothers to enjoy all the upcoming 2025 scheduled events. I am calling all of our 50-year members to see how they are doing and If they have any concerns or requests. Your dues card is now online, and you need to set up your Masonic membership on Grandview to enjoy Fayette Lodge's social media. Our website on Grandview gives you all of our Masonic information about the lodge online, so please sign up or contact me for help. Another feature of going online is downloading the Masonic podcast at www.shorttalkbulletin.com, produced by the Masonic Service Association of Masonic Education Short Talk series that is free to ALL Masons online. Next year, as Fayette celebrates its 200th year, it was only 50 years earlier that the tenets of our Masonic Fraternity of Morality, Truth, Friendship, and Brotherly Love were the Battle Cry of our brethren in 1776 when we fought for our independence. Yes, that freedom that too many people today take for granted. As a Mason today, do you still believe in our Masonic tenants of Friendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love? I wish all of my Fayette Brothers a Healthy and Safe year. WB Perne R. Maynard WB Perne R. Maynard Cell #: 860-993-7931 Email: secretaryfayette69@gmail.com Website: https://lodgelocator.com/fayette-69 Making Good Men Better, Since 1825, NOT JUST A MAN, A MASON Mail your dues check to Perne Maynard: 113 Williams Way, Tolland, CT. 06084 Please update your cell phone #: Home address: |