Blood donation schedule sheet  on 08/25/2023

Attached is the signup sheet for the blood drive.  Please select a time and let me know so I can update the master schedule sheet.

Lodge Blood Drive  on 08/24/2023

Brethren, our blood drive is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6th at 1:00M to 5:30PM.

If you will donate blood please respond to APEXLODGENO584@GMAIL.COM .  Please respond as soon as possible so that I can tell Red Cross how many donars to expect.


Apex Lodge Blood Drive  on 08/24/2023

Brethren, our blood drive is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6th at 1:00M to 5:30PM.

If you will donate blood please respond to APEXLODGENO584@GMAIL.COM .  Please respond as soon as possible so that I can tell Red Cross how many donars to expect.



Lodge Roster  on 08/17/2023

Many of you want a lodge roster.  The Grand View application does provide a lodge roster.  HOWEVER, that roster is in PDF format and highlights in red brothers who still owe dues.  I cannot edit the roster. I refuse to distribute a roster that highligts brothers who owe dues.  

Standard Adobe Acrobat costs $156/yr.  Searching for an alternative application.




Ask your wife  on 07/16/2023

Our lodge has tried to come up with ways to bring our wives together socially a few times per year.  We men have so far come up with nothing. 

I mentioned that problem to my daughter.  She looked at me and said, “Ask the wives”.

I thought that was a novel concept, but worth a try. 

So, my request to you is to ask your wife what she would like to do for a social event.  And before you forget what she said, email her suggestion to


Pittsboro Lodge 3rd degree  on 07/11/2023

From Columbus Lodge 102 - Pittsboro

Tuesday, July 18th at 7:00 we will be raising three brothers to the sublime degree of master mason.  As you know, we will need several brothers to conduct this degree, so please invite any brothers you know from other lodges as well.  We would love to have several other lodges attend, and give the candidates a great experience.  On the night of the degree, those with specific parts, will be meeting at the lodge at 6:15 to put everything in place.  The degree will begin promptly at 7:00.

Br. Paul

Lodge is dark  on 05/23/2023

As a reminder, our bylaws have the lodge go dark on the fourth Monday of June, July, and August.



Blood Drive is tomorrow  on 04/19/2023

Tomorrow is the Red Cross blood drive at the lodge from 3pm to 7pm.  If you signed up to give blood, remember your time slot.  To those who haven't signed up but want to give blood, you can simply walk in but you may have to wait a litle bit.

Questions- Call me at 919 602-4985


Paul Madritch  

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