October 1st 2024 Minutes   on 10/15/2024
Thursdays, Reception & Official Visit by our Grand Master  on 10/07/2024
October Trestle Board Essex Lodge 7  on 09/30/2024

Gold Token Night on Regular COmmunication  on 09/29/2024
Minutes for the September 17th Meeting,. Essex Lodge 7  on 09/22/2024

The David Brearley Celebration  on 09/21/2024
Thursday, Sept 26, 10am
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church 
140 N. Warren St, Trenton

Anyone attending, Bring your Apron


September Trestle Board- Essex Lodge 7  on 09/13/2024
The Real Deal  on 08/19/2024
Your Golden Ticket  on 08/19/2024
Another Reminder: Reception for our 8th Dist. Grand Chaplin Alexandru Aldea  on 08/19/2024

Attached is the official flyer.  Come out and support our RW Brother.

Reception Flyer V1.pdf

Night in Memphis, to support RW Bruce C. Golway our J. Grand Warden  on 08/19/2024
Candidates for the Grand Lodge Election of Officers Nov. 2024  on 08/19/2024
Central Jersey Candidates Night  on 08/19/2024

Candidates Night is an evening where you are able to hear from and ask questions of all the new candidates who will be on the ballot for Grand Lodge Offices in November 2024 at the Atlantic City Convocation.  All master masons are invited to attend.  A dinner will be serviced.

There is traditionally another Northern and Southern Jersey Event, time and date information is upcoming. 

Tickets are $40 and may be purchased at the door.  However, online purchasing is available.

The event will be held at:

Philo Lodge 243, 120 Old Bridge Turnpike, South River, NJ  08882

September 25th, 2024

Social Hour 5pm, Chinese Dinner Buffet 6pm, Candidates Presentations 7pm

about a 1 hr. drive from Essex lodge.

Catherine Clyburn  on 08/19/2024
Essex Lodge 7 May Trestleboard  on 05/03/2024

Attached is the May Trestleboard for Essex Lodge 7.

Secretary Brother Joel Finnerty


Minutes from the 4-2-2024 Meeting  on 04/15/2024

Attached are the minutes for the 4-2-2024 Essex Lodge Meeting.

Brother Secretary RW Joel Finnerty

Strawberry Festival Reminder  on 04/13/2024

The OES Strawberry Festival will be held tomorrow at Essex Masonic Lodge on April 14th at the 8 Smull Building in Caldwell, NJ.  Doors open at 2pm and admission is $10.

April Trestle Board Essex Lodge 7  on 04/05/2024

Attached is the April Trestle Board for Essex Lodge.

Secretary B-2024-4.pdfJoel Finnerty

April Trestle Board Essex Lodge  on 04/05/2024

Attached is the April Trestle board.

Secretary B-Joel Finnerty

Minutes from the 2024-3-19 Meeting  on 03/27/2024

Attached are the minutes from the 2024-3-19 Minutes.

Minutes for the 3-5-2024 Meeting- Essex Lodge 7  on 03/17/2024

The Minutes for the March 5th Commuication are attached.

Secretary Joel Finnerty

March Trestleboard Essex Lodge 7  on 03/01/2024

Attached is the March Trestleboard.

Correction to prior post, DLI dress is Business Attire, this evening.  on 02/26/2024

Jacket and tie; my brothers.

Secretary Joel Finnerty

DLI- Monday February 26  on 02/25/2024

Reminder, DLI at Essex Lodge

Monday Feb 26, Master and Wardens 7:30, DLI 8:00

All Officers must attend.

Dress is Business Casual

Secretary- B Joel Finnerty

Grand Masters Golf Outing - June 3, 2024  on 02/19/2024

Attached is the flyer for the Grand Masters Golf Outing- Mount Laurel, NJ 

Secretary- B- Joel Finnerty

Minutes from the February 6th Communication  on 02/19/2024

Attached are the minutes from the Feb 6th Communication.

Secretary B- J. Finnerty

"Amity" New Grand Lodge Technology  on 02/19/2024

Brother our Grand Lodge is introducing a new technology for smart phones.  Please see discription below.  And attachment provided. 

Amity is focused on three key areas: finding Lodges, confirming Visitors (support for both the visitor and the Tiler), and documenting your visit. Amity is integrated with your membership status on Grandview. In Amity, you can check Grand Lodges and their subordinate lodges, which the Grand Lodge of New Jersey recognizes. Amity works with the Recognition Committee of the Conference of Gand Masters of North America, listing the Grand Lodges the committee recommends for recognition. 

“King Solomon’s Pass” is a fully digital pass that can be stored on your phone and is an approved way to share your membership status in real time.  You join Brothers in over 100 Grand Lodges who can use the Pass to share their real-time status anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

One important point to make is that Amity is very strict about your privacy.  The system complies with laws like Europe’s GDPR, California’s CCPA, and New York’s SHIELD Act and can work securely with the Grandview membership system behind the scenes. Most importantly, Amity is more than just a bookmark on your home screen… as a native app, Amity can work with your device to decrypt data only when it’s being used.  No other tool comes close.

Brothers, the files attached contain information on downloading the Amity App. Using 21 Century Technology.

Message from the Rainbow Girls  on 02/19/2024

Rainbow Girl Event: The Yule Charity Ball event in April 2024.  See attached letter.

Secretary B-Joel Finnerty

Cresant Shrine Dinner  on 02/19/2024

Anyone interested in attending the Cresant Shrine Dinner see attached flyer.

Secretary B-Joel Finnerty

Minutes for January 16th Convocation  on 02/04/2024


Attached are th eminutes from the 1-16-2024 Meeting

Secretary B- J. Finnerty

February Trestle Board  on 02/04/2024


Attached is the Febuary Trestleboard for 2024.

Health and Happyness throughout this Mid Winter Season.

Secretary Essex 7

Most Sincere Condolences  on 02/03/2024


It is with the upmost of solace I report to you the peaceful passing of:

Evelyn Preuninger wife of WB William Preuninger.

The two resided in Punta Gorda, Florida.

She was 88-year-old.  Please keep the family in our preys. 


Secretary RW B J. Finnerty

Essex Lodge Group Outing- Hockey Game at the Prudential Center  on 01/22/2024

Essex Lodge will be convening at ice level at the Newark Predential Center Center on February 24th to watch the NJ Devils take on the Montreal Canadians.  Tickets are $40 per person.  This is promised to be a fun group outing, in which family members of Essex Lodge can relax and enjoy.  Sign up for this very cool occasion and all questions should go to RW Billy Johnson.   This is an Essex Lodge Craftsmen Club Event.

173-177 Mulberry Street, Newark, NJ  07102.  There are various parking facilities around the building.

Respond to:  longshot71@aol.com

See attached Flyer

Kilties Burns Night   on 01/16/2024

So, the Kilties Burns Night (great event) is coming up on January 27th.  It is held at the Hanover Manor.

I have attached all the information.  Tickets at $75 each and are a real vaule considering the food and atmosphere, music and presentations.

A great oppurtunity to bring you significant other; for a lasting memory.

You should get Jim Matear you meal choice.   jdmatear@icloud.com or aol.com   I have  attached the form.

Secretary B-Joel

Essex Meeting this Evening  on 01/16/2024

1/16/2024 about 4 o'clock.  Just a quick word to all the Brethren

So the meeting at Essex Lodge this evening is ON and there will be a meal.  However, please travel at you discreation and aer on the side of caution. 

Casual attire is perfectly acceptable.  Looking forward to seeing you all.

Secreatary B-Joel


Robert Burns Celebration  on 01/12/2024


Born about 1721 in Alloway, Rabie Burns was a romantic poet.  He became a mason at about 22 years old in a lodge in Tarbolton; a small village in Scottland.  Beginning his life as a farmer he latter became a flax dressor; a worker who prepares hemp for a spinner to create linen. This is where the shop caught fire going into the New Year’s Eve celebration of 1782.  Perhaps this inspired him to write one of his most memorable hymns in our time, "Auld Lang Syne", which we share today as the year turns.

Tonight is a celebration of his life at Copestone Ophir Lodge in Kearny.  Thats 225 Kearny Ave.  Try to arrive about 6 for a traditional masonic event.

But; that’s not all.  There is but another celebration in our neighborhood which spans the state of new Jersey Masonry at the Hanover Manor on January 27th put on by the Masonic Kilties.

Ticket for this event will be $75 each.  See anyone wearing a kilt tonight for more information or look at the flyer attached, if you can read it.

Secretary B Joel Finnerty

Reminder Burns Night at Copestone is this Friday - What a great night!  on 01/10/2024

Just a reminder

Copestone Lodge is hosting the annual burns night on January 12th, at 6PM.  See attached Flyer.  This Friday!

Essex Lodge has graciously purchased 20 seats for its members.  The following brothers accepted invitations at the meeting on November 21.  Please let me know if I missed you!

Any member in good standing it eligible for a ticket, while they last.  Membership has priority over “significant others”.

Also, of the following members, please let me know if you would like to bring a “significant other”.  First responses get priority order.  But if you book a seat, it is YOURS, “under the usual Essex Lodge Restrictions”

January Trestle Board  on 01/09/2024

Brethren of Essex Lodge- THE January Trestle Board

Happy New Year Essex Lodge  on 12/31/2023

The WM and his Officers wish the membership of Essex Lodge and their families a Wonderful New Year and a Festive Celebration.

This is the time of year when we reflect, rest and replenish.  We have a very exciting year ahead with 5 great candidates knocking at our door.  Please think of them as we purpose our journey forward.  Our support is big and bold.


With Love and respect.

The 2024 Officers Line.

B-Joel Finnerty- Secretary

Burns Night- Friday Jan 12, Copestone   on 12/31/2023


Copestone Lodge is hosting the annual burns night on January 12th, at 6PM.  See attached Flyer.

Essex Lodge has graciously purchased 20 seats for its members.  The following brothers accepted invitations at the meeting on November 21.  Please let me know if I missed you!

Any member in good standing it eligible for a ticket, while they last.  Membership has priority over “significant others”.

Also, of the following members, please let me know if you would like to bring a “significant other”.  First responses get priority order.  But if you book a seat, it is YOURS, “under the usual Essex Lodge Restrictions”.

  1. Michael LaRosa
  2. Michael Goldrick
  3. Sean Goldrick
  4. Joel Finnerty
  5. David Tweed
  6. Anthony Bochino
  7. James Esposito
  8. Donnie McGee
  9. Matthew Simonetti
  10. Ryan Machovsky
  11. Kyle Avantagiato
  12. Andre Massop

B-Joel Finnerty- Secretary

Essex Lodge Christmas Blood Drive- Dec 23  on 12/17/2023

Essex Lodge is hosting a christmas blood drive on Saurday December 23.

I would ask all eligible masons in teh 8th district to consider donating a unit of blood.

Your 1 single pint works to save two lives on average.

Thats what I do- Thats what we do.  I hope to see you at 8 Smull Ave in Caldwell Saturday.

Arrange an appointment on the VItalent Like below.


Secretary-  WB Joel Finnerty

Installation of 2024 officers  on 12/11/2023

Essex Lodge is Proud of the 2024 Officer's Line

Great Installation

Unity Day January 27  on 12/11/2023

Please see the attached flyer for:

Unity Day at the GL of New York

December Trestleboard- Essex Lodge 7  on 12/07/2023

Attached is the December Trestleboard.

Sorry about the delay, I appoligize for some grandview difficulties.

Reminder Educator of year Dinner  on 11/30/2023

Tomorrow night is the best night of all.

Just a reminder-  The annual educator of the year dinner is tommorrow night.

Friday, Dec 1st at 6:30 at the Hanover Manor.

Remeber your black tie and don't forget your sweat heart.

$50 for you - and another $50 for her!  Don't forget your check.

Minutes from 11-21-2023 Communication Essex Lodge  on 11/24/2023

Please submit any Errors or Omissions to the Secretary.

Essex Lodge No. 7, F. & A. M.  

Agenda of November 21, 2023

The lodge was open in due form at 7:35.


  1. WM: Michael LaRosa
  1. JMC: Ryan Machovsky
  1. SW: Michael Goldrick
  1. SS: James Esposito
  1. JW: Sean Goldrick
  1. JS:
  1. SEC: Joel Finnerty
  1. Mar:
  1. SD: Kyle Avantagiato
  1. Chap: Donnie McGee
  1. JD: Andre Mossip
  1. Tres: Lew Wefferling
  1. SMC: Anthony Bochino
  1. Tyler: Matthew Simonetti

There were 25 master masons in attendance.

An alarm at the outer door revealed additional 6 Master Masons from Livingston Lodge who gained admittance.  Included were both the current and incoming master.

Past Minutes:

  • The minutes of the November 7, 2023, (Atlantic City meeting under dispensation) was read.

New Warrants Read:

Warrant 9207 11/7/2023 Gerry Majorav $766.11 Haunted Halls

Warrant 9208 11/7/2023 Kyle Avantagiato $134.27 Haunted Halls

Warrant 9209 10/31/2023 Michael LaRosa $132.83 Dinner at Atlantic City

Warrant 9212 11/5/2023 Safe T Locks LLC $479.81 Rear Door

Warrant 9214 11/20/2023 Joel Finnerty $185.52 Flowers Bolcar and Jack Darakjy

Warrant 9213 Anthony Bocchino $95.44 Hotel Atlantic City

Warrant 9211 Michael LaRosa $34.40 Flag

A motion was made (RW Joel Finnerty) to Pay out these warrants with the approval of the finance committee.  2nd (Kyle Avantagiato).  Motion Passed.

A motion was made (RW Joel Finnerty) to:  

  • Investigate and Pay Russillo’s Bill when issues are reconciled.
  • Investigate and pay any outstanding Grand Lodge Atlantic City Lodging.
  • Make any general payments including food, supplies and utilities before our next regular convocation.

2nd (William Johnson), Passed.

Honoring of RW Brother Jack Darakjy

A recap of the funeral for RW Jack Darakjy and a brief presentation was given (RW Robert Bolcar and RW Joel Finnerty)

A motion was made to dedicate and placard the new overhung addition on the building to RW Jack Darakjy (RW Robert Bolcar).

2nd (William Johnson), Passed.


Master Mason proficiencies were performed (Carlo Boirio and Lois Gomes) and conducted (B Anthony Bochino and Kyle Avantagiato).  The reception address was given by our Senior Steward (James Esposito).

Secret Ballot on Candidate

Ivor R. Fung, UN Official, Lives in West Orange

Brian Bychek, Student and Laborer, Lives in Newark

A motion to Vote on them collectively (RW Joel Finnerty).  2nd (B Kyle Avantagiato)

Motion Passed.

The candidates were elected to membership.

Secret Ballot for NPDs

The names were read and a secret ballot was conducted for the following brothers that have not sent their 2023 dues.

  1. Thomas J. Carrino
  2. Ronald L Chamberlain, Sr.
  3. Robert W Clark, Jr.
  4. Robert W. Clark, PM
  5. Thomas DeAngelis
  6. Felix Erazo
  7. Brian Michael Hegedus
  8. Peter H Holsten
  9. Christopher M. Jezewski
  10. Edward H Moravek
  11. Ricardo F Perez
  12. Christopher J. Rausch
  13. James A. Snodgrass

The members NPD ballot was passed. Each of these members will be marked NPD on December 31, 2023; if they do not submit their dues payment.  ($122.90)

Dimit Notice- Hand Vote

Michael Diaz specified in writing that due to outside obligations he is unable to participate in Essex Lodge Meetings. 

Essex Lodge is Mr. Diaz’s dual lodge where he is in good standing. 

Motion was made to grant demit (RW Joel Finnerty), 2nd (Sean Goldrick).  Motion Passed


A chairman of the tellers was assigned (RW Chris Ballota) who assign tellers and set up tables and ballot box.

All positions were un-contested

The following members were elected to serve as 2024 Officers

Worshipful Master: Michael Goldrick

Senior Warden: Sean Goldrick

Junior Warden: Kyle Avantagiato

Secretary: Joel Finnerty

Treasurer: Kyle Avantagiato

Trustee 3 yr. term: Michael LaRosa

Trustee 3 yr. term: James K. Doyle, Jr

Trustee 1 yr. term: Dennis P Uhlmann, Jr

Trustee 1 yr. term: Jason S Eberhardt

All the nominated individuals were elected into 2024 positions

There will be an open installation for these officers on December 5th, 2023.

Gavel Ceremony

Members of Livingston Lodge made a brief presentation and took possession of the traveling gavel.


A discussion was had over the technicalities associated with masonic charges, litigation and legal fees regarding the matter brought into Essex Lodge in February 2023.

A motion was made to pay out to the attorney for the accuser (RW David B. Littman) and the attorney for the accused (WB Benjamin Campos) the full invoiced amount. (B Lew Wefferling).  2nd (B Kyle Avantagiato)

Motion Passed.

Attorney: David B. Littman $1500.00, Warrant 9206

Ben Compose $4100, Warrant forthcoming

Gifts- Presented by Michael Goldrick

Warrant 9215 11/20/2023 Matthew Simonetti

Warrant 9216 11/20/2023 Michael Lew Wefferling

Warrant 9217 11/20/2023 Marra Security Systems

Warrant 9218 11/20/2023 Michael LaRosa

Apron and Apron Case for WM 2023 WB Michael LaRosa

Celebrations of Robert Burns

Copestone Burns Night Friday January 12th, 2024

A motion was Made to purchase the following:

  • 20 Seats: $700.00
  • Full Page Ad: $100.00:

Motion made (DB James Mater) 2nd (RW David Tweed), Motion Passed

Kilties Burns Night, January 27th, 2024

Hanover Manor, 16 Eagle Rock Ave, East Hanover, NJ

A motion was Made to purchase the following:

  • Full Page Ad: $100.00

Essex Lodge Event Discussion

  • Friday, December 1, 2023 Educator Award Banquet

Grand Lodge Announcements

  • November 27; District Lodge of Instruction – Copestone Lodge
  • December 5; Installation Essex Lodge 
  • December 7; Installation Copestone
  • December 9; Installation Livingston
  • December 13; Installation Alpha Lodge
  • December 16; Installation Nutley
  • Read to Lodge Edict on Military Assessments

Qualification Ceremony for Incoming Master (B Michael Goldrick)

WB Michael LaRosa

RW Joel Finnerty

WB Donny Magee


The lodge was closed in Due form at 10:50PM.

Reminder- Parking Notice for Jack Darakjy Funeral Service   on 11/20/2023


This is an additional reminder that the parking speces behind the lodge are to be reserved for grand staff members this evening.

Please use the municipal lots in caldwell for you vehicles.

Stewards please mark, 3 spots for the Deputy GM, the SGW and Glen Trautmam PGM.  And two spots for the DDGM and DRI.

Thank you,

RW B Joel Finnerty Secretary

MCF Scholarship Awards for 2024  on 11/20/2023

The Masonic Charity Foundation of New Jersey offers these scholarships to students pursuing higher education. See the links for complete details about each scholarship’s eligibility requirements or application. Completed applications must be postmarked by March 1, 2024.

Chairman of the Board
Scholarship $10,000
($2,500 per year for 4 years)
For Graduating High School Seniors
in Any Major
 – 3 Available
GPA: B or 3.0 | SAT: 1290 | ACT: 27
Must be relative of NJ Mason*

Taylor Scholarship $4,000
($1,000 per year for 4 years)
For Graduating NJ High School Seniors
in Any Major
 – 2 Available
GPA: B or 3.0 | SAT: 1090 | ACT: 21
Must be relative of NJ Mason*
Must perform 30 hours of community service
at Masonic Village each summer before
fall semester

Patterson Engineering
Scholarship $16,000
($4,000 per year for 4 years)
For Graduating NJ High School Seniors
in Engineering

GPA: C+ or 2.5** | SAT: 930 | ACT: 17
Relative of NJ Mason preferred*, not required
Emphasis on teacher recommendation and
student’s statement

Culver DeMolay
Scholarship $4,000

($1,000 per year for 4 years)
For Graduating NJ High School Seniors
in Any Major
 – 3 Available
GPA: B or 3.0** | SAT: 1090 | ACT: 21
Active DeMolay preferred

Serewitch DeMolay
Scholarship $20,000

($5,000 per year for 4 years)
For Graduating NJ High School Seniors
in Any Major
 – 1 Available
GPA: C+ or 2.2** | SAT: 960 | ACT: 18
Active DeMolay required
Emphasis on teacher recommendation and
student’s statement

Asbury Jordan Lodge
Scholarship $4,000

($1,000 per year for 4 years)
For Graduating High School Seniors
in Any Major
 – 1 Available
GPA: B or 3.0** | SAT: 1030 | ACT: 20
Relative of NJ Mason preferred*, not required
Scholarship in honor of
Christian Mogensen and John D. Post

Scholarship $4,000

($1,000 per year for 4 years)
For Graduating High School Seniors
in Any Major
 – 1 Available
GPA: B or 3.0 | SAT: 1290 | ACT: 27
Must be relative of NJ Mason*

John H. Critchley, Sr.
& Emma F. Critchley
Scholarship $4,000

($1,000 per year for 4 years)
For Graduating High School Seniors
in Engineering or Related Sciences
1 Available
GPA: B or 3.0 | SAT: 1090 | ACT: 21
Unmarried sons or grandsons of NJ Mason*

Sol & Reba Serewitch
Scholarship $5,000

($5,000 for 1 year)
For Graduating NJ High School Seniors
in Any Major
 – 1 Available
GPA: C or 2.2** | SAT: 960 | ACT: 18
Must be relative of NJ Mason*

William Mayer Memorial
Scholarship $4,000

($2,000 per year for 2 years)
For High School Graduates, 2 Available
GPA: C+ or 2.5** | SAT: N/A
For NJ Masons & their relatives (see application)
Sponsored by the Grand Lodge of NJ

William Mayer Memorial
Scholarship $4,000

($2,000 per year for 2 years)
For College Graduates 2 Available
GPA: B+ or 3.25** | SAT: N/A
For NJ Masons & their relatives (see application)

Sponsored by the Grand Lodge of NJ

 *The applicant must be the child, step-child, grandchild, or step-grandchild of a living or deceased Master
Mason in good standing in a Masonic Lodge of the
Grand Lodge of NJ. **Over the last two years

Funeral Services, Brother Jack Darakjy  on 11/15/2023


With a solemn heart I bring you the update on the funeral service for RW Brother Jack Darakjy.

The service will be on Monday, November 20th at the Paul Ippolito-Dancy Memorial Home at 9 Smull Avenue, in Caldwell, NJ.  This location is directly across the street from the Essex Lodge 7 building.  

I request all the Sitting Officers of Essex Lodge, Elected Grand Line, Deputy, Ceremonial Lecturer and Chaplin be at the funeral home in a designated room for rehearsal all masons to be in their places at 6pm.  I request the Grand Marshal Core to assist in aligning the columns into the memorial facility.

Funeral Attire is a dark dress suit, without name badge, aprons and the jewels of your office.

The parking area behind the lodge building will be for Grand Staff Use only.

Please use the municipal lot which is located behind the Essex Lodge Building and accessible from Personette Street.  Surplus municipal parking continues Southward in Caldwell behind the storefronts on Bloomfield Avenue to Forest Ave and Hillside Avenue.

RWB Joel Finnerty, Secretary


Installation of Officers 2023  on 11/14/2023

The 2023 Installstion of Officer will take place on December 5th

At 8 Smull Avenue, Caldwell, NJ.  Dinner will begin at 6:30.

This is an open installation. All master masons, family members and friends are welcomed.

Officers to dress in tuxedos, your attendance is required.

RSVP to mgoldrick1@yahoo.com

RW B Joel Finnerty Secretary


Educator of the Year Banquet- 2023  on 11/14/2023

Essex Lodge 7 presents the Educator of the Year Banquet- 2023

This event will be held on Friday Night, December 1st from 6:30 to 10:30 at the Hanover Manor at 16 Eagle Rock Avenue, Hanover, NJ

Dinner, music, Dance and presentations. 

This event is open to Essex lodge members, their spouses and distingished guests.

Tickets are $50 per person.  This is a black tie event.

RW B Joel Finnerty Secretary


Sad News  on 11/12/2023


Sad News:  At ~6:30pm this evening Nov 12th, Jack Darakjy was called to serve on the lodge on high.

He passed peacefully at the Sunrise, in Randolph, New Jersey.

Memorial service information is forthcoming.

Keep his family close in your prayers.

RW B Joel Finnerty- Secretary

Agenda for GL Annual Communication Nov 7-9  on 11/03/2023


Attached is the GL Annual Communication Agenda.

RW B Joel FInnerty Secretary

Trestleboard Essex Lodge 7  on 11/03/2023

Attached is the November 2023 Trestleboard for Essex Lodge 7

Freemason Mag  on 11/02/2023

Attached is the 2023 Free Mason Mag

Please give it a read brfore the grand Lodge Convocation

B- J. Finnerty Secretary 

Reminder on Candidates Night , Northern Meeting. Monday Evening at Hanover Manor  on 10/29/2023

Brethren of Essex Lodge

This year’s candidates’ night will be held at the Hanover manor on October 30th (Monday Night).

It will be held at the Hanover Manor.  16 Eagle Rock Avenue in East Hanover.

Social Hout begins at 5:30

Formal Attire is required.  Black tie style.

There are various elected offices which candidates will be competing for at the Annual Grand Lodge Convocation in November.  This is your opportunity get to know the candidates, have dinner and ask questions directly.  Some of these men will un-doubly be in leadership positions when you are the master of your lodge.

Essex Lodge 7 has purchased 15 seats so that officers, voting members and past masters may attend.

So far, these individuals are confirmed.

1-Billy Johnson

2-Alex Aldea

3- Donald McGee

4- Michael LaRosa

5- Rober Bolcar

6-David Tweed

7- Joel Finnerty

8- Jason Eberhart

9- Mathew Simmonetti

10- Gerry Madjarov

Please, let me know right away if anyone else would like to attend.

I need a response from Sean Goldrick and Ryan Machovsky.

Visit with Jack Darakjy  on 10/24/2023

Brethren of Essex Lodge

Jack Darakjy is now a resident of Sunrise Assisted Living on Rt 10 in Randolph NJ.

His health is fine but he would really appreciate some company and a day with his brethren.

You can visit him anytime.

I am planning a day on November 2nd.  From 2-4pm.at the facility.  He only has to travel a short distance from his room to the dining room.  They will prepare some lunch for us.  I don’t want to overwhelm the facility so I would like to keep it to a minimum...

So far, I have about 8 going,

Please, let me know if you want to meet on that date by responding to this email.


Reminder DLI- Monday October 23- Essex Lodge 7  on 10/22/2023


This is a reminder that there is a DLI at Essex Lodge 7 tomorrow night (October 23(.

Master and Wardens starts at 7pm.

DLI starts at 8 PM.

All officers must attend.

RW B Joel Finnerty Secretary

Minutes for October 17 Meeting Essex Lodge 7  on 10/21/2023


Please see attached Minutes.

Report back any errors or ommisions noted.

WB Joel FInnerty Secretary

Haunted Halls of Essex Lodge 7  on 10/21/2023
Goodevening Brethren, 
It's your faithful Brother, WB Donnie McGee. 
I am heading up our 7th Annual Haunted Halls event, scheduled for Saturday, October 28th.
I need an accurate headcount of all of those who can assist set up / run the

"Haunted Halls" event on October 28th. (setup the 27th)

  • Intend on being there Friday night to set up. I need AT LEAST 2-3 guys to help Mike and I set everything up. (Many hands make for light work)
  • We need a collective effort of guys to help run the event the day of! There's not much physical labor involved. It's literally just hanging out, scaring little kids (the best part of the day), interacting with the parents and running the table games / Trick or Treating stations.
  • Crowd management and collecting donations is extremely important as well.  
  • All donations will be going directly to support the Shriner's Children's Hospital.

I ask that if you can afford it, please pick up a few bags of candy to donate (the candy goes super fast)


This is that "ONE" event that really gets us engaging with the community and it would reflect poorly on us if we don't have a good showing. 

So again, if you can help in any way, shape or form, please let me know by replying to this email or by contacting me privately.  

PS.. thank you to pickles and whoever else helped bring most of the Halloween stuff from the basement to the benson room, it's GREATLY appreciated!

Fraternally & Sincerely, Donald McGee

WM Michael LaRosa
Essex Lodge No. 7 F&AM
8 Smull Ave., Caldwell, NJ  07006

WM's Cell: 973-362-8551
GL Upcoming Blackout Dates  on 10/21/2023


The following are blackout dates for the 2023-2024 Year.  Please adhere to these and do not schedule events on these days.

Saturday, December 2, 2023 – Feast of St John
Saturday, March 23, 2024 – Grand Master’s Reception
Saturday, April 27, 2024 – JGW Reception
Saturday, June 1, 2024 – Chairman’s Ball
Saturday, October 5, 2024 – Grand Marshal’s/SGM Reception

RW B Joel Finnerty Secretary

Trunk or Treat Event- Essex Lodge 7  on 10/19/2023

Officers and Past Masters,

Its almost time for the annual trunk or treat event.  This has always been a great one.  This year the usual cast is running the show.  That’s WM Michael LaRosa and WB Donny MaGee. 

The event is on Saturday October 28th.

  • We need a setup crew on Friday at 6:00pm. ‘Should take a couple of hours.
  • We need help at the event on Saturday starting at 10am till around 1pm.
  • We need clean up Saturday Afternoon.

Please sign up for one of the sessions.  This event requires all the officer’s participation.

Please contact Mike or Donny

Thank you

RW B Joel Finnerty- Secretary

Interview Ivor Fung, Essex Lodge 7  on 10/18/2023

Officers and Past Masters,

I need some volunteers to interview Ivor Fung.

On Thursday October 26 at 7:00 at our Lodge.

He is a UN Ambassador from West Orange.

Please answer this email with your availability.

Thank you

RW B Joel Finnerty- Secretary

Help Out the Outdoor Project Area  on 10/18/2023


The WM needs a hand moving and raking out some soil around the parking lot area.  He has really worked hard to make this a better place for the future.  If I could get 3 volunteers to lend a hand tomorrow or Friday for some quick and easy labor it would mean a lot to our lodge.  And it would be appreciated.

Please contact the WM to set up a time.

RW B Joel Finnerty- Secretary

Unity Day- Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and   on 10/15/2023


The Grand Lodges of Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania will hold a multiple Grand Jurisdiction Unity Day, whereby they will come together in an act of Masonic Brotherhood to exemplify their version of the Craft Degrees in an event that is OPEN to all Master Masons.

While in general terms, the Masonic Ritual of the Craft Degrees, as practiced by the various Grand Lodges in the United States, stems from the same roots, the actual ritual can be significantly different. Yet, it successfully maintains the same lessons and teachings practiced by regular and recognized Grand Lodges worldwide.

This unique and singular event will allow Master Masons from all Jurisdictions, who for many reasons may never travel to a Masonic Lodge outside of their Jurisdiction, to come together as Brothers and witness a once-in-a-lifetime event where you and the Brethren will behold Masonic Rituals with different nuances and subtle differences found in each respective Jurisdiction's exemplification of the Craft Degree conducted by their members.

These are Masonic Rituals that many Master Masons otherwise would not have been exposed to unless, by chance, they travel to different States to observe them. Indeed, it is a rare event for most brothers to bear witness to the different styles of Masonry in a single sitting. 

Without a doubt, this Unity Day event, with its participation of several Grand Jurisdictions, will go down in the history books as something you will not want to miss, which shall be remembered for decades.

It is the perfect example proving that Freemasonry. At the same time, it is independently governed, the Masonic Fraternity is and has always been one big family of Men and Brothers embracing the lessons taught from that Sacred Volume placed upon our Altars.

An Exemplification of all 3 Degrees Performed by each Grand Lodge’s Ritual Team

Opening: Team from the Grand Lodge of New York.                                              

EA Degree: Team from Grand Lodge of New Jersey. 

FC Degree: Team from Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.                              

MM Degree: Team from the Grand Lodge of Delaware. 

Hiramic Drama: Team from the Grand Lodge of New York in full costume. 

January 27, 2024, to be held at The Grand Lodge of New York

71 West 23rd Street, New York, NY

8:00 AM Hot Breakfast Buffet 9:00 AM Start 12:00 PM Gourmet Catered Lunch

Tickets are $50.00 per person, including Breakfast and lunch

Tickets may be purchased at events.nymasons.org


Make checks payable to the Grand Lodge of New York earmarked for "UNITY DAY."

Mail your checks to:

Grand Lodge of New Jersey F&AM

Historic Trenton Masonic Temple 

100 Barrack St

Trenton, NJ 08608

Ques: Please Contact RW Andrew Churney


RW B Joel Finnerty Secretary

Rehearsal Reminder  on 10/12/2023


Just a reminder that there is an important rehersal this evening at Essex Lodge 7 at 6 o'clock.

B-Joel Secretary

Rehearsal for October 17th EA Degree  on 10/10/2023


There will be a mandatory and very important rehearsal for the upcoming EA Degree, to be conferred on October 17th for two candidates.  The rehearsal will be at 6:00pm on Thursday October 12th at the Smull Building.  Please be in attendance.  If you have not already, please let the WM know if you have a conflict.

RW B Guy Notte will be performing the Ritual Instruction.

The line will be as follows with a few vacancies to be determined.

WM: Lew Wefferling (Larosa doing Obligation & NE Corner)

SW: Donnie McGee

JW Jason Eberhart

SD: Joel Finnerty

JD: James Doyle

JMC: David Tweed

SMC: Alex Aldea

Tyler: Billy Johnson

Chaplin Bob Krimmel

Lecture & Organ: Thomas Ubriaco

Charge: Guy Notte

Marshal: Open

Working Toos: Open

Thank you

B- Joel Finnerty Secretary

Grand Lodge Candidates Night - Dinner Banquet and Panel Discussion   on 10/10/2023

Brethren of Essex Lodge

This year’s candidates’ night will be held at the Hanover manor on October 30th (Monday Night).

It will be held at the Hanover Manor.  16 Eagle Rock Avenue in East Hanover.

Social Hout begins at 5:30

Formal Attire is required.  Black tie style.

There are various elected offices which candidates will be competing for at the Annual Grand Lodge Convocation in November.  This is your opportunity get to know the candidates, have dinner and ask questions directly.  Some of these men will un-doubly be in leadership positions when you are the master of your lodge.

Essex Lodge 7 has purchased 15 seats so that officers, voting members and past masters may attend.

So far, these individuals are confirmed.

1-Billy Johnson

2-Alex Aldea

3- Donald McGee

4- Michael LaRosa

5- Rober Bolcar

6-David Tweed

7- Joel Finnerty

Please, let me know right away if you will be able to attend. 

Past Masters EA Degree Essex Lodge  on 10/08/2023

W Brethren;

Essex lodge is planning to conduct a Entered Apprentice, Past Masters Degree at the October 17th meeting.

A rehersal time and date is forth coming.  SO far these are the positions.

WM: Lew Wefferling (Larosa doing Obligation & NE Corner)

SW: Donnie McGee

JW Jason Eberhart

SD: Joel Finnerty

JD: James Doyle

JMC: David Tweed

SMC: Alex Aldea

Tyler: Billy Johnson

Chaplin Bob Krimmel

Lecture & Organ: Thomas Ubriaco

Charge: Guy Notte

Marshal: Open

Working Toos: Open

Proposed dates for rehersal are: Tuesday (10th) evening 6:30  Thursday(12th) Evening 6:30 Saturday(14th) 12 noon.

Please respond with your availablity, asap.

Chris and Ben, your assistance would be a great help for the lodge.

B Joel Finnerty Secretary

Meeting Minutes October 3rd, Essex Lodge 7  on 10/05/2023

Attached are the minutes for the October 3rd meeting.

RW B Joel Finnerty Secreatry

Minutes from 9-19-2023  on 10/02/2023


Attached are the minutes for the 9-19-2023 regular meeting.

Secretary RW B Joel Finnerty

October Trestleboard, Essex Lodge 7  on 10/02/2023


Attached is the October Trestleboard

Caldwell Street Fair  on 09/30/2023
Greetings Brethren,
Tomorrow, Sunday - October 1st., is the Caldwell Street Fair and Essex Lodge's Square & Compasses Day.
▪︎We will have a tent set up outside of the lodge on Smull Ave and we will also need to have some brethren hang back at the lodge.  
▪︎Brother Bocchino will be there with his photo booth, It should be a fun filled and education event for all. 
▪︎I would like to encourage you to invite your friends and family members to stop on by and spend some time together.
The street fair is from 12-5pm, for setup all brehtren that are volunteering to help with the set up, should be there by 11am.
WM LaRosa
*Bloomfield ave and Smull Ave will be closed, you will have to park on on of the side streets or you can take the back road to Smull Ave, bypass the barricade and park in the Essex Parking Lot.

WM Michael LaRosa 
Essex Lodge No. 7 F&AM
8 Smull Ave., Caldwell, NJ  07006
Grand Lodge Annual - 2023  on 09/27/2023

Brethren of Essex Lodge

Here is the booking info for this year's Grand Lodge at The Tropicana Hotel & Casino. Starting on November 7, 2023, to November 9, 2023

You can book your rooms NOW


        Room Reservations  -  888-516-2215 (8 am-2 am EST, seven days a week)

        Group name:           Grand Lodge of New Jersey Free & Accepted Masons 2023             

        Group code:             STGLN3           

        ***All callers will be asked for this code but can also book by saying **Grand Lodge 2023**

Secretary B- Joel Finnerty

Registration Procedure for Electronic Balloting  on 09/27/2023

Brethren of Essex Lodge

Registration Procedure for Electronic Balloting

Pretaining to: Past Masters, Sitting Masters, Wardens and Proxy to GL

Deadline Wednesday, November 1


You may cast the vote pertaining to your office only in Atlantic City.  To cast this vote, please go to the Balloting Room and present your dues card.  You will receive further instructions at that time.   There is no need to preregister for the vote you receive pertaining to your elected office.

However, if you are also a Past Master, you must register separately for that vote in one of the ways listed below.


To Vote in Atlantic City:

If you have access to your email and a web browser while in Atlantic City, we STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to pre-register, and then vote from that device (desktop, tablet, mobile) via a link that you will be sent in an email when voting begins.  You can then avoid the lines when voting opens at approximately 12 noon on Wednesday, November 8th.   If you pre-register in order to vote via your own electronic device, you will NOT be able to vote via the computers in the Balloting Room.

You may also register in the Balloting Room and be given your credentials.  You must have a 2022 or 2023 dues card in order to register.  Do not pre-register.

To Vote Off-Site:


To pre-register, you must send an email by 11:59 pm Eastern Time, Wednesday, November 1, 2023 to GLNJVOTING@GMAIL.COM containing:

  • Your Title/Full Name                      - Your email address
  • Your Member Number                  - NJ Lodge Name/Number
  • Whether you will be voting off-site (not in Atlantic City) – YES/NO

Once your eligibility is verified, you will receive a confirmation email stating that you have successfully registered.  Then, on the morning of Wednesday, November 8th, you will receive an email with an encrypted link that will take you to the appropriate webpage to vote.  This email will also contain additional information and instructions.  Remember, registration for off-site voting will close at 11:59pm Eastern Time on Wednesday, November 1, 2023.   

Balloting will be open from approximately 12:00 noon on Wednesday, November 8th until sometime between 9:00am and 10:00 am Thursday, November 9th (all times Eastern).  Once balloting starts, an email will be sent to those who have registered reminding them that the ballot is now open.   Offsite balloting may be done at ANY TIME while balloting is open in Atlantic City.  Please note that the times for the start and end of off-site voting are variable depending on when the Grand Master starts and stops balloting on-site.  Off-site balloting will end at the same time as on-site balloting.  Please do not take a chance and wait until the last minute – vote as soon as it opens. 

