Master’s Message

Greetings Brethren!

The lovely season of fall is upon us. It is one of my favorite times of the year. Even though it happens in our area every year, the beauty of the leaves changing colors never ceases to amaze me. We are truly lucky to see this wonder of nature God displays to us every year. It is one of the numerous beautiful scenes He has created for this world.

Another reason it is my favorite time of the year, because it is when we return to our labors in full force within our lodge. It is great seeing all the brothers again and catching up with what they have been doing. I hope to be able to catch up with you all. Please check the events listed below and save the dates in your calendar. 

I am also excited and proud to announce Trumbull Lodge will be hosting Blue Lodge Council on September 30th! There will be a Perfect Craftsman degree performed that night and if you haven’t seen it yet, it is an excellent degree and open to all Masons, EA and up. It is always good to have the hosting lodge well represented at BLC so I hope you all can make it. We will also have an awards night on November 7th. It will be a semi-public event and a great opportunity to invite Family or Friends. 

I can’t believe this year has flown by so fast. So far, I believe it’s been a successful year and I thank all of you for your support and hard work this past year. It wouldn’t have been possible without you all. God bless! 


Chad M Killeen

Worshipful Master

Trumbull Lodge #22



Welcome to New Haven, Connecticut USA! We've been citizens of New Haven and the surrounding towns for 150 years. Most of our members live and work in the area and we are proud of our City. If you're a FreeMason and plan to be in town, we'd love to welcome you to our lodge. New Haven has excellent museums, shows, parks and Long Island Sound shore line. Shopping and food are tops on the list. 

Welcome to our website. Trumbul Lodge No. 22 is a Masonic Lodge in New Haven, Connecticut. The information on this website is meant to inform our members and the public of what is currently happening around our Lodge and the Grand Lodge of Connecticut. Freemasonry is an organization of men who are interested in self improvement, service to our community and the well being of our fellow brothers and their families. Our Lodge dates back to the time of the founding of our nation and we try to live our lives by the traditions and ideals of our fraternity. We welcome inquiries to our Lodge and Freemasonry in general. Our fraternity is world wide and spans ethnic, religious and political beliefs by welcoming all good men who show an interest in learning and living the ancient teachings. These teachings include a belief in a supreme being, a commitment to good citizenship, moral living and a desire to be a better person.
Want to know more about our history in New Haven? See our "Lodge History" page.

Connecticut Freemasons: Making a difference, here in New Haven, our state, our country, and around the world.

Upcoming Events
  • DEC
    Brunch for Vets, 10 am, see flyer for details under "News & Events" above. We need all your help to make this a success! (casual). To benefit the "Rivers of Recovery"
    10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT
  • DEC
    Stated Communication, 7:30 pm, light refreshment @ 6:30 pm. Holiday Sweater Night (business casual or holiday sweater)
    7:30 PM
    285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT