Welcome to Eureka No. 283!

Over 150 years ago, our lodge was empowered by the Grand Master to work in ROwan County under the Name Eureka. The lodge was granted a CHarter by the Grand Lodge of North Carolina on December 9, 1868. Initial meetings were held in a building in Kannapolis, NC but in 1901 the Lodge had moved its meetings to China Grove, NC in which town it still does its good works today. Eureka Lodge #283 is not only a place where good men can hold each other accountable to remain on the path of goodness, but is also a place of community where we can interact more widely through our charitable works and association with the Order of the Eastern Star #277. Our works include generous support of the Masonic and Eastern Star Home, THe Masonic Home for CHildren in Oxford, NC, as well as youth activities throughout south Rowan County. Our donaitons to support the Bible Teaching Associations for Carson and South Rowan High Schools, providing Scholarships to local youth, sponsoring youth athetic teams and childrens camps represent a portion of how we connect to our community. Please come see us at one of our events, for breakfast ont he 2nd Saturday of each month or get a petition to join and become one today.

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