Welcome to Biltmore No. 446!

Biltmore Masonic Lodge No. 446 A. F & A. M. is a subordinate lodge under the Grand Lodge of North Carolina.  Our lodge is located in the historic Biltmore Village of Western North Carolina.  The first meeting of Biltmore Lodge No. 446, Under Dispensation, was held on March 24, 1891. A Lodge hall had been procured from Mr. George W. Vanderbilt so that the Masons of Biltmore could conduct business.  It was in this first meeting that the brethren assembled decided to meet on the first and third Tuesday nights at Eight O’clock PM. The first petition received by Biltmore Lodge was from Mr. G. W. McCarty, 21 years old and a stone cutter by trade. The fee for each degree was five dollars.

Today, Biltmore Lodge is the only subordinate lodge under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina which meets every week.  We are an active lodge offering educational programs at every meeting except those night when we confer a degree.  We have a diverse membership and a diverse array of subject matter to offer the members.  Our Stated Communications are held on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 PM.

If you are interested in membership please know we can't ask you to join; this must be your own decision.  Fill out the contact information and we will contact you.

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