Family Picnic Huge Success  on 08/13/2024
August Masonic Birthdays!  on 08/06/2024
August Birthdays!  on 08/06/2024
July Masonic Birthdays  on 07/14/2024
Accacia Lodge Pancake Breakfast 5/4 - Sign Up to Work Now!  on 04/25/2024


Our annual pancake breakfast is less than two weeks away and we need your help!  Please see the sign up sheet link below to sign up for the work schedule.  There are also two dates for clean up on the Thursday and Saturday prior.  Let's make this a great success!


WM Adam Martin

April Masonic Birthdays  on 04/02/2024


I wanted to take a moment to recognize this months Masonic Anniversary!.  The day one of our Brothers is raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason is a special day that no one forgets.  

Brother Steven Miller, April 30th (13 years)

Congratulations Brother!


WM Adam Martin

March Masonic Anniversaries  on 03/01/2024


I wanted to take a moment to recognize the several Masonic Anniversaries!.  The day one of our Brothers is raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason is a special day that no one forgets.  

Worshipful Brother Jason West, March 3rd (23 years)

Worshipful Master Adam Martin, March 4th (5 years)

Worshipful Brother Ryan Lowry, March 7th (8 years)

Brother Alex Rettof, March 7th (8 years)


Congratulations Brothers!


WM Adam Martin

Happy Birthday Brothers! March Birthdays  on 03/01/2024


Wanted to take a moment to wish the following Brothers a very Happy Birthday!.  Please take a moment to wish them well next time your paths cross.

Brother Alex Rettof, March 13th

Brother Steve Dennis, March 14th

Worshipful Brother Charles Mead, March 16th

Brother Mike Mazzitello, March 21st

Brother Alex Diamond, March 22nd

Worshipful Brother Joe Amos, March 24th

Brother Max Rouillard-Horne, March 26th

Brother Doug Henry, March 29th

Brother Rick Gale March, 31st

Happy Birthday Brothers!


WM Adam Martin

Happy Birthday Brothers! February Birthdays  on 02/01/2024


Wanted to take a moment to wish the following Brothers a very Happy Birthday this February.  Please take a moment to wish them well next time your paths cross.


Worshipful Brother Tom West February 12th

Brother Tommy Clymer February 12th

Brother James R. Smith February 19th

Brother Wayne Butt February 22nd

Brother Peter Irvine February 8th

Brother Cliff Schrader February 8th


Happy Birthday Brothers!


WM Adam Martin

Happy Masonic Birthday from Accacia Lodge  on 09/20/2023


Accacia Lodge would like to wish you a very Happy Masonic Birthday!  This celebrates the day of your raising which we are positive you have not forgotten.  Thank you on behalf of all Minnesota Mason's for your continued support of Freemasonry!


Worshipful Master Umarou Yaya  

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