You may request an off-site ballot if you are a PM of any lodge in a recognized jurisdiction and a member in good standing of a Lodge under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, F&AM.  Please note that the WM, SW and JW must cast the vote assigned to their office on-site (per C&L).  If the WM, SW or JW is also a PM (previous year) and they are not able to attend the Annual Communication, they may only cast their PM vote off-site and must follow the procedure above to register for that ballot.  Proxy voting will be allowed on site only if NONE of the top three officers are present.

Please address all questions regarding this procedure to GLNJVoting@gmail.com.

Secretary B- Joel Finnerty

Grandview Awareness  on 09/27/2023


Brethren of Essex Lodge 7:

GRAND VIEW is the new Grand Lodge Online Membership Engagement and Management Database.

All Members are being asked to register and update their personal information.

  • Please make sure your email address is entered and correct.
  • Please update Spouse and family contact information. 
  • If you served in the military, please update this, including the Branch you Served


The portal URL is:  https://nj.grandview.systems 

 Click "Member Portal" in the upper right corner for the login screen. Click "Member Registration" on the login screen if you have never registered.  


Here is a Direct link to register and verify your contact information. https://nj.grandview.systems/membership_registration 

Once on this page, you will be asked to enter your lodge number, member ID, and last name as it appears on your dues card. 

Thank you

Secretary B- Joel Finnerty

Reminder DLI This Evening  on 09/25/2023

This is a remnder that there is a District Lodge of Instruction this evening 9/25/2023 at Nutley Lodge.  All officers must attend.

Masters and Wardens 7pm 

There will be pizza.

Sectretary RW B Joel Finnerty

Nominations for the Officers of 2024 Line, Essex Lodge 7  on 09/23/2023


Take this as notice that Essex Lodge 7 will be conducting a nomination session for the officers of the 2024 line on October 17, 2023 at the regular meeting. 

This change in tradition is to avoid a conflict with the Annual Grand Lodge Convocation, November 7-8-9.

Election is scheduled for November 21st.

Installation is scheduled for December 5th.

Please make every effort to attend these important events.

Secretary RW B Joel Finnerty

Use of the Dumpster  on 09/18/2023


Please respect that the dumpster is in place in the parking lot for construction material.  It is not out of the question to place something  small and inconsequential.  However, do not load the container with lodge trash especially, that which contains food.

Thank you for your cooperation

Secretary Joel Finnerty

Outside Project Cost Breakout and Description  on 09/16/2023

To the Officers of Essex Lodge 7.

The following depicts the overall line item costs (materials and Labor) for the ongoing outside project.

Please address the WM, Secretary and or RW Bolcar

Original Contract $80,000.00  
Fir Trim Siding & Wheel Chair Ramp1 $15,000.00  
Structural Decay Repair $7,500.00  
Additional Structure Wood $2,000.00  
Additional Structure Pavers $1,800.00  
Additional Block Structure $3,750.00  
Current Cost of Project $110,050.00  
Proposed: Doors & Stairs $4,000.00  
Proposed Cost $114,050.00  
Note 1: $15000 also includes required additional siding.
Master Mason Degree; Tuesday September 19, Essex Lodge 7  on 09/16/2023

Brethren of Essex Lodge

This is a reminder that Essex Lodge will be conferring a Master Mason Degree at the next regular communication on Tuesday, September 19th.  This degree will be conducted at the 8 Smull Building, in Caldwell.  Section 2 will be performed by the Kilties of NJ. 

It is possible; some of the non-kiltie members will be needed for non-speaking walking craftsmen (TBD).   

Please make use of the municipal parking lot.  Thus, respectfully allowing the limited space directly behind the building for Traveling Kiltie Usage, as they have items to transport.

In addition, one parking space will respectively be allocated for our own District Deputy.

Please be on time for this event.

Dinner at 6:30

Gavel Promptly at 7:30.

Thank You, Secretary- RW B Joel Finnerty


Rehearsal Reminder  on 09/11/2023


This is a reminder that there is a very important rehersal for the master mason degree section 1 on Tuesday, Sept 12th.

6:30 pm.  All officer must attend.  If you can not make this rehersal please notify the WM.

Secretary- Joel Finnerty

Reminder on trustees meeting  on 09/05/2023


Tonight is a trustees meeting held at the Smull Building at 6PM. Please make every effort to attend.

Secreatry- B-Joel Finnerty

This Evenings Convocation- 9/5/2023  on 09/05/2023


For this evenings meeting; there will be a presentation.  The speaker will be the President of the Alagille Syndrome Alliance who will speak on this rare childhood disease.  We will also be covering some important Lodge business.

The outside construction project is still underway; however, the rear entry access has been made safe by the contractor.  Please refrain from congregating below the new canopy as it is still in the construction phase and make use of the municipal lot behind the building.  

Secretary- B-Joel Finnerty

Reminder of the Tuesday Convocation  on 09/03/2023


Welcome to September and with that; the call to return to the Quarry.  The first meeting of September is a regularly stated meeting on the 5th day at the Smull Building.

Dinner at 6:30 and gavel at 7:30.  We will be visited by the preseident of the Alagille Syndrome Alliance, Roberta Smith see attached flyer.  We will also be conducting some important lodge business.  Please be in attendance.  Thank you

Secretary - Joel Finnerty

Trustees Meeting  on 08/31/2023

Trustees of Essex Lodge 7:

There will be an important trustees meeting before the next regular communication at 6pm on Tuesday September 5th.

Secretary- B. Joel

September Trestleboard  on 08/28/2023


Please see attached September Trestleboard.

Secretary- Joel Finnerty 8/28/2023

Rehearsal Reminder  on 08/28/2023


This is to remind you that there is an important rehersal for the coming MM degree, tommorrow night.

8/29 at 6:30PM at the Smull Building.  Please let the WM know if you can not attend.

Secretary- Joel Finnerty

Saint Sebastian Feast and Carnaval- Montclair  on 08/25/2023

Officers of Essex 7:  High Importance

The Worshipful Master in coordination with the Senior Grand Warden requests the officer’s line of Essex Lodge to attend the Saint Sebastion Festival in Montclair, New Jersey at 3:30pm.  The meeting place will be 94 Pine Street, in front of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Oratory.  GPS coordinates: 40.811175, -74.207997.

Our Senior Grand Warden is planning on joining us.  If you have an Essex Lodge Shirt, please wear it.  This should be a great time and it is fine to bring friends and family.

Afterwards there is a mandatory meeting of the officers at Essex Lodge (without friends and family, of course), Smull Ave Building at 5:30pm.  Your attendance is required.  We will be discussing important events and answering all questions prior to our September Opening Meeting.  The Worshipful master requests your attendance at both of these events.  If you cannot attend, please notify the Master immediately.

