Carthage Lodge #181 Raffle for MHCO and Whitestone  on 04/02/2024

RAFFLE 2024.pdf


It is that time of the year again for the upcoming Carthage Buggy Fest and we will be conducting a Raffle for the MHCO and Whitestone charities.  

Tickets are $5.00 each or 5 Tickets - $20.00, For Tickets call or text 910-315-5218 or contact a member of Carthage Lodge #181.  Please help us in supporting this great cause. 

The Prizes are:

9 Jan 24, Stated Communication Cancellation  on 01/09/2024


Due to the impending storm and the declared NC State of Emergency, the WM has cancelled tonight's stated communication. Our next stated communication will be in 2 weeks on a he 23rd of Jan in which we will receive our 21st Masonic District DDGM and DDGL.  Please join us for our 1st meeting of the year. 
Chris Reeves//Carthage 181 Secretary 

Carthage Lodge #181 - Annual Communication and Past Masters Dinner - 14 Nov 23  on 10/24/2023


  Our next communication is on Tuesday 14 Nov and it is our Annual COmmunication and our Past Masters Night.  The Lodge will do a potluck dinner.  Please bring a dish to share.  Meal at will be at 6pm – Gavel at 7pm.  Please email me at or text to 910-315-5218 on what you would like to bring.  Please join us for fellowship and lets honor our Past Masters to upholding our lodge values and continuing our legacy.  ALso, if you desire, please stick around for lodge and help vote in our officers for 2024.

Thank you

Chris  Reeves, Secretary.  

Service Before Self Fundraiser - 9 Sep 23 - 2-10 pm  on 08/23/2023


Carthage Masonic Lodge #181 is hosting an event to honor Military Veterans, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters and Emergency Medical Technicians for their selfless service to our communities on 9 September 2023 at Home at Last Farms, 527 Red Hill Road, Cameron NC.

We are asking for donations and sponsorships to support this great cause.  Funds that we are able to raise go to pay for food, entertainment and other related expenses. After expenses are paid, all remaining funds will be dispersed to the Masonic Home for Children in Oxford and the Children of Fallen Heroes organization.  Two great charity organizations that do great things for children.

Thank you very much for your kind contribution for making this a special event for both our Vets and 1st Responders and much deserving children.  

If you decide to donate, please send checks to Carthage Lodge #181, PO Box 1865, Carthage, NC 28327. For cash donations or sponsorships poease contact our Lodge Secretary at or 910-315-5218.  

With Best Wishes and Respectfully,

Nicholas Blake McCraw, Carthage Masonic Lodge No 181, Master

Carthage Lodge #181 - Stated Communication - 9 May 23 - Minutes  on 05/12/2023


  Minutes for our recent stated communication are posted on Grandview and attached.


Herman (Chris) Reeves

PM, Sec -Carthage 181


Carthage #181 April-June 23 Newsletter  on 04/06/2023


Carthage Lodge # 181 Trestle Board

      Apr-Jun 2023


Lodge Officers:






Nicholas Blake McCraw

910 783-8060[c]

Senior Warden

Bobby R. Lester


Junior Warden (Incoming)

Paul Harris

(910) 9296373


Chris Reeves



Dr. Ward W. Patrick


Senior Deacon (Incoming)

Samuel Gilliland

(904) 321-7051

Junior Deacon (Incoming)

Jeffrey P. Taylor

(919) 397-3669

Senior Steward




Junior Steward





Daniel Bonilla


Tyler (Incoming)

Christopher S. Clere

(770) 815-6551
























As we enter into the 4th and 5th months of the year I am reflecting on where we were a year ago at this time. We were scheduling/ painting the temple room, talking about painting the foyer, and discussing how we could approach things differently to get a better attendance in lodge meetings. We were relying on brothers from other lodges to fill chairs just so we could open. I am humbly proud to say that 12 months later we have painted everything except the bathrooms, specialized the trim and crown molding, attendance is higher than it has been in the last 3 years, and the brothers are re-engaged with making our fraternity better. 

       This last year was not without its tests and this year has started out with many of its own. But we have new brothers Petitioning every month of all different backgrounds, races, upbringing, and ethnicities, and I am honored that we are standing strong in making good men better, regardless of who they are, or where they came from. Masonry is ever evolving. It has to be to survive as the changing times I’m which we live. If we as a brotherhood are not willing to do the same then we are stopping the growth and advancement of our beloved fraternity.

     I know I ask a lot of each one of you; but please understand i do so to ensure that our fraternity is something brothers can be proud of and our building is something brothers are proud to come to and not just obligated to do so.

     If you haven't been to lodge in a while, I beg of you to do so if at all possible. I'll gladly go thru the signs and words with each of you to ensure that you are just as confident in them that night as you were the last time you were there. Carthage is need of our elder members to attend and shed some light to the past so we can better see our future. 

    I hope as the great architect changes our seasons you find a change in your soul and heart, however large or small, to help us continue to make an impact on our communities and the world.

Most Humbly, Respectively, and Fraternally, 

M/ Blake McCraw

From the Secretary:







Introduction to Grandview from the Grand Lodge:

The Grand Lodge has rolled out a new member portal and communication hub called Grand View has launched and it is ready for you to use. Grand View is an excellent tool for you to become and remain engaged with North Carolina Freemasonry—from dues payments, to personalized Masonic education, to communication between the brethren.

Please visit the following website to sign up and log in:

Grand View is usable on smart phones, tablets, and computers. (If you run into registration issues, contact your secretary to make sure your email is correct in the system)

As we continue to incorporate and open up new features within the portal, we’ll send you news, updates, and how-to’s on its different and unique features. To get started click into “My Profile” where you are able to update and maintain your contact information, preferences, payment card, as well as denote your appendant body affiliations, and upload a photograph of yourself.

This week, we would like to spotlight Hiram’s Whisper. In the portal you’ll soon be able to access Hiram’s Whisper, our jurisdiction’s aid-to-memory for our Masonic ritual. If you already paid for Hiram’s Whisper through an app store, please click the following link and type in your membership number (do not enter the M or any starting zeroes) and we’ll ensure access in your portal. Otherwise, it is accessible through a paywall of $15 plus tax. Please confirm your original purchase by April 15th with this link:

We are excited to bring Grand View to you and are sure it will improve our Masonic fraternity for the best—through communication, education, and engagement. Please know your Grand Lodge is always looking for ways to improve your Masonic journey. When you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out through the HelpDesk, your lodge secretary, or district officers.


Jonathan A. Underwood
Grand Secretary

From the desk of the Secretary:

Please setup your accounts in Grandview, there is an immense amount of information contained within this systems that benefits all members.  An excellent tool.  Almost everything we do is electronic, so please keep me updated if have an email address.  We are trying to communicate important information to the you.  Those without email, we will be sending the newsletter out electronically by US Mail. Any changes to your address, e-mail address, phone number, military status or anything you wish to be added to your records, please submit it to the lodge by US MAIL address below or e-mail to: for quick access and updating your MORI personal file.  Thank you for the support given throughout the years.


The below rates are your dues.  Dues noticed have been emailed and/or sent out in the mail for 2023.  If you have not paid your dues, please do so.  There are several ways to pay your dues.

  1. In person, we would prefer this so we can tell you in person about our upcoming events / changes / etc.
  2. By Mail – Send Check to Carthage #181, PO Box 1865, Carthage, NC 28327
  3. On-Line.  If you have the Our Lodge Page (OLP) app on your smart phone (does not work on a flip phone, we know some still have them     .) You must register at and setup an account.  Once you do so, you will see a button where you can pay for you dues electronically via debit or credit card.  If you are using a debit card, you must check the box stating you will incur the fees otherwise the lodge is on the hook for the fee.  Example:  Dues – $150.00, no check, lodge received $145.35.  We will send you a notice of the remaining dues.

Please remit your 2023 dues, (MORI System will generate the delinquent dues notices for mailing, in February)!

Lodge dues

Annual Dues


Petition & Initiation






Carthage Lodge Activities





4 Apr 23

6 & 7:00 pm

Emergent Communication – 1st Degree

Meal at 6:00 pm/ Lodge – 7:00 PM

11 Apr 23

6 & 7 pm

Stated Communication

Meal served at 6:00 pm

25 Apr 23

7:00 pm

Stated Communication

No Meal

9 May 23

6 & 7 pm

Stated Communication

Meal served at 6:00 pm

13 May 23

8 am – UTC

Buggy Fest – Carthage Raffle

Fundraising event at Buggy Fest for MHCO & MESH

23 May 23

7:00 pm

Stated Communication

No Meal

13 Jun 23

6 & 7 pm

Stated Communication

Meal served at 6:00 pm

27 Jun 23

7:00 pm

Stated Communication

No Meal



District Lodge Times

Lodge Name







2nd Tues 7:00 (Meal 6:15)/4th Tues 7:00



West End

1st & 3rd Tues 7pm




1st & 3rd Tues 7pm




2nd & 4th Tues 7pm




1st & 3rd Tues 7pm




2nd Tues 7:30 (Meal 630)




1st Mon 7pm

Roman Eagle



1st & 3rd Thu 7pm

Southern Pines


Southern Pines

1st Mon 7:00pm (Meal 6:00)/3rd Mon 7:00pm (Meal 6:00)



Hope to see you at the lodge.


Physical Address                                                         Mailing Address

Carthage Masonic Lodge # 181, A.F. & A. M.   Carthage Masonic Lodge # 181, A.F. & A. M

302 Saunders Street                                                     P.O. Box # 1865 -

               Carthage, NC  28327                                                 Carthage, NC  28327




100 year rededication ceremony of the laying of the

Cornerstone at the George Washington Masonic

National Memorial


1st Degree EC communication – Welcome Bro

Robert McFarland  - 11 Feb 2023


DDGM/DDGL visit – 21 Mar 2023


1st Degree EC Communication – Welcome Brothers

Martin Julien and Frank Muse

Emergent Communication - 4 April 2023 -1st Degree  on 04/01/2023


  The Worshipful Master has called for an Emergent Communication for the purpose ot conducting an Entered Apprentice degree for 2 candiates on 4 April 2023.  Please join us at 6 pm for dinner and 7 pm for the degree.  Thank you

Chris Reeves

Secretary, Carthage #181


Carthage Lodge #181 - Stated Communication - 14 Mar 23 - 7pm  on 03/12/2023


  WM Nicholas McCraw will host a stated communication on 14 Mar 2023 at 7:00 pm.  Please join us for fellowship and the conduct our lodge business.


Thank you

Chris Reeves -Secretary

Upcoming Events
  • JAN
    Carthage 181 Stated Meeting
    7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    302 Saunders St., Carthage, NC
  • FEB
    Carthage 181 Stated Meeting
    7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    302 Saunders St., Carthage, NC
  • FEB
    Carthage 181 Stated Meeting
    7:00 PM
    302 Saunders St., Carthage, NC
  • MAR
    Carthage 181 Stated Meeting
    7:00 PM
    302 Saunders St., Carthage, NC
  • MAR
    Carthage 181 Stated Meeting
    7:00 PM
    302 Saunders St., Carthage, NC