Welcome to Ararat No. 558!

The Brothers of Ararat #558 have been a valuable part of our community since 1908. 

Our monthly Stateed Communication (meeting) every 4th Thursday (except for November and December - 3rd Thursday) at 7:00 pm. We have a meal at 6:00 pm which is open to anyone interested in coming by. Please contact us if you would like to join us for dinner.

Interested in joining the lodge?

Freemasonry does not solicit new members. Men interested in joining the fraternity must inquire of membership of their own free will. This is because Freemasonry believes men who truly desire membership and seek it out will become much stronger and useful Freemasons than those who join by invitation

Being a good Freemason requires work in self reflection, self discipline, and service to others. Freemasonry is not a social club nor a civic organization. Members are held to high standards and are expected to be productive members of society.

Freemasonry recognizes the inevitability of human frailty and harbors no illusions about finding or creating perfect men. It only hopes to make good men better men.

Once a man decides to seek Masonic membership he must be recommended by members of the lodge, and submit to a background investigation. Following a prescribed waiting period his petition will be balloted upon during a regular meeting of the lodge. The vote is by secret ballot, and the election of a petitioner requires a unanimously favorable ballot.

The man who decides to seek Masonic membership need only to convey his desire to someone close to him who is a Mason. That Mason will take care of the process from there.

If you do not know a Freemason, you can begin your journey here.


Upcoming Events
  • OCT
    Ararat 558 Stated Meeting
    7:00 PM
  • NOV
    Ararat 558 Stated Meeting
    7:00 PM
  • NOV
    Annual Election
    7:00 PM
    1359 Ararat Rd, Ararat, NC
  • DEC
    Ararat 558 Stated Meeting
    7:00 PM