Please see attached Map and Flyer

Secretary B-Joel Finnerty

Saint Sebastian Feast and Carnival  on 08/23/2023

Brethren of Essex

our S Grand Warden is in full support of the Saint Sebastian Festival which is a fantastic street fair taking place Aug 23-Aug 27.  5-10pm. In the area around 94 Pine Street, Montclair , NJ.    Our RWs would like to know when you will be attending so they can join us in the festivities.  
Please bring friends and families and wear Essex Lodge shirts if you have one.  Thanks

secretary. Joel Finnerty

Mandatory M. Mason Degree Rehearsal  on 08/18/2023


There will be a rehersal for the upcoming M.Mason Degree on Tuesday, August 22 at 6:30PM.  This meeting will be at the 8 Smull Location. The W.Master will update you on building acess status.

We will be practicing the floorwork of the first section. Please know your verbage. If for some reason, you can not make this rehersal please inform the W.Master directly.

Sec- B. Joel

Outdoor Construction Project- 8 Smull Ave  on 08/13/2023


Regarding the state of the construction project, conditions have not changed.

Secretary  Joel Finnerty

Outdoor Project Update  on 08/07/2023

Brethren of Essex Lodge,

Please be aware that the outdoor construction project on the building is still underway.  Use of the parking lot entrances is currently not available.  If you absolutely require access to the building, please call or text me and I will make accommodations.

Also, be aware that, although the parking lot has been swept, some nails might remain which might cause damage to vehicle tires.

I will keep you advised on a weekly basis.

Secretary Joel Finnerty


Parking Lot Area at Lodge Buildings  on 08/05/2023


Thank you for your continued support.  As the construction is underway on the underground project at the 8 Smull Lodge Building, please remain vigenlant in all aspects of safety.  Much of the building re-enforcement work will be taking place during the coming week.  Some of the building will be supported by temporay methods and should not be disturbed in any manner.  Please do not enter the building unless it is by permission of the Secretary or W. Master and not by use of either parking lot entrance.  This work will continue during week end periods.  Thanks for you cooperation.

Secretary B-Joel 8/5/2023

Lodge Building- Outdoor Construction Project Update  on 07/16/2023

Brethren of Essex Lodge

Please be aware that the underground portion of the outdoor project construction is underway.  There is heavy equipment in the parking lot area and various openings in the grade.  The back door key fob system is still functioning however please limit egress to only absolutely necessary tasks.  When entering and leaving the building exhibit caution at all times.  Thank You.

Secretary- B. Joel Finnerty

Upcoming Essex Lodge FC, Degree July 11th   on 07/09/2023


A final reminder.

Essex Lodge 7 will be conferring a FC degree at the 8 Smull Avenue, Caldwell Location on Tuesday, July 11th.

3 Candidates.

This degree is on an emergent (No lodge business), dinner will be served at 6:30pm.  Degree will begin at 7:15.

Officer be on time.  Thank you.

DLI at Livingston this Evening  on 06/26/2023


Just a reminder that there is a DLI / Barbeque tonight at Livingston Lodge.

Monday June 26 at 7:00pm

Dress is casual and there will be a M&W.

Family memeber s are welcome to this event.

Secretary B-Joel

Pig Roast  on 06/23/2023

Brethren of Essex Lodge and Union Chapter

This is a final reminder of the Pig Roast afternoon event tommorrow starting at 2pm.  This is a rain or shine.   Full of friendship and brotherhood.  Your families are welcome.

Secretary B-Joel

Minutes for 6-20-2023 Meeting  on 06/21/2023

Members of Essex Lodge

See attached minutes for 6-20-2023 and report any errors or ommissions.


Minutes for 6-6-2023 Meeting of Essex Lodge #7  on 06/21/2023

The minutes for the June 6th meeting of Essex Lodge #7 are posted on the Grandview Application as requested.

Please follow up with any errors or ommsions as required.

Remember there will be a barabcued pig and servings for all the members of Essex Lodge and Union Chapter on Saturday June 24 at 2:00pm.  The festivities will be indoor on account of the imclemntacy in the forcast.  Have a great summer and look forward to an Emmergent FC degree in July.  More to follow.

Peace-Love and Unity cool

Your Secretary - B-Joel

June Trestle board- Essex Lodge 7  on 06/04/2023

Hello Brothers,  Welcome to the month of June and National Flag Day.

Attached is the June Trestleboard for Essex Lodge 7.

Memorial Day Parade  on 05/25/2023

Essex Lodge has the good fortune of participating this year in the Caldwell Memorial Day Parade.  It is a great opportunity to make our presence known in the community, among the business owners and the surrounding municipalities.  This event has great payback for the lodge and its members.  The lodge officers would like to see a great turnout among the membership.  Please come out and support Essex Lodge.  I have no doubt we will have the minimum 25 masons to march but a stronger showing makes for a better look to the community.

Please be at the lodge on Monday, May 29th for a friendly gathering and flag ceromony at 8:00am.  Solemn as we honor those who gave there lives so we could have days like thi,s amoung our friends and brothers.  So we can live with out fear and conduct ourselve as freemasons.  We will line up at our designated zone and kick off about 9:30a.  If you have a motorcycle and want to do a slow parade roll you are welcome.

Your Secretary Brother Joel.



May 2023 Trestleboard- Essex Lodge 7  on 05/20/2023


Attached is the May Trestleboard for Essex Lodge 7.

Thank You

Guest Speaker Presentation: Congdon Overlook Lodge 163  on 05/20/2023

This email is to announce a guest speaker which will be making a very exciting leadership presentation.

Location:  Congdon Overlook Lodge, 15 Morristown Road, Bernardsville, NJ 

Date: Tuesday, May 23rd,  2023

Time: Dinner 6:30pm, Presenatation 7:30pm

Attire: Regular Meeting Attire

Open to Non Masons as well as Masons

Secretary Essex Lodge 7

Upcoming DLI Reminder: Monday  on 05/20/2023

Brethren of Essex Lodge;

This is a reminder of the up and coming District Lodge of Instruction;

Host Lodge: Historic Alpha Lodge 62

Date: Monday May 20th, 2023

Location: Livingston Lodge 11, 19 Burnet Street, Livingston, NJ  07039

Time: 7:00 Master and Wardens & 8:00 Lodge Instruction

Attire: Polo and Slacks are acceptable, Jacket and Tie for GL Staff

All Progressing Officers MUST attend.  Please let the WM know if you have any conflicts.

Meeting Minutes May 16, Essex Lodge 7  on 05/18/2023

Attached are the minutes from the 5-16-2023 Meeting of Essex Lodge 7.

Secretary Brother Joel Finnerty

Minutes From 5-2-2023 Meeting  on 05/13/2023

Attached are the eminutes from 5-2-2023.


Secretary Essex 7

Upcoming